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Probably her cure for Covid...virus can't gain a foothold due to the massive amounts of alcohol in her system...lol
Too bad it wasn’t a shotgun to the face.
Dude that posted video said that was his eighth window broken out. FTN.
if that was filmed in america and dude is white he will probably end up in jail for shooting scumbag, they will say he baited them by hiding in the truck or some dumb shit
People still get tested?
I did the other day. Ive been sicker than hell and Im going to be around some really high risk individuals this week so i got tested for flu and covid. I did two home tests that were negative before I went to the docs to see what it is. Luckily its just a bad sinus infection and all the snot was giving me the shits as well. I didnt want to put them at risk and I didnt want to miss seeing them for nothing.
I did the other day. Ive been sicker than hell and Im going to be around some really high risk individuals this week so i got tested for flu and covid. Luckily its just a bad sinus infection and all the snot was giving me the shits as well. I didnt want to put them at risk and I didnt want to miss seeing them for nothing.
we got a cold in our house
not getting tested, going to treat it the scientific way, fluids and rest
if you don't contribute to the covid statistics covid will go away
we got a cold in our house
not getting tested, going to treat it the scientific way, fluids and rest
if you don't contribute to the covid statistics covid will go away
Like I said I wanted to see people this week that were high risk and I didnt want to give them the flu or covid. If it wasnt for that I wouldnt of worried about it.
Dad lost a boat trailer tire once before and it cleared the overpass like that. Snapped the studs clean off, we slowed right down, but that tire didn't. Passed us at like 70 and cleared the entire thing. :laughing:
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