You're confused. If your case of COVID was actually less painful than the shots, isn't that a good thing? I mean, you can't possibly know what your outcome would have looked like without the shots, but a case of COVID less painful than the shots sounds great to me, if I end up actually getting it - which I have not. You don't usually come across as a glass-half-empty type of person, but that's what your logic here is.
Well, here's the thing, it's one of those really impossible to say things because we have no idea what my reaction would have been without the shot. But I did have about as close to a control group as I could get in the form of one of the other dads of a kid who got exposed on the same day my son did (he, my son, and patient zero in our little neighborhood were all friends). This other dad did not trust the vaccine, so he didn't get any. We both got the same strain at roughly the same time and our symptoms were identical in severity and duration. The only difference was, the other dad had a headache every morning for about a week, whereas I did not.
I compare that to the second moderna shot I got which left me unable to even get out of bed for a day I felt so crappy(to the point that I really wanted to haul my sorry butt to the couch to watch some TV, but I physically couldn't) and the third (booster) of moderna that was supposedly a lower dosage yet still left me bedridden for about a day. My kids still talk about it since I don't really get sick ever.
Yes, this is a limited experience in a small bubble with a single strain(omicron maybe?), but the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth(sorry to all you guys who lost your sense of taste
). I get the flu shot every year so that I don't get the flu during flu season. That pretty much just works. I got the covid vaccine and it doesn't even really give immunity, then I come to find out it didn't even really limit the severity of my symptoms. What I do know that it did was make me a useless pile unable to go to work or hang out with my kids for 24 hours every time I added on a shot.
Meanwhile, my kids got covid with no vaccine and bounced back in a few days and pretty much just had a bad cough and runny nose the whole time. People are urging me to get my kids the covid vaccine, but why would I wish my shitty experience on them when there seems to be zero benefit? Why would I want to force that on anyone? Why would I even want to advocate that experience to anyone?