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Was just gonna post that. HAve had one for years and they work great. Just need a bit of muscle and lube. Just like other aspects of life.
I've had the ancient military version of this one for a couple of decades.

Mine is solid machined bar stock and weighs far too much for what it does.
Something tells me theres something just a widdle bit modified about that beetle not just the badging. Look at the tires. Methinks theres something funky in denmark.
Or that they put "PORSCHE" on a VW
Something tells me theres something just a widdle bit modified about that beetle not just the badging. Look at the tires. Methinks theres something funky in denmark.
you mean those big ass mudflaps?

and it says "POORSCHE"
as in
fuck, get your eyes checked both of you, it's a joke because it's a damned new beetle.
Volvo that used to run around down here had a big yellow and red cartoon-comic jaggedy speech bubble thing vinyl'd onto a caved in door

you mean those big ass mudflaps?

and it says "POORSCHE"
as in
fuck, get your eyes checked both of you, it's a joke because it's a damned new beetle.
Missed the double O. I did not have my glasses on.
Not the big mudflaps. Maybe its the perspective or my little screen but the tires look wide.
This could go in the win thread, fail thread or video thread. I think it is a win.

Two moto robbers buy an off-duty cop's bike. The cost? Their lives.

Video is set to start at 42 seconds.

These guys from Active Self Protection are absolute idiots and clealry biased when they review this shooting at a homeowners house, cop was clearly in the wrong and the homeowner is lucky to have survive being shot twice by the cop..
we had a game like that fishing in alaska
chum them in with guts
beam them with the fish head

we had a whole points system and everything :laughing:

Where'd you fish in Alaska? We had a game like that, but it involved a stick with a vicky knife seized on the end. Sometimes the saved up stretched caribeaners were available, but those typically were saved for throwing at seals:beer:
Where'd you fish in Alaska? We had a game like that, but it involved a stick with a vicky knife seized on the end. Sometimes the saved up stretched caribeaners were available, but those typically were saved for throwing at seals:beer:
SE mainly
that collector seems really really small for the quantity and size of the pipes entering it.
S85s are only 5L of displacement. I'm not sure how a 10 into 1 collector works, but I imagine that the math got done somewhere.
S85s are only 5L of displacement. I'm not sure how a 10 into 1 collector works, but I imagine that the math got done somewhere.
Yea, i would imagine so. but even with "just" 5.0l, I've seen significantly larger collectors on one side of a healthy small block.
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