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Thanks, hopefully others can see it.

This is what I see whenever someone does that. If I click on it I get a couple frames of the video then the same error. I can continue clicking through the entire video if I want so it seems like an intentional bullshit error, not an actual computer fuckup error.

For those that don't french, it says "there was an error, try reopening your browser"

Just have to sort through the dems BS. If Trump ends up not gettng re-elected, i have better shit to do than whine about it or go riot and loot. I will keep moving forward and so will our country.:usa:
Just have to sort through the dems BS. If Trump ends up not gettng re-elected, i have better shit to do than whine about it or go riot and loot. I will keep moving forward and so will our country.:usa:

I'm with that. :smokin:
Just have to sort through the dems BS. If Trump ends up not gettng re-elected, i have better shit to do than whine about it or go riot and loot. I will keep moving forward and so will our country.:usa:

That's a great attitude to have, but we can't just keep letting them win by cheating. If they win, I'll still go to work everyday. I'll just be keeping less of my hard earned pay and supporting more deadbeats.
Make no mistake, if it comes down to civil war 2.0 we here in UT are very well prepared. All we can do at this point is let the courts sort out the BS and if there were shenanigans by the left, expose them and 4 more years of Trump’s economy!
Anqueefia rolled into Vancouver Wa today, got out their lezburu and when they got around the corner, this happened.. :lmao:
Some good ol patriots took all 4 :lmao:


Then they started pointing guns and got arrested.

You are supposed to leave it on milk crates not jacks and jack stands.
This is a friend of ours son, he walked away minus a couple of teeth. To me that's a win.
I'm glad that he's doing ok. Did something break on the plow or was it not installed properly?

If you look at how the plow folded over it looks like it hit something that didn't want to move.
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