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Why is the general population so stupid and violent.

Dig the shit out of your eyes and look around. If its not obvious then you might be one of the stupid people. Remember, this thread is about a special kind of stupid. Not IQ. I'm willing to bet the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Gavin Newscum have high IQ's but they rank right up there with the dumbest of the dumb. :smokin:
"No" would have sufficed :lmao:
Definitely funny for others, but if you can't laugh at your own stupidity while trying to bleed out in the ER, you might be taking yourself way too seriously.
ehhhhhhhhh :laughing: :flipoff2:
how much violent crime is a result of government policy?
Most of it

When the govt pays women to crank out babies and never get married or have the father around to raise them , the babies grow up to be thugs and criminals .
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