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Fake news.

Just re-watched it.
I was talking about this with the kid the other day

why do people get all hurt feelings over getting passed?

I can give a shit, you want to be in front, go ahead:beer:

that is a classic fuck around and find out lesson, basic grade school recess level of life stuff
Lots of npc types think that passing means they're getting ahead even if they're going the same speed. Certain deadly 2 lane road I've commuted on before I used to get people doing 90+ passing multiple cars in an unsafe way, just to be 2 or 3 cars in front of me at the next stoplight. :homer:
Lots of npc types think that passing means they're getting ahead even if they're going the same speed. Certain deadly 2 lane road I've commuted on before I used to get people doing 90+ passing multiple cars in an unsafe way, just to be 2 or 3 cars in front of me at the next stoplight. :homer:
Yep, watched somebody the other day pass three cars (me and the 2 in front of me), almost cause an accident with an oncoming truck, pass another car on a double yellow around a blind corner and still end up going through the same green light as me 10 miles down the road...

Aaron Z
I was talking about this with the kid the other day

why do people get all hurt feelings over getting passed?

I can give a shit, you want to be in front, go ahead:beer:

that is a classic fuck around and find out lesson, basic grade school recess level of life stuff
Unfortunately with all the zero tolerance and helicopter parents there's a generation of kids/adults who don't learn these lessons in school and have to find out as adults.
Most of thier conflicts are on the internet or with an employee who got their order wrong, it takes an interaction like this to help them learn a valuable life lesson.

Insert silverzuk quote of "the cost of punching someone on the mouth is too high" etc...
Lots of npc types think that passing means they're getting ahead even if they're going the same speed. Certain deadly 2 lane road I've commuted on before I used to get people doing 90+ passing multiple cars in an unsafe way, just to be 2 or 3 cars in front of me at the next stoplight. :homer:

They said this guy passed in a no passing lane. Probably deserves an ass chewing. I usually blow it off as a dumbass, curse them and move on. Not worth the effort to chase someone down, that’s dumb.

But at the point that someone else gets hurts I believe it should be death penalty. When you use your stupidity to hurt others it’s obvious you have no sense to do any good for society and it’s easier and cheaper to be done with you than incarcerate you.

A few years back a guy tried to use the shoulder to pass traffic on the freeway. Hit a broken down care and killed a babyand severely injured the parents. All because he was in a hurry and the most important person on the road. Another loser we are paying for.
Lots of npc types think that passing means they're getting ahead even if they're going the same speed. Certain deadly 2 lane road I've commuted on before I used to get people doing 90+ passing multiple cars in an unsafe way, just to be 2 or 3 cars in front of me at the next stoplight. :homer:

You realize that you're the one parroting the NPC shit here, right? Like come on, use your fucking brain. Do you really think that the kind of people who circle jerk about PPE every time they see a screwdriver and unironically use prhases like "pro-social" have the balls to pass someone on a double yellow. :laughing:

As an aside, over the course of a 5-15 light commute it really adds the fuck up because you wind up making the whole commute in 10-20% less light cycles. If it didn't work people wouldn't put in the effort to do it. And it absolutely is way more work to drive like that which is why I stopped doing it.
is it really that hard to let someone by? i had a douche bag the other day brake check me, i wasn't sure so i asked my passenger. i really wasn't on his as but i guess he was just a miserable C*nt. so it gets to a passing area and low and behold the C*nt can do 90mph all of a sudden. so i did shoot him the bird as i passed. looked like a meth head in an old minivan. i figured he was just a miserable fawk. these fawks owe me some gas money. the escalade gets thirsty when i gouge on it.
is it really that hard to let someone by? i had a douche bag the other day brake check me, i wasn't sure so i asked my passenger. i really wasn't on his as but i guess he was just a miserable C*nt. so it gets to a passing area and low and behold the C*nt can do 90mph all of a sudden. so i did shoot him the bird as i passed. looked like a meth head in an old minivan. i figured he was just a miserable fawk. these fawks owe me some gas money. the escalade gets thirsty when i gouge on it.
It's really a shame they all seem to learn some manners when it's 12am and there's nobody else around to witness anything.
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