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Why is the general population so stupid and violent.

Roc Doc

May 20, 2020
Member Number
Way out West.
Lot's of reasons I suppose, breakdown of the family unit, continuous new drug scourges, a phone in everyone's face, coddling of kids, etc., but here's another big factor. Bryson talks about these guys in his Brief History book.

I thought everyone was violent? Nowadays everybody knows due to social media & everyone gets involved... :shaking:

Miss the days when those fought & buried the hatchet with a little or lotsa cheap liquid Neosporin- :beer:
Think of how dumb the average person is then realize that half population is dumber than that.
Nah. There are so many stupid people that the average is skewed.

The reason why there are so many stupid people is because "civilization" has enabled them to live and breed. I'm talking everything from welfare to warning labels. We may be able to delay natural selection but eventually mother nature will clean house. Guaranteed.

As for violence, it's just part of nature. If anything, violence is non-existent in our world today . . . at least compared to what it will be like after the SHTF.
I thought everyone was violent? Nowadays everybody knows due to social media & everyone gets involved... :shaking:

Miss the days when those fought & buried the hatchet with a little or lotsa cheap liquid Neosporin- :beer:
This is it imo. We don’t have fist fights anymore. When you do you can go to jail over it nowadays. Everyone has stupid women fights over the internet which only makes the problem worse.

I know for a fact my mental wellness improves dramatically after a full contact sparring session. I have no idea what it is but it’s crazy how much it helps me.
Oh, and all you deniers post up your crackpot analysis.
interesting vid.

I've heard that Flouride has a similar "what do we do with this toxic stuff?"
As does the 'vid shot. :flipoff2:
Think of how dumb the average person is then realize that half population is dumber than that.
I disagree. it's way more than half. WE have been trying to hire Manufacturing Maintenance Technicians for 8 months. NONE have the basic skills and abilities they put on their resumes. Hire them, work them two weeks, fire them.
They are not any dumber than before. They are more visible because they have been encouraged by politicians and people who want to gain complete control of them so you see them more. The latest generation of young adults is comprised partly of cowards and people who don't understand how great this country should / could be if we just follow the constitution instead of mob rule. They are useful idiots.

They just don't know they are stupid. It's your job to let them know. Whenever you encounter one, just give them a heads up. It will save them from a life of confusion and disappointment.

"That's because you are stupid" seems to work very well for nearly every scenario.
More fuel for the push for EV's?
See...ICE makes people dumber. EV's will make you smarter...lol
They are not any dumber than before. They are more visible because they have been encouraged by politicians and people who want to gain complete control of them so you see them more. The latest generation of young adults is comprised partly of cowards and people who don't understand how great this country should / could be if we just follow the constitution instead of mob rule. They are useful idiots.

They just don't know they are stupid. It's your job to let them know. Whenever you encounter one, just give them a heads up. It will save them from a life of confusion and disappointment.

"That's because you are stupid" seems to work very well for nearly every scenario.
If you watch the video or read Bryson, you'll see there's some pretty compelling evidence that lead positioning, especially post 1960 corelates pretty directly with violence trends. As airborn lead has decreased post 1975 (peaking 1980 or so), the trend follows the quantity of airborne lead down.
People have also been taught from birth that they don't need to work hard and apply themselves to be successful. They are taught that they should be handed enough to live on, that the government will provide if they don't want to work.

Son-in-law works at NASSCO. He builds ships. He tells me they get lots of new hires and they take what they can get. When they get on the ships and don't put forth any effort, they get fired on their first work day. 2-3 a day.

That happened all the time when I was working as a security risk manager. Management needs to fill the empty slots with any warm body they can get.
If you watch the video or read Bryson, you'll see there's some pretty compelling evidence that lead positioning, especially post 1960 corelates pretty directly with violence trends. As airborn lead has decreased post 1975 (peaking 1980 or so), the trend follows the quantity of airborne lead down.
I was born in the early 60's, don't have any abnormal violent tendencies.

Edit: I don't think I do anyways. I don't know, fuck off. 🖕

I think the upswing in violence is mostly bad parenting. Generations who were never tought to control their emotions.
I disagree. it's way more than half. WE have been trying to hire Manufacturing Maintenance Technicians for 8 months. NONE have the basic skills and abilities they put on their resumes. Hire them, work them two weeks, fire them.
Figure out a way to test them as part of the interviews

My nephew applied for a hvac service tech job and the interview consisted of walking into their warehouse to their test stand heat pump and :
“ here’s the tools , here’s the unit , figure out the problem in less than thirty minutes and you’re hired “

He got the job and the two previous applicants that had just graduated from a two year hvac school couldn’t .
I was born in the early 60's, don't have any abnormal violent tendencies.
Same here, and same with most of the kids I went to school with, it's not a blanket statement, it's a trend. We all know not everyone is a homicidal maniac, and sure you can point to drug treatment for a lot of the mass shooters, but the "Hyperactive" kids in my school were just encouraged to take a couple laps around the school yard when they were being shitty.
I disagree. it's way more than half. WE have been trying to hire Manufacturing Maintenance Technicians for 8 months. NONE have the basic skills and abilities they put on their resumes. Hire them, work them two weeks, fire them.
I think that's down to work ethic more than intelligence. Plenty of smart kids out there, just that most flake if they have to move further than going from the couch to the shitter or lift anything heavier than a phone.
It boils down to the lack of an ability to have discussions on topics with mutual disagreement. When someone loses the ability to converse, they revert to violence. This is the unfortunate animalistic behavior that we all possess.
We have lost our ability to coexist with "you do you" mentalities. The willingness for opposite sides to be receptive to different thought processes has led us here. It is 'us vs them' now, and since we cannot talk things out, we revert to violence.
I think that's down to work ethic more than intelligence. Plenty of smart kids out there, just that most flake if they have to move further than going from the couch to the shitter or lift anything heavier than a phone.
My nephew lost his dad at 11, so my sister had to raise him by herself. She was strict, demanded he do his schoolwork, and there were no video games in the house. He grew up in an affluent community with a bunch of Asians, so the bar was high to keep up. Got in to St. Johns, got his MBA from Georgetown, got hired by the SS right out of school, and is generally kicking ass with his wife at home with the baby. For sure a proper upbringing is critical.
My nephew lost his dad at 11, so my sister had to raise him by herself. She was strict, demanded he do his schoolwork, and there were no video games in the house. He grew up in an affluent community with a bunch of Asians, so the bar was high to keep up. Got in to St. Johns, got his MBA from Georgetown, got hired by the SS right out of school, and is generally kicking ass with his wife at home with the baby. For sure a proper upbringing is critical.
Discipline is another big one. Too many kids left to run riot without any consequences for their actions. I'm not even talking about whooping them (although it may help in certain circumstances). Plenty of privilege that can be taken away these days.
Its easier to be lead than to lead. To lead takes courage and adaptive ability to think on your feet

Like most animals we are very violent by nature. Because it feels good actually. Its only been since the 60’s and 70’s that punching someone who deserved it was bad. Even then not untill the early 90’s did it really take hold.
There’s a bunch of videos like this one which shows how smart some of the youth society is.

As far as being violent goes, human race are predators by nature (eyeballs looking forward) and it’s just in our makeup to be violent at times. Reasons really don’t matter as you can find people being violent over most anything. Sure, you can be civil but that’s just controlling yourself, given the opportunity, you can become violent if the situation calls for it. Some people can’t control it or just flat out enjoy being violent. Either way, our history is a legacy of violence. People enjoy watching violent movies too and some how it relaxing or enjoyable. Same with video games
I thought everyone was violent? Nowadays everybody knows due to social media & everyone gets involved... :shaking:

Miss the days when those fought & buried the hatchet with a little or lotsa cheap liquid Neosporin- :beer:
Yep if I got in a bar fight or whatever chances are I was going to see the same guy the following weekend. Shake hands and go back to drinking.
Social engineering brought to to you by the team of experts at Unintended Consequences inc. Aka .gov leftist and Hollywood.
It is a combination of a lot of things; but the point the video is making, that increased levels of lead contribute toward lower IQ's and violent behavior is certainly one of those things.

For instance:

You can't have a mentally unstable teenager shoot up a school.
You couldn't simply give a "normal" teenager psychotropic drugs and have him shoot up a school.
You can't hypnotize a "normal" teenager to have him shoot up a school.
You can't use violent video games to influence a "normal" teenager into shooting up a school.
But if you take a mentally unstable teenager, give him psychotropic drugs, use hypnosis and violent video games to train his mind, you can absolutely train him to shoot up a school.

It is the combination that works, not any one single element.

In the case of the general population, you have not only lead, but all kinds of unnatural chemicals being used by the average person, from personal grooming products to cleaning supplies to even the foods that we consume. And you have "programming" thanks to the TV (and now Social Media). Indoctrination by the (mis)education system. Poisons (a.k.a. "the vax") being injected as a "preventative cure" for the common cold. Absence of a strong family unit (especially with both parents working, if there even are both parents). Influences (teachers, actors, social media "influencers") pushing the idea that you need to be different than you are in order to be accepted into society. Not to mention the constant 24/7 fear mongering and divisiveness of the Mainstream Media. And there's at least a 1/2 dozen other things I am not thinking of right now.

Throw in all of the crap that has been happening lately along with the massive amounts of misinformation (on all sides) which casts doubts on everything you see, hear and feel and anything that challenges your belief systems, your core values, feels like a personal attack on an already overloaded system from all of the above, survival instincts kick in and violence comes out. When others join in you get instant confirmation bias which makes you feel like part of a "movement".

But, yea, lets blame it on leaded fuels that haven't been in use since the early 80's, long before any of these Antifa thugs and recent school shooters were even thought of, much less conceived.
I thought everyone was violent? Nowadays everybody knows due to social media & everyone gets involved... :shaking:

Miss the days when those fought & buried the hatchet with a little or lotsa cheap liquid Neosporin- :beer:
We have become too civilized

“Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”
― Robert E. Howard
We're evolving, 20% of people are the advanced model humans, the other 80% of us are still in various stages of monkey humans.
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