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If it didn't work people wouldn't put in the effort to do it.
Luck of the draw. And I would argue that people aren’t that smart and don’t think that far ahead.

Around downtown here the lights are timed. Drive the speed limit and you hit them all green. I worked there for 6 years and walked about 5 miles a day. At least half the people would try to haul ass to beat the next light. Unless you are doing double the speed limit it doesn’t work, And it usually causes more congestion because they still aren’t moving when the traffic gets there.

Also in my neighborhood people turn off the main thru street and haul ass through the side streets if someone is impeding them speeding. The main street is straight, 30mph, and no stop signs. The side streets are typical curved, offset, big valley gutters, and no straight path. Even doing 35 with tires squealing around the corners you can’t make up the extra distance and time from the intersections. Yet people do it because they are moving faster.

We have a new dipshit with Texas plates that uses the turn lane as an extra lane. Even through through the traffic light intersections.
I got hauled in to HR at a place I worked for laughing when a coworker said that the truck was low on Bruce Jenner fluid while we were doing pretrips.

Apparently thinking something is funny is offensive.

You realize that you're the one parroting the NPC shit here, right? Like come on, use your fucking brain. Do you really think that the kind of people who circle jerk about PPE every time they see a screwdriver and unironically use prhases like "pro-social" have the balls to pass someone on a double yellow. :laughing:

As an aside, over the course of a 5-15 light commute it really adds the fuck up because you wind up making the whole commute in 10-20% less light cycles. If it didn't work people wouldn't put in the effort to do it. And it absolutely is way more work to drive like that which is why I stopped doing it.

Find one post where I have mentioned ppe? :confused: I actually wish you would loose all your fingers or eyes :flipoff2:

I'm not talking about getting ahead in a series of lights, I'm talking about passing 3-5 cars doing 70 when you can see the on coming car, who has to hit thier brakes and swerve to avoid a head on. There was like 14 fatal accidents on that road in less than a year. I'm not a safety nazi, but risking people's lives because you're an impatient retard pisses me off.

I've passed on double yellows plenty of times, but only when I can see way ahead to know it's safe.
They said this guy passed in a no passing lane. Probably deserves an ass chewing. I usually blow it off as a dumbass, curse them and move on. Not worth the effort to chase someone down, that’s dumb.

But at the point that someone else gets hurts I believe it should be death penalty. When you use your stupidity to hurt others it’s obvious you have no sense to do any good for society and it’s easier and cheaper to be done with you than incarcerate you.

A few years back a guy tried to use the shoulder to pass traffic on the freeway. Hit a broken down care and killed a babyand severely injured the parents. All because he was in a hurry and the most important person on the road. Another loser we are paying for.
Who gives a shit if it is a 'no passing'
is that Karen a cop?
move over and let the guy by, when you never know the whole story, you just don't know

Are you the type that spend the whole time driving with your face fully framed in the side mirror because I am behind you and you don't think that I should be that close? (and you are doing 25 under)
So you spend 75% of your diving attention to what is going on behind you?

Move over, let them by, and continue minding your own business :flipoff2:
For the rest of you.
You didn't miss a thing
Every stripper and hooker is gainfully employed thru sema.
Google sema and you'll find lots of "girls", tires and cars
If you enjoy strip clubs, you'd enjoy sema
I'd rather drink cyanide than go back
Ohh, you poor thing.
You've never been to sema.
Poor baby 🍼😂

Ive had passes several times and other opportunities to go as well, the passes I gave away and I let someone else go in my place. SEMA is for the douchebags of the car world. I have watched the Tabac from K, never mind its beyond your grasp.

Youre still a liar
Who gives a shit if it is a 'no passing'
is that Karen a cop?
move over and let the guy by, when you never know the whole story, you just don't know

Are you the type that spend the whole time driving with your face fully framed in the side mirror because I am behind you and you don't think that I should be that close? (and you are doing 25 under)
So you spend 75% of your diving attention to what is going on behind you?

Move over, let them by, and continue minding your own business :flipoff2:

nope but I don think I should have to pull over and let someone by so they can speed. And the hippy commie in me believes I shouldn’t have to be at risk because someone believes they are more important than anyone else. The anarchist in me believes that at the moment a dumbass harms me or my family a bullet to their head is a perfectly acceptable punishment. :flipoff2:
nope but I don think I should have to pull over and let someone by so they can speed. And the hippy commie in me believes I shouldn’t have to be at risk because someone believes they are more important than anyone else. The anarchist in me believes that at the moment a dumbass harms me or my family a bullet to their head is a perfectly acceptable punishment. :flipoff2:

Yeah its not like someone could be rushing to the hospital to see a loved one a last time or someone to the ER.
Oh and dont forget for $19 you to can run someones license plate and find out where they live, you know cause that punishment could be meted out both ways. Oh right youre the only crazy badass toughguy.
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nope but I don think I should have to pull over and let someone by so they can speed. And the hippy commie in me believes I shouldn’t have to be at risk because someone believes they are more important than anyone else. The anarchist in me believes that at the moment a dumbass harms me or my family a bullet to their head is a perfectly acceptable punishment. :flipoff2:
no one said that you have to pull over, I am referring to the hurt feelings that someone wants in front, or maybe needs to be in front.
I have personally drove people to the ER because it was faster tp gp that way. I didn't drive like a jackass, but I drove with purpose. And the messican that was sitting in the passenger seat holding his not-attached-anymore finger was appreciative of the people that didn't get emotional that we wanted to go faster

and how exactly is getting passed harming you or your family?
I am thinking you are the guy that got put in his place in the video above :laughing:
nope but I don think I should have to pull over and let someone by so they can speed. And the hippy commie in me believes I shouldn’t have to be at risk because someone believes they are more important than anyone else. The anarchist in me believes that at the moment a dumbass harms me or my family a bullet to their head is a perfectly acceptable punishment. :flipoff2:
tell me your a C#NT without telling me your a C#NT.
That’s got 486 all over it.
the red plastic flags that the lumberyards got on rolls work real good

they're a lot thicker than the "repair tape"
you just sorta wrap the whole deal up and punch the mounting bolts through it to retain
like me when i realize i can probably fry an egg on the aluminum decking and the skin on my feet is blistering :hot:
Looks anodized. I was skeptical but ours doesn't get hot at all.
For the rest of you.
You didn't miss a thing
Every stripper and hooker is gainfully employed thru sema.
Google sema and you'll find lots of "girls", tires and cars
If you enjoy strip clubs, you'd enjoy sema
I'd rather drink cyanide than go back
The "hot" ones that had come up in pics seemed to be the Tuesday afternoon crew from the titty club.
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