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Useless things about your day!

Neat, wonder why the engine drives though
maybe there isn't big electric lines in the area or the poco is shit, or ya'll got that texas lightning problem where anything electric will get killed by lightning several times a year...
Honestly I'd imagine it comes down to cost to operate, natural gas is damn near free.
If I go back I'll ask.

We don't have this lightning problem you speak of.
We don't have this lightning problem you speak of.
oilfield youtube guy I watch is always getting his stuff blowed up from strikes

Suppose several hundred horsepower running all day don't come cheap, and scrap margins are always thin
oilfield youtube guy I watch is always getting his stuff blowed up from strikes

Suppose several hundred horsepower running all day don't come cheap, and scrap margins are always thin
I'm sure it happens but that oilfield electric stuff is not on a grid like you think it is.

Id almost bet these wakeshua engines are scrap themselves
maybe there isn't big electric lines in the area or the poco is shit,
It's absolutely amazing how many municipalities get fucked out of having any real commercial activity going on because some people who should have hung for any of a dozen things whipped up some poorly spec'd out deal with a utility company 50yr ago.
I'm sure it happens but that oilfield electric stuff is not on a grid like you think it is.

Id almost bet these wakeshua engines are scrap themselves

I didn't realize wakeshua still existed until this made me go look. About 13 years ago I worked on a drill rig that was probably 60 years old at that point and it had Wakeshua floor motors but other than that I'm not sure I've seen another one in person.

I would bet they went with NG motors because they called their electrical contractor like 3 months before delivery and got told that starters and switchgear were a year out and will cost 4x what they did the last time they bought some.
I didn't realize wakeshua still existed until this made me go look. About 13 years ago I worked on a drill rig that was probably 60 years old at that point and it had Wakeshua floor motors but other than that I'm not sure I've seen another one in person.

I would bet they went with NG motors because they called their electrical contractor like 3 months before delivery and got told that starters and switchgear were a year out and will cost 4x what they did the last time they bought some.
I have a 9400CI twin turbo NG in a test cell right now from them. Tested several of their large NG engines over the last few years.

If you have seen 2 number Oliver tractors you’ve seen machines powered by Waukesha
^^^ Grandpa farmed with Olivers and Minnie-Molines. 1650, 1950-T and a 1955. According to Tractordata.com the Olivers are Waukesha engines.
it has been a while since I had an under-vehicle gasoline issue, but today was that day,

Gasoline in the armpit burns..

Remindes me of a Holley I was rebuilding in 1988/9 ... It blew the power valve so was replacing it before I had to go pick up the wife (at the time).

Anyway, pulling the front bowl i ended up pouring the gasoline on me/ my balls... holy shit did that burn...

I worked thru it and was late picking her up... as soon as she got in the car I told her 'I am sorry I am late, but I poured gasoline on my balls and it really hurts, but here I am'. She later told me she was laughing so hard inside that she figured the burning balls was enough penance...
it has been a while since I had an under-vehicle gasoline issue, but today was that day,

Gasoline in the armpit burns..

The worst pain I've felt in my life was gasoline in my ear. Replacing a fuel pump on a suburban and it started falling off the jack, it tried to save it and a ton of fuel sloshed out of the tank into my ear. Not a good day :eek:
The worst pain I've felt in my life was gasoline in my ear. Replacing a fuel pump on a suburban and it started falling off the jack, it tried to save it and a ton of fuel sloshed out of the tank into my ear. Not a good day :eek:
Was about to post this.

Welding slag is 7/10, but only for a few seconds. Gas is 9/10 and lasts a while.

Fuck water boarding... you ever need some information right now get a medicine dropper and gas. Make sure they're restrained to the max. Gas in the ear creates hulk strength.
Neat, wonder why the engine drives though
maybe there isn't big electric lines in the area or the poco is shit, or ya'll got that texas lightning problem where anything electric will get killed by lightning several times a year...
I feed 8 Chevy big blocks natural gas for environmental control.

The grow in Nevada has a bunch of split units with 3 cylinder natural gas fed engines. Each one runs 4 head units in a room.
It's cheaper than electricity at that scale.
R&I my fire saw. New bar, kill switch wire, loctite dog screw, bore hole bigger for plug wire, add missing bolt to housing, sharpened 3 chains.

Off to find something to store my round files for my fire pack
Neat, wonder why the engine drives though
maybe there isn't big electric lines in the area or the poco is shit, or ya'll got that texas lightning problem where anything electric will get killed by lightning several times a year...

Could also be cost, ng is damn near free if you have access to it. Local utility wanted 100k to connect me onto the grid 2-3 years ago. Granted it was a decent run but that’s a hell of a lot of diesel and solar panels.
I feed 8 Chevy big blocks natural gas for environmental control.

The grow in Nevada has a bunch of split units with 3 cylinder natural gas fed engines. Each one runs 4 head units in a room.
It's cheaper than electricity at that scale.
huh suppose the extra energy conversions from using electric is enough of an inefficiency to make the difference
Working on my first car, a 78 F-150, had just got it running and put gas in both tanks. One tank was leaking so I was pulling it off. The tank tilted on the way to the ground. Got gas all over me. Can confirm that gas on the nuts is not pleasant.
Wife "had" to drive my 79 today. :laughing:

Seems she forgot to tell me she was dropping her excursion off at the body shop to have them remove the rest of the asphalt tack the county sprayed when they shouldn't have (different story). I had the dually hauling hay today but I could have done it with my baby (79 :flipoff2:).

Nope, she had to drive it 50mi to do something.:lmao:

She made it home safe...the 79 that is. :lmao::flipoff2:
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