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Useless things about your day!

When the boss says "have some faith in your fellow employees" , and you loan them your cable. :mad3:
so finally swapping out the shift tower on the jetta that about 50k miles ago I noticed the linear ball bearing it rides on had lost all its balls (probably into the gears because germans)
Of course I replaced that linear ball bearing with a plain cast iron one turned outta an old camshaft, seems to shift just as smooth as the neutered linear bearing one that was in there, meh...

anyways when I was draining the mtf to change it out while I had a big honkin hole in the top to dump the new juice in through I noticed that the radiator was kinda dangly a lot lower than it was before
previous owner had hit a deer and broke off the lower two mounts so it was just sorta flopping in the breeze (thing's got a 6" bow to it but it don't leak, even the condenser doesn't leak) well I guess the upper left mount fucked off (maybe when I hit a deer several months ago?) and let it fall outta the upper right
coathangered the fan shroud to the core support, oughta get a few more miles outta it

if I didn't know how to drive total shit I'd have to play videogames to use up all my spare time and have a wife or some other bizarro world alternate reality shit.
Its been here for two weeks after he asked for a couole of days.

Yall woulda been done on the 3rd day.

You are like the third person that I've ever heard use the word thermoplastics. :laughing:
There are thermoplastic and thermoset resins.

In simplest terms, when adding heat:
  • Thermoplastics melt like butter.
  • Thermosets cook like an egg.
Thermoset resins won't re-melt because they're crosslinked; those are the plastics that char instead of melting.

non-thermoplastics dont melt together for shit! :laughing:

Egg-zactly :flipoff2:
When my dad passed away we set up an annual scholarship for two students at my dad's high school down in Lakeside, Ca. They presented the scholarship awards at an awards assembly for the senior class and their parents tonight, and I was the lucky one to go say things I to a microphone and bring up the recipients to shake their hands. I haven't talked in front of that many people in a while, but somehow didn't blow it.

Cool part was the kids who received the scholarship didn't know if they had got it or not until I called their names. Both were super excited when they came up to get their award.

I also found out about a group called the Lakeside Optimist Club that had raised money for scholarships for kids who were interested in trade schools and had show aptitude for it in high school. Pretty cool to see that happening as well.
Damn :frown: . . . I thought I was at NASA level by using the good T&B zip ties, and here you are adding steampunk flair for style points :flipoff2:
For automotive plastics I prefer zip ties. Wire on plastic is more likely to tear out. Zip ties deform and stretch a little to fit.
In the middle of nowhere with zero traffic riding a wheelie and this fucker turned onto the road 3/4 of a mile away. Keep riding the wheelie and set it down well before he passed me. He pulled into the ditch, I thought it was weird (still didn't know it was a cop), and said FML as soon as I got closer.... Thankfully I have a spotless record, and he let me go witha verbal warning.

Got a wild hair this morning, decided our home property needs to be safer, ordered 4 standard signs:


(Note: we have no alligators) That^ is going on the creek-side fence


(We have no hiking trails, and bears are pretty fuggin' unlikely)


( . . . we have no snow, but sleds would be welcome)


. . . and one custom sign because fuck it, why not:


I feel safer already :flipoff2::laughing:
Placed an order on friday for some parts that were in Nevada. Ups fumbled things up and It's now going to be next week before I get anything.

Placed an order on monday for some bike parts. They were in Turkey....Fedex just dropped them off:laughing:
Got a call from a local realtor about a building that will be for sale. 10k sqft steel building on a decent lot, just over the border. This could be a good solution. Place looks decent from street view and satellite.
Good luck! Which border?
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