youre not wrong.
time will tell what this vax does. maybe if people start dropping, or infertility starts to rise, then the vaxed idiots will join the angry mob and put heads on a stake.
Unfortunately, even if (when?) people start dropping dead it will be blamed on something else, and you can bet they have a myriad of options already lined up so the pattern will be harder to identify. Anyone who insists that the increase in deaths due to these "other causes" are somehow related to the jab will be labeled a "conspiracy theorist" who not only wears a tinfoil hat, but probably wears tinfoil underwear as well.
There's at least one chapter in
Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman to the psychosis behind this, but essentially once people have decided that something is true, they will filter all incoming information against it and reject anything that goes against what they believe to be true; if you hand them a plausible explanation (which the media does in spades) then they can comfortably go on believing the lie.
An example of this are the "serial killers" that neighbors said was a "nice guy, I can't believe he is responsible for these murders." When you meet someone new, you have about 7 seconds to make a first impression, after that they decide for themselves who you are and filter information to fit that decision. It takes a lot of repetition and blatantly obvious evidence to get them to see a "different you."
This is exactly what the media did with Trump, since he was known primarily as a crass business man ("You're Fired!"), they fed the public more and more to build on that false identity (loud mouth, crass, rich-white-guy). Then they started adding in other things (elitist, racist, misogynist, etc...) that fit the personality that they developed, taking things he said completely out of context and making other things up completely ("Russian Collusion!"), by the time they were twisting nearly everything he said, the vast majority of the media's audience had bought into the false personality and the twisted words and lies seemed plausible.
Even when the evidence comes out, all the media needs is a semi-plausible explanation to keep the sheep believing the lies.