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What would it take for you to stop....


Aroused by Ta Ta's
Jun 18, 2020
Member Number
If you believe in a higher being, what would have to happen or what would you need to learn to STOP believing?
There's no problems believing in a higher being, it's entirely possible from a scientific perspective.

Better question is how do you get people to knock off the stupid religion stuff. You can have higher beings or greater purposes without subscribing to religious bullshit.
I think that's a flawed question. You can't prove a negative.

Imho, as an atheist, I think loss of faith is a gradual buildup of lack of proof.

The inverse, gaining faith, can happen with a single "miraculous" event.

"Prove there are no unicorns.", for example. Wander the earth for four score without seeing one, you'll decide they're mythical. See a single one, and you believe.
I think that's a flawed question. You can't prove a negative.

Imho, as an atheist, I think loss of faith is a gradual buildup of lack of proof.

The inverse, gaining faith, can happen with a single "miraculous" event.

"Prove there are no unicorns.", for example. Wander the earth for four score without seeing one, you'll decide they're mythical. See a single one, and you believe.

Don't be so self centered. There are a ton of regular old 'lutherans' or whatever... what would have to happen for them to say 'fuck it, it is a waste of time and money, and it isn't true'

it IS hard to prove a negative, but something could happen that would do it, what would it be?
I dont believe in any of that. You die, they bury/burn you and your done. End of the line... We all know how believing in Santa, The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy turned out. :laughing:

So on the opposite end of the question, it would pretty much take Jesus himself to appear in front of me and show me around the joint for me to buy into any of the religious stuff so many blindly follow.

Also..... I find it funny that their has not been one legit miracle, ufo or Bigfoot sighting recorded since the invention of the cell phone camera. Blind faith is just that...... Blind.
There's no problems believing in a higher being, it's entirely possible from a scientific perspective.

Better question is how do you get people to knock off the stupid religion stuff. You can have higher beings or greater purposes without subscribing to religious bullshit.

okay, what would have to happen to get them to 'knock of the stupid religious stuff"
If you believe in a higher being, what would have to happen or what would you need to learn to STOP believing?

What do you care anyway? No one is forcing religion on you. If you don’t agree with it then find an atheist party and go knock yourself out.
okay, what would have to happen to get them to 'knock of the stupid religious stuff"

What would it take to get them to knock off the fagot in your face stuff or the anti religious in your face stuff. See how that works?
For them to come down here and tell me, “STFUG”!!!!!!!



if you have to ask the question, only thing i can say is believe in something more than yourself and commit yourself to it for a year. with to a community that best suites you. after that your you'll have your answer.

any belief is what you want it to be. wan tto see good you'll see the good. want to see the bad and all you'll see is bad. now say your prayers and believe you can be a better person.

what would it take for you to believe that you shouldn't be a better person tomorrow than you where today?
I dont believe in any of that. You die, they bury/burn you and your done. End of the line... We all know how believing in Santa, The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy turned out. :laughing:

So on the opposite end of the question, it would pretty much take Jesus himself to appear in front of me and show me around the joint for me to buy into any of the religious stuff so many blindly follow.

Also..... I find it funny that their has not been one legit miracle, ufo or Bigfoot sighting recorded since the invention of the cell phone camera. Blind faith is just that...... Blind.

UFO sightings? No, there have been plenty. Tic-tac craft for example is probably one of the more "popular" ones. That one is recorded on military...uh...screen thingies. Radar? Whatever the current witchcraft is. Google it, you can find the footage pretty easily.
Bigfoot, there are "sightings" regularly, they're just naturally blurry, everyone knows that.
Miracles, well, you can't always take a picture of a prayer being answered.

I don't know that I will ever stop believing in a higher power. I can't imagine an event that would make me stop believing. I certainly will never feel the need to have someone else tell me that I'm believing the right way, or in the right thing. I would put myself in the camp that Someguy described. I think there's something. After that...the details are fuzzy:laughing:
What do you care anyway? No one is forcing religion on you. If you don’t agree with it then find an atheist party and go knock yourself out.

says the guy who meddles in EVRYONE's business... what would it take landslide, for you to say, 'done' don't buy it.
What would it take to get them to knock off the fagot in your face stuff or the anti religious in your face stuff. See how that works?

interesting post, not intelligible, but interesting.
I dont believe in any of that. You die, they bury/burn you and your done. End of the line... We all know how believing in Santa, The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy turned out. :laughing:

So on the opposite end of the question, it would pretty much take Jesus himself to appear in front of me and show me around the joint for me to buy into any of the religious stuff so many blindly follow.

Also..... I find it funny that their has not been one legit miracle, ufo or Bigfoot sighting recorded since the invention of the cell phone camera. Blind faith is just that...... Blind.

all true. and yet. people cling. they have a book (lots of books) that have all kinds of cool shit going on, then we get to anything where it could be recorded and.... crickets. Nada.
Do you know what I believe? Um, oh yeah, after every vote is counted, I will proudly be your President of The United States. God or Jesus had nothing to do with that. It was done by the great people of this Country. Maybe a Unicorn or two.
Do you know what I believe? Um, oh yeah, after every vote is counted, I will proudly be your President of The United States. God or Jesus had nothing to do with that. It was done by the great people of this Country. Maybe a Unicorn or two.

Pound sand you cackling coot.

I mean that in the biblical sense.
Why do you care, are you worried? In your back brain do you think what if they are right?

just curious. it is something I can't answer, but it would be interesting to know what would be the thing that would make someone shrug and walk away?
Faith. You sadly don't know anything about it.

is this the part where you 'judge not lest ye be judged' or....

Why would you think faith is only limited to god?

a question isn't an attack, it is just a question.
is this the part where you 'judge not lest ye be judged' or....

Why would you think faith is only limited to god?

a question isn't an attack, it is just a question.

Your original question displays your ignorance of faith. I was pointing out that it was sad.

Faith is my belief in GOD and that JESUS is the saviour of my soul no matter what I "learn". You don't "learn" to lose faith in God. Your faith only gets stronger with adversity. Faith is not an option. Faith is all that matters. Faith is knowing Jesus died for my sins and telling God I believe this with all my heart.

Didn't say it was an attack. just implied you are ignorant. It's just sad.
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