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Useless things about your day!

"Hey I'm gonna go mow before it rains"

*runs back from shop, soaked to the bone

"Hey uh... I'll try to mow tomorrow maybe. But I doubt it."

Pics literally 5 minutes (I shit you not 5 minutes) after it started raining

"Hey I'm gonna go mow before it rains"

*runs back from shop, soaked to the bone

"Hey uh... I'll try to mow tomorrow maybe. But I doubt it."

Pics literally 5 minutes (I shit you not 5 minutes) after it started raining

I think thats gonna be a no on mowing this week boss:flipoff2:
FWIW, I did post many moons ago about the great great grandma, who was "100% caddo indian", when I finally saw the only existing picture of her, and it literally looked like Jed Clampett standing next to Florida from Good Times. That's a true story, and it got my dad to never speak of the indian blood in our family after me making the little innocent kid comment that "uh.... she's black daddy. She's black."

So yea, 99% chance I'm 12.5% black (? check my math)

But I'm not BLACK.

I dont remember anything as such. Dont know why I was thinking that.

Kid comments... I called an old lady at a department store a "fox in the butt". Apparently my mom was pretty embarrassed. :homer:
I moved 900 miles for a job, only to have him casually mention the first week that he could get someone to do my job for 1/3 of what he's paying me. If you could you would have. Kept telling me jobs here didn't pay what I was making, blah, blah, blah. I lasted about 3 months before I quit, dude was a mental midget.
Quit on a Thursday mid day. I took a week off to enjoy myself and was working 2 weeks from the day I quit making the same money but it was a 45 min. drive. Got a call from a recruiter that I didn't know a week ago about a job, a recruiter I do know passed my info to him. Now I have a job 7 miles from my house and 20% more pay.

I don't understand how people go months and years "Looking " for work.
There was no bread in the house so I whipped up some pancakes.

Tossed a burger in the pan with some worcestershire and some disgusting double ipa (because what else am I gonna use that for) marinade

Marinade tried to cook off but didn't try very hard. :laughing:

Forgot to take a pic before slapping cheese on. Yes those are two different cheeses.

Honeymustard and ketchup because I figure that'll pair better with the bun.
Was it edible?
Yeah it was meh.

I made basically every wrong decision possible along the way which probably didn’t help.

The pancakes were way too fat. The burger shouldn’t have been seasoned. Just pan fried on low heat to make it come out nice and juicy would have been better. I should have just stuck a single slice of American on it instead of adding the mozzarella that my girlfriend handed me (she grabbed one too many slices for whatever she was doing).

The choice of “sweet” condiments was generally solid but I’m thinking maybe next time I’ll lean into the breakfast theme a little more and use sausage gravy instead.

The boiled club is a dead end. This at least has merit and could be ok once refined.:laughing:
Took my racecar for a cruise (35-40mph) around the block a little while ago just because and some Kyle neighbor was standing at his gate with his phone out taking a picture/video so I waved as I drove by and then went back to the house and parked it. Apparently Kyle was screaming ASSHOLE at me when I drove by and my wife heard him about 1/8 mile away but I didn't. I've driven my racecar (sxs) around the block a total of 3 times since I moved here 2yrs ago. If he wants to see asshole I have no problem brush mowing a track into my big field in the morning and burning tank after tank of ethanol doing laps WFO. I live well outside city limits and can do shit like that at will. Kyle needs to go back in the fucking house and mind his business before he really has something to whine about.
Que arse hole. You are pounding your chest a bit much there.

Just go build your track, pussy:flipoff2:
Is sandy loam good for leveling an above ground pool? The thought was the pool will come down this winter and rather be stuck with a yard of sand to get rid of I could use the sandy loam to fix some spots in the yard.
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