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man, 50s america must have been fucking great.
just a deep fryer right in the top of your stove.
I wonder if that was an option or addon. That one looks the same as the one at my friends deer camp. He doesnt have the deep fryer though
We had one when i was a kid that was like 1.5x wide as a normal cook stove. it had an oven then a half width door on the side for storing pots and pans. It's been so long ago I can't remember how the top was configured though. I do remember it was electric though.

i wonder if that is double oven/broiler or single oven and storage on the other side?
My Century gets it going. It’s just as fast as heating up my big cast skillet but a bigger pita to clean up.
Thing is 14” x24” so if I’m doing a big breakfast I fire it up though.
no details. saw it on the faceballs marketplace.
"50's westinghouse stove with deep fryer"
is all it says.
Our Garland has four large burners and and griddle on the side Periodically have to clean the trays but it's not too bad a chore.
How do you like the griddle? Do you use it enough to justify? Was thinking out replacing our electric flat top with a propane stove and seen the ones with the griddle. Would definitely need to put a hood in then which would be a pain in the ass as the stove is in a island in a vaulted ceiling room.
It's against the wall with a Vent-a-hood above it. When people are over it can resemble a mini Waffle House. With just the two of us the cast iron pans get used. The kids are gone now but it saw a lot of use when they were here.
How do you like the griddle? Do you use it enough to justify? Was thinking out replacing our electric flat top with a propane stove and seen the ones with the griddle. Would definitely need to put a hood in then which would be a pain in the ass as the stove is in a island in a vaulted ceiling room.

we've got one like this. The griddle gets used a shitton more than the burners.
How do you like the griddle? Do you use it enough to justify? Was thinking out replacing our electric flat top with a propane stove and seen the ones with the griddle. Would definitely need to put a hood in then which would be a pain in the ass as the stove is in a island in a vaulted ceiling room.
why would it need a hood if the current one doesn't have one?
don't gotta exhaust the exhaust of a stove or oven
We had a 5 burner gas stove growing up, the center burner has a griddle you can drop in in place of the burner. It's about 1.5 the width of a normal stove. i come from a large family and after I got married and had kids of my own I would make pancakes in the shapes of animals for all the kids and the family on Sunday mornings. The stove still lives on at my buddy's deer camp. It also has the small side door for storing cookie sheets and the like. Loved that stove.
Nancy Pelosi tested positive for covid-
Only relevant if she dies. If she lives it only proves that the “at risk” age group isn’t at risk from the latest variant. Also proves what a sham the “vaccine “ is.
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