Flexed cracker
Its kinda hush hush at her work even though plenty of people suspect what it was. They arent allowed to say it out loud. Its easier to sweep this kinda thing under the rug for the old people because people are always in poor health in there. Just another old dude that had a heart attack.Same happened to my next door neighbor, got the booster, heart attack an hour later. Luckily he survived it but has a pacemaker now. Fuckin' guy doesn't think it has anything to do with his booster though.
I heard something on a podcast the other day that is related to this and made alot of sense. You are seeing so many young boys with heart problems and myocarditis from the shots. Not because it is exclusive to them although it may effect men at a higher rate, but because it is not common for young people to have heart problems and therefore more inquiry goes into finding the cause and a diagnosis. Opposed to an older person that develops a heart condition, no one thinks twice about it and is never linked to the shot.
So the heart problems could very well be way more widespread across the population than the data shows.