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Is that [486] lawnmower:lmao::lmao::flipoff2:
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I used duct tape:grinpimp:

I am very glad a good friend told me to never ever ever let my kids touch the training wheels.

and we never have, they both picked up peddles after strider easy. we have a good sized piece of concrete out front as big as any park arounf here so many bring their kids over to learn... but we have a strict no training wheels rule. funny how you leave the littles to themselves and they teach each other too.
my kid kicks the other out of the battery jeep, and gets them on the bike coaching them. sometimes he's not nice, but nicer than i'd be.:lmao:
I am very glad a good friend told me to never ever ever let my kids touch the training wheels.

and we never have, they both picked up peddles after strider easy. we have a good sized piece of concrete out front as big as any park arounf here so many bring their kids over to learn... but we have a strict no training wheels rule. funny how you leave the littles to themselves and they teach each other too.
my kid kicks the other out of the battery jeep, and gets them on the bike coaching them. sometimes he's not nice, but nicer than i'd be.:lmao:
tape was to learn the petals, after that. I took the petals out and essentually made a stryder bike

after a couple of camping trips with all the other kids, and seeing that she could balance going down the hill, the pedals went back in, and she was off to the races

you are right, let the other kids teach each other
Flying is the easy part. Setting it down is a tad more difficult, if you prefer to survive. :laughing:
*from my vast experience flying a Cessna 152. I’ve got 16 hours on the book!

I used to chuckle when the pilots would land and give a runway report on braking, snow, etc.

The pilots used from the thawed out south would often claim "no traction, bad visibility, etc" then a few minutes later a winter pilot would land and "runway is awesome, no idea what xyz air is talking about"

I know the guys that fly to Prudhoe... when they say it's bad, it's BAD. They constantly land in weather that's sketchy to.drive 30mph in.
I cant be the only dumbass that didnt know...

JFC that article is hard to read. I hope that nobody actually got paid to write that ADD riddled clusterfuck that somehow manages to use 500 words to give zero useful information.
that's the original patent on a diesel hammer, with the inverted cylinder wierdness...

they're uncommon in the US, but for whatever reason more popular in europe/asia
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