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Which conspiracy theories do you believe?

Which conspiracy theories do you believe.

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Unfortunately it was all for naught as the eastern Muslims have infiltrated the US and Canada by our woke governments over the last 10 years. Their goals are total take over and sharia law in Canada. The US maybe not so easy a target. BUT as weve seen in Canada over the last few months. The Muslim jihadists have more rights than Canadian born citizens. :flipoff2: when the militarized police take down its own citizens ( Jan 6 peaceful protest, the Canadian trucker convoy protest) and on the other hand deliver coffee and donuts to Islamic jihadists closing down roads and bridges in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods... Theyve already won. :flipoff2:
Unfortunately it was all for naught as the eastern Muslims have infiltrated the US and Canada by our woke governments over the last 10 years. Their goals are total take over and sharia law in Canada. The US maybe not so easy a target. BUT as weve seen in Canada over the last few months. The Muslim jihadists have more rights than Canadian born citizens. :flipoff2: when the militarized police take down its own citizens ( Jan 6 peaceful protest, the Canadian trucker convoy protest) and on the other hand deliver coffee and donuts to Islamic jihadists closing down roads and bridges in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods... Theyve already won. :flipoff2:
:sad like:
Unfortunately it was all for naught as the eastern Muslims have infiltrated the US and Canada by our woke governments over the last 10 years. Their goals are total take over and sharia law in Canada. The US maybe not so easy a target. BUT as weve seen in Canada over the last few months. The Muslim jihadists have more rights than Canadian born citizens. :flipoff2: when the militarized police take down its own citizens ( Jan 6 peaceful protest, the Canadian trucker convoy protest) and on the other hand deliver coffee and donuts to Islamic jihadists closing down roads and bridges in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods... Theyve already won. :flipoff2:
Damn...its hard to argue that statement.
That’s some crazy shit there. The part that makes it sound like the truth to me, is the .gov has essentially figured out free energy, but they’re going to let us pay out the ass for green energy bullshit.

Supposedly the video with the orbs has been debunked as a hoax, but who really knows anymore. Lots of "debunking" over the past few years that we now know is entirely possible.

One point made in the video which is hard to argue is we still think 80+ year-old nuclear technology is the most advanced tech the government has. I'm open to them having gravity manipulation technology we don't know about, but obviously no proof of it yet.
Supposedly the video with the orbs has been debunked as a hoax, but who really knows anymore. Lots of "debunking" over the past few years that we now know is entirely possible.

One point made in the video which is hard to argue is we still think 80+ year-old nuclear technology is the most advanced tech the government has. I'm open to them having gravity manipulation technology we don't know about, but obviously no proof of it yet.
we have a weapon that kills all the people but leaves the infrastructure in place, we just don't use it.
we have a crowd control device that makes you shit your pants uncontrollably, but we don't use it.

bunch of cool tech that we don't use because it 'crosses lines'...

the russian brain damage device is effective... they deny using it though.
Interviewee is too smarty an cannot translate his knowledge/thoughts into layman’s terms.

Videos seem to… focused? And horizontal to be sats?

What are the orbs? Why didn’t. Anyone ask that?

Where did the plane go?
What makes you think its a Russian weapon? I mean its not like the US gov has ever tested shit on US citizens before.
it was used in Cuba... I think people are lazy, why bother the hassle of doing it in Cuba when you have a ton of embassies to try it on.
When I was a kid in the 80's, I was all into military tech(what boy isn't?). I convinced my parents to buy all those cool military picture books with f16s and Abrams tanks and aircraft carriers and all that in them. Without fail they all had a speculative section with an "artist's rendering" of what the supposed Soviet tech was. All of it was the coolest scifi chit- massive submarine bases, stealth planes, crazy space weapons. It was the unknown and human imagination left to run wild with no actual facts can come up with some amazing things. Turns out it was all a bunch of hooey and the Soviet military was really held together with bailing wire and half-assed commie QA.

I believe we attribute the same sort of magic and voodoo to what our own defense contractors are doing behind closed doors. In reality, I don't believe that one side of Boeing is teleporting things through wormholes while another side can't keep a door on their passenger airplanes.
That is what they want you to think.
Trust me, I really want it to be the other way. It would be so damn cool if someone somewhere had used the ridiculous amount of government money and resources available to actually understand the laws of quantum mechanics well enough to do cool shit like teleport things. Part of me holds out hope that chit like that is real.

Then you've got things like the zumwalt destroyers and all the little glitches the F-35 had and I'm not sure we're capable of pulling all that off.
it was used in Cuba... I think people are lazy, why bother the hassle of doing it in Cuba when you have a ton of embassies to try it on.

Because when they do it in Cuba, its easy to blame the Russians.
When I was a kid in the 80's, I was all into military tech(what boy isn't?). I convinced my parents to buy all those cool military picture books with f16s and Abrams tanks and aircraft carriers and all that in them. Without fail they all had a speculative section with an "artist's rendering" of what the supposed Soviet tech was. All of it was the coolest scifi chit- massive submarine bases, stealth planes, crazy space weapons. It was the unknown and human imagination left to run wild with no actual facts can come up with some amazing things. Turns out it was all a bunch of hooey and the Soviet military was really held together with bailing wire and half-assed commie QA.

I believe we attribute the same sort of magic and voodoo to what our own defense contractors are doing behind closed doors. In reality, I don't believe that one side of Boeing is teleporting things through wormholes while another side can't keep a door on their passenger airplanes.
boeing is just fortinet.
we have a weapon that kills all the people but leaves the infrastructure in place, we just don't use it.
we have a crowd control device that makes you shit your pants uncontrollably, but we don't use it.

If you're talking about the Neutron Bomb, "officially" the last one was dismantled in 1996, but like with anything nuke related, we could be stockpiling some, just in case the Russians didn't dismantle theirs. :shaking:

The second point, are you talking about "The Brown Note"? Using infrasonic energy? Urban myth.
When I was a kid in the 80's, I was all into military tech(what boy isn't?). I convinced my parents to buy all those cool military picture books with f16s and Abrams tanks and aircraft carriers and all that in them. Without fail they all had a speculative section with an "artist's rendering" of what the supposed Soviet tech was. All of it was the coolest scifi chit- massive submarine bases, stealth planes, crazy space weapons. It was the unknown and human imagination left to run wild with no actual facts can come up with some amazing things. Turns out it was all a bunch of hooey and the Soviet military was really held together with bailing wire and half-assed commie QA.

I believe we attribute the same sort of magic and voodoo to what our own defense contractors are doing behind closed doors. In reality, I don't believe that one side of Boeing is teleporting things through wormholes while another side can't keep a door on their passenger airplanes.

And vacuum tubes! :lmao:

I know a couple guys that worked for Boeing from the late 80's on, and as engineers they were mostly project employed, like maybe your project was the door retention system, or whatnot, so I don't know how they're managing the full project, but one would assume that there has to be a project manager that is full time working on the full scope, I dunno. Everyone keeps pointing to cost cutting as the issue, and I can relate, it's a price driving world in the private sector, selling a bolt, for $0.005 less than the competitor can get you the contract, makes it hard for mfgs to manage production and inventory.
everyone I know from the fruit company left the industry... first, a bunch went to tesla, then to the four winds out of tech. When I talk to tech people now... they are bots... it is like post when you could make a lot of money and the mediocrity and the blindly ambitious have surged in...

Then you've got things like the zumwalt destroyers and all the little glitches the F-35 had and I'm not sure we're capable of pulling all that off.
Meh, I worked on parts of the F35 project as an ME...its a classic camel designed by a committee. It's not really different in its inception than the F117 or F 22 except to say that overseas organisations and their corporate attitudes were involved. However, the tech is legit and mostly functional.
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