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promise half of everything recovered to a scummy ass lawyer and tell them to have a go at taking everything?

I'll take your fucking trailer.

like I said, full CIA rules.
Deny everything, admit nothing, make counter accusations.
No kidding

Admit nothing , tell the cops to talk to your lawyer .
and that's some bullshit.
I get minors and what not in the legal ystem, but you slandered someone and caused them actual damages.
I wonder if he could have recovered damages in a civil suit against her parents.

The fuck I'm just gonna let 25K in lawyer money go.
Agreed. I think the accuser should enjoy 100% of the criminal penalty if it's proven false.

I also think we have a big weird gap in the middle of our legal system- "teens" are neither kids (whose parents are responsible), nor fully responsible adults.
Sounds like the Salem Witch Trials. If I recall one of the more famous ones was a big hoax caused by a few young girls.
The people who babysat our kids had a he touched me accusations leveled at him. The female kid got dropped off at their house because they lived in a different school district. He would drive her to her house. One day she wanted to get dropped off at her friends house and her mom said no.

She got all mad and made a he touched me complaint. He sat in jail for a weekend and the courts dragged it out over two years cost them over 25k in lawyer fees. This was after she came out she was lying. It took a huge toll on them. Lost all the kids that they were watching except ours.

It’s crazy the power underage girls can wield. I learned never be alone with anyones else’s kids ever.
A friend of a co-worker is going through something like that, daughter is making the claims in retaliation for them stopping funding her lack of interest in working. Well over 2 years at this point with no end in sight.
Our rule (my wife and I) is no kids in the car without 2 adults or at least one of our kids in the car.

Sounds like the Salem Witch Trials. If I recall one of the more famous ones was a big hoax caused by a few young girls.
Yep, then they were pressured to keep it going and expand, but the initial ones were retaliation on those they saw as their enemies.

Aaron Z
Is that the "victim" that had pile driven the deputy's head into the concreate?

man fuck .webp images
so much extra effort, prolly exactly by design...
The high school I went to had a slew of accusations and several teachers lost their jobs. The first incident was a true instance of concern. The 60ish year old male teacher was caught on a dead end road naked and the naked 15 year old girl ran off into the woods as the cops pulled up. His wife was also a teacher at the same school so it made headlines and was a big deal.

For several years after that there were accusations that cost several male teachers their jobs but for the most part no one believed the story. Glad I am not a teacher, hell, even as an employer I am very careful about being 1 on 1 with any females.
Me too
I work with some females occasionally at a job site and I try to park my truck so the dashcam covers the area we are working in, and if I gotta have a female ride with me in my truck I have a second cam that faces backwards .

My HS had a industrial class with welders lathes milking machines etc .
The instructor got arrested for using the school equipment making silencers for the mafia
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