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No injuries to the three men in the civic. That's why it's a win.
and people viewing this thread are supposed to magically know there were 3 uninjured people that is the win when all we got was a potato pic of a moose leg and zero description/information from you? :homer::laughing::flipoff2:

you might want to check in the fail thread and tell everyone you suck at posting in the win thread :flipoff2:
and people viewing this thread are supposed to magically know there were 3 uninjured people that is the win when all we got was a potato pic of a moose leg and zero description/information from you? :homer::laughing::flipoff2:

you might want to check in the fail thread and tell everyone you suck at posting in the win thread :flipoff2:
You couldn't tell that it was a female moose leg that looks like a cow elk?
clearly there were three people, and going to pick up the fourth for the Wednesday carpool
you got to keep up :laughing:
and people viewing this thread are supposed to magically know there were 3 uninjured people that is the win when all we got was a potato pic of a moose leg and zero description/information from you? :homer::laughing::flipoff2:

you might want to check in the fail thread and tell everyone you suck at posting in the win thread :flipoff2:
Shoot, I thought it was a Karen in a black zip-up-front cocktail dress.
No injuries to the three men in the civic. That's why it's a win.

Fail for the moose though.



Hopefully that's in someone's freezer by now.
Looked like a Meese to me, but I see them often and have never seen an elk other than drunk old timers at the lodge.
Story from back always I just remembered.
Stopped at a red light and a bicycle blows by me and then jumps onto the sidewalk. Light turns and I follow along not thinking about it until I see a pedestrian walking on the cross street sidewalk. Timing looks like it could get interesting. Luckily I’m driving a shitbox w/o a/c. This is important.
Biker is moving along pretty good but I’m catching up. Walker is obviously a downs kid.
Walker has to stop to keep from getting nailed by biker and just boots his ass right into the street. It was glorious.
The absolute best part (read this in your best downs voice) “ Keep off the sidewalk!” Just screamed at the guy as he’s gathering road rash.
I’ve very seldom come that close to pissing my pants laughing.
I stopped and made sure biker wasn’t going to come after the kid. Kid just walked off like he was going to get ice cream. Biker was used up. He couldn’t have beat up a sick cat. Finally got his bike and sat in the shade. I drove off with a big ol’ grin.
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