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PALM BEACH, Fla. – Someone had a warning for New Yorkers visiting former President Donald Trump’s new hometown — leave if you are “woke.”

Palm Beach police say someone placed fliers over the weekend on New York-licensed cars parked on the wealthy island reading, “If you are one of the those ‘woke’ people --- leave Florida. You will be happier elsewhere, as will we.”

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I would love to have seen the math for that flip:lmao:. More than likely it was a Well I’m just gonna pop a wheelie off that there jump not lift and just send it, wish me luck.
I sure hope he won the event after pulling off that move!

The amount of abuse those trucks take per run without breaking into pieces is absolutely incredible. If I were to ever hit the lottery, the first thing my redneck ass would do is buy a professionally built monster truck to do stupid shit with along with a bunch of property to do said stupid shit on. :grinpimp:
I sure hope he won the event after pulling off that move!

The amount of abuse those trucks take per run without breaking into pieces is absolutely incredible. If I were to ever hit the lottery, the first thing my redneck ass would do is buy a professionally built monster truck to do stupid shit with along with a bunch of property to do said stupid shit on. :grinpimp:
I dont know what it's like now that it's such a massive organized and sponsored deal. I was told there are a lot of "creative" repairs to make it from one show to another without missing one. That was a while ago though.
Rickles was one of the few that had no boundaries, he knew which lines he crossed while doing it.

Same with Buddy Hackett. We saw him at a stand up show and a lady started to heckle him. Dumbest thing she could have ever done. He lit into her about her tits, size, color, what she liked having done to them and on and on. He was relentless. Funniest thing I ever saw and it taught me to NEVER heckle a comedian. LOL
Same with Buddy Hackett. We saw him at a stand up show and a lady started to heckle him. Dumbest thing she could have ever done. He lit into her about her tits, size, color, what she liked having done to them and on and on. He was relentless. Funniest thing I ever saw and it taught me to NEVER heckle a comedian. LOL

Buddy was great. I've seen him do dead stops on Carson for what he was about to say.

You sure it wasn't a Milton Berle (et .al ) plant in the crowd?

Doesn't matter, does it? :laughing:
I would love to have seen the math for that flip:lmao:. More than likely it was a Well I’m just gonna pop a wheelie off that there jump not lift and just send it, wish me luck.

Driver is Lee O'Donnell, he's local to here and races in some of our series when he's not doing the monster truck thing. Real cool dude.

He'll tell you that there was a lot of time spent on video analysis and shock tuning after the fact, as it wasn't something anybody ever considered doing before. A shitload of teams all invested heavily into seeing if it was something that could be reproduced consistently. Front flips had been explored but never done successfully, and certainly not off a wheelie.

He'll also tell you that he was just going for big air, had no fucking idea it was going to happen, what was going on during it, or what happened when it landed. He realized he was still moving and cut the wheel to keep from nailing the wall, and if you watch the rest of that clip, he went and did a halfass backflip attempt and immediately dumped it on the roof because he was thinking "well, shit, now what?" :laughing:

Better entertainment than what Hollywood comes up with these days :grinpimp:

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