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What would it take for you to stop....

Click image for larger version Name:	6EA47202-05EB-47FE-AAE9-17E370F742CC.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	150.5 KB ID:	185204 JRX4, I too believe in a lot of what you have said. One thing I know for sure though is money doesn’t equate to happiness! We have enough that I don’t worry weather we can pay bills. It hasn’t equated to more happy than a date with my wife was a soda with two straws because that’s all we could afford. The neighbors next door with the elk farm can literally buy anything they want. They are miserable and hate each other. They live in a McMansion. We live in a average 1500 square foot rambler I built myself. Here is a sign we have above one of our doors. I believe it wholeheartedly.
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Don't be so self centered. There are a ton of regular old 'lutherans' or whatever... what would have to happen for them to say 'fuck it, it is a waste of time and money, and it isn't true'

it IS hard to prove a negative, but something could happen that would do it, what would it be?

I was raised as a "regular old Lutheran". I started questioning the whole premise while in high school.
I realized there's absolutely zero proof that this "god" exists, so without that it all falls apart.
filedata/fetch?id=185204&d=1604592993 JRX4, I too believe in a lot of what you have said. One thing I know for sure though is money doesn’t equate to happiness! We have enough that I don’t worry weather we can pay bills. It hasn’t equated to more happy than a date with my wife was a soda with two straws because that’s all we could afford. The neighbors next door with the elk farm can literally buy anything they want. They are miserable and hate each other. They live in a McMansion. We live in a average 1500 square foot rambler I built myself. Here is a sign we have above one of our doors. I believe it wholeheartedly.

we have that same sign above our dinner table! It’s true. I don’t pine for money, I pine for happiness and trying my best to teach the kiddo the same. Time is my most precious asset.
If you believe in a higher being, what would have to happen or what would you need to learn to STOP believing?

Absolutely nothing. Maybe if you understood the meaning of faith you wouldn't ask such a stupid ass question.
What would it take for you to stop ?

Good Brakes!!!
. The more I read the more I was convinced it was all bull shit. There is no god, all religions are just Santa Clause for adults to trick people into being good on this earth with the false promise of a perfect eternal afterlife.

I've said that same thing many times on PBB and IMO it's 100% true. It's a way to control people, nothing else.
Death. Death is what it takes to stop people believing. Which is why there are "crusades" and "holy wars", because christains and muslims can't just sit down, shut up and let people be. If I ever got the opportunity, I'd kill every christ follower and burn every church. I figure they owe it to us for what they did to our ancestors.
Death. Death is what it takes to stop people believing. Which is why there are "crusades" and "holy wars", because christains and muslims can't just sit down, shut up and let people be. If I ever got the opportunity, I'd kill every christ follower and burn every church. I figure they owe it to us for what they did to our ancestors.

The irony.

Seems everyone on every side can't just let others be...

There is enough proof today that ideas can control and manipulate people just easily, possibly more easily, than any religion. In fact, I would say they subscribe to ideas as passionately as some to religion. The promise of salvation is that you're an empathetic, sympathetic, individual who is only working towards the greater good of mankind.

There is a difference between religion and spirituality, though. I think it's important to understand the differences.
There is enough proof today that ideas can control and manipulate people just easily, possibly more easily, than any religion. In fact, I would say they subscribe to ideas as passionately as some to religion. The promise of salvation is that you're an empathetic, sympathetic, individual who is only working towards the greater good of mankind.

There is a difference between religion and spirituality, though. I think it's important to understand the differences.

That's all religion is, a bunch of ideas that get sold to the naïve so they'll act in a certain way, aka................................ do what you want them to.
Absolutely nothing. Maybe if you understood the meaning of faith you wouldn't ask such a stupid ass question.

I think I understand the meaning of faith. it is the spiritual apprehension part that fuels it. How would a person have that spirtual apprehension interrupted? It could be loss... for some on this thread, their faith was proven by answered prayers... for others, loss evaporated that faith. the story of Job is one illustration of God testing faith (presumably to illustrate the value of unwavering faith, although Job does waver, right?)
I've shared this on the "other page" .

I grew up in a church going family. Sunday school, the whole nine yards.

By the time I was 13 all my grandparents had passed away that I grew up getting to know. I didn't really understand death at that point and they didn't really live close by so not seeing them didn't affect my belief in God.

When I was 17 years old I had come home from getting my exhaust on my truck done and found my mother on the floor bleeding. She went into a coma and passed a few weeks later from a brain aneurism/head trauma.. not sure if she fell and hit her head or had an aneurism and fell. I cursed God that day and have never been the same. I blamed myself for many years. I became a completely different person from the "momma's boy" I use to be almost over night. That definitely changed my outlook and faith.

When I was 24 my half brother died of stage IV throat cancer. When he was first diagnosed I was younger and had a hard time dealing with his situation and somewhat avoided hanging out with him because I had a very hard time understanding him due to surgeries and treatments. I hated myself for a long time for not being there for him more.

Later that same year later my father was diagnosed with Leukemia. He went pretty fast (6 months) and watching him die a little more very day was very difficult. That started a rift again with my beliefs and with family for many years.

Then 6 years ago yesterday (Im 37 now) I got a phone call at 5:23am on 11/04/2014 that my brother was found dead from a heroin overdose. We tired everything from treatment centers to AA to just letting go. I knew that phone call ws coming one day, but still sucks.

Fastword to present day: I've lost 3 people this year (not due to covid) and due to the pandemic I can hardly hug their families. That gives no closure.

So yeah, do I believe in God? Yes. I do belief but cant seem to catch a good enough break to get back on good terms with the guy.

I'm not trying to be funny, but I really do believe God exists. I think there absolutely is a Heaven. Do you want to know why? I've done some really dumb shit (nothing illegal) and probably shouldn't be alive today if I didn't have my family and friends up in the big sky looking after me. Thankfully, I survived my "dumb" stage in life and continue to be a contributing member to the great good of society. I'll get back in good terms with the big guy eventually.
There is enough proof today that ideas can control and manipulate people just easily, possibly more easily, than any religion. In fact, I would say they subscribe to ideas as passionately as some to religion. The promise of salvation is that you're an empathetic, sympathetic, individual who is only working towards the greater good of mankind.

There is a difference between religion and spirituality, though. I think it's important to understand the differences.

I brought up religion as a means of control, you asked “How” and I delivered a metaphor of how. Are you arguing that I’m wrong using that diversionary argument above? Because I’ll take it even further, there’s millions of people who believe in shit that clearly isn’t real. Pizza gate, q-annon, Russian collusion, flat earth, hollow earth, etc. Those same people have one thing in common, the ability to believe in things with no evidence and many of them have both a religion, and fake shit they believe in from Facebook or the MSM. Have you watched the “social experiment” documentary yet? Religion plays right into ones ability to both believe in stuff that isn’t real, while rejecting stuff that is real.

Are you denying that there are people who’s only reason for being decent humans is because of their fear of eternal damnation in the afterlife?
For them to come down here and tell me, “STFUG”!!!!!!!

I brought up religion as a means of control, you asked “How” and I delivered a metaphor of how. Are you arguing that I’m wrong using that diversionary argument above? Because I’ll take it even further, there’s millions of people who believe in shit that clearly isn’t real. Pizza gate, q-annon, Russian collusion, flat earth, hollow earth, etc. Those same people have one thing in common, the ability to believe in things with no evidence and many of them have both a religion, and fake shit they believe in from Facebook or the MSM. Have you watched the “social experiment” documentary yet? Religion plays right into ones ability to both believe in stuff that isn’t real, while rejecting stuff that is real.

Are you denying that there are people who’s only reason for being decent humans is because of their fear of eternal damnation in the afterlife?

On the contrary, I'm saying people who believe they're doing good, are only doing good because their ideas say so. Morality is simply subjective without something that's absolute. That's my argument against atheism. Atheism relies on people being inherently good and doing the right things, because they're not afraid of punishment after life.
On the contrary, I'm saying people who believe they're doing good, are only doing good because their ideas say so. Morality is simply subjective without something that's absolute. That's my argument against atheism. Atheism relies on people being inherently good and doing the right things, because they're not afraid of punishment after life.

No, atheism relies on people being "good" because it's beneficial for them and society as a whole. Morality has nothing to do with religion. It's all about humans realizing over centuries what works in a large society and what doesn't. Most people want an orderly and safe society and from long experience have figured out behaviors that get that.
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Unlike christians,

As often happens christians get clumped together, like jews and blacks and hispanics. What is true of one or a few is certainly not true of all.

I am not a good person. I do my best to be better. I follow what the bible says. If that makes me a Christian, fine. Don't care. A label does not make me.

Men are evil, and just like Joe biden will lie, cheat and do anything they can to gain power all while saying "I am doing this for you" yeah whatever. There will always be wolves in sheeps clothing.

The biggest thing everyone here is missing,

You are focused on life here on earth. That is not at all important, nothing but a spec of dust in time. You need to be focused on eternity, the road the never ends. (or off road for this group)

If I have to suffer through this life in order to make to the next, gladly I will do so.

Again this all proves the point, God never said it would be easy, or that you wouldn't suffer, he only ever said you wouldn't be alone. the apostle paul who was chosen by Jesus, who walked with jesus, had performed miracles. Wrote some powerful books in the new testament. He had a disability. He prayed constantly for God to take it away, but God told him, no my grace is enough.

Though he lived a life with a disability he knew that the prize was eternity and never gave up.
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