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Unpopular Opinion Thread

I'd expand on that further and put voting rights back into the hands of property owners only.

That's been mentioned several times and I think it's BS really. I get this is just the opinion thread though. Just think of all those in the military that serve but maybe don't own a home, mainly E4-5 and below. They will do the brunt of the fighting and dying but then can't vote.
People who buy full blooded dogs have ego problems or are pretentious.

Also, If you have a dog that is not fixed you are a irresponsible person.
All lives dont really matter. White, black, brown, whatever.

Diversity is NOT what made this country great
All lives dont really matter. White, black, brown, whatever.

Diversity is NOT what made this country great

Yeah, but mixed race women always seem to be gorgeous. The more unlikely the parents shackin' up the more the effect. And that's what matters and makes this country great.
if you don't pay income taxes you have no vote. and your children should starve if you can't feed them. let nature take its course.
if you don't pay income taxes you have no vote. and your children should starve if you can't feed them. let nature take its course.

Here's one for you.

Our nation would be richer, with better infrastructure, a better capitalized government and higher tax revenues if the income tax didn't exist and pay roll taxes were removed.
Here's one for you.

Our nation would be richer, with better infrastructure, a better capitalized government and higher tax revenues if the income tax didn't exist and pay roll taxes were removed.

Here is one:

I would rather Texas be funded with a state income tax and no property tax. Instead of the current big property tax and no state income tax.
I want to own my property and not rent it from the state.

Corporate tax rates .......People who hold the idea that corporations don't really pay taxes, they pass it along to the consumer, should shut the fuck up when the topic of corporate tax rates come up. Quit trying to have it both ways. Either they don't pay taxes or they do.
Team sports are promoted to develop better corporate drones.

Competition brings out the worst in people, not the best.
The end result may be the best, but that doesn't change the statement
Here is one:

I would rather Texas be funded with a state income tax and no property tax. Instead of the current big property tax and no state income tax.
I want to own my property and not rent it from the state.

Corporate tax rates .......People who hold the idea that corporations don't really pay taxes, they pass it along to the consumer, should shut the fuck up when the topic of corporate tax rates come up. Quit trying to have it both ways. Either they don't pay taxes or they do.

Look into Arkansas tax code. It's just like that.
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That's been mentioned several times and I think it's BS really. I get this is just the opinion thread though. Just think of all those in the military that serve but maybe don't own a home, mainly E4-5 and below. They will do the brunt of the fighting and dying but then can't vote.

.mil are exempt and can vote because of their service, same with first responders. Done. Now everyone can get on board with it.
Of course, no foreigners can own property in the USA. All currently held Chinese owned property would face immediate "imminent domain" and get bottom dollar buy out for all properties.
Ozzy sucks balls.
Breaking Bad and all the shows like it are dumb.
Netflix is horrible
Buying old school CDs is better than streaming music
Your favorite craft beer tastes like wood flooring

There's a few.
Historians will trace the downfall of current civilization to when kids started wearing bicycle helmets. From that point on we failed at weeding out the weak and stupid, and let them grow up and breed.

Odd. Considering that the most influential people in society are the geeks, why would you think that the survival of our civilization depends on the physically strong or coordinated? Are we better off because of Hawking or because of Lebron?
Odd. Considering that the most influential people in society are the geeks, why would you think that the survival of our civilization depends on the physically strong or coordinated? Are we better off because of Hawking or because of Lebron?

I can guarantee it's definitely not because of hawking
Odd. Considering that the most influential people in society are the geeks, why would you think that the survival of our civilization depends on the physically strong or coordinated? Are we better off because of Hawking or because of Lebron?

Let me guess, your helicopter parents made you wear a helmet, and now you feel offended. :flipoff2:
People who buy full blooded dogs have ego problems or are pretentious.

Also, If you have a dog that is not fixed you are a irresponsible person.

I had a full-blooded husky and I'm probably the least pretentious person you'd ever meet.

Agreed on the second part though
"The South" lost 155 years ago, get the fuck over it. :flipoff2:

The whole country lost.

Every state lost their right to secede.

You entered into a relationship with the United States with the agreement that this is a mutually beneficial arrangement, when the relationship has run its course and it's time to move on, she turns into some some jealous girlfriend, puts a gun to your head, burns your clothes, and force you into a marriage you were never on board with.
The whole country lost.

Every state lost their right to secede.

You entered into a relationship with the United States with the agreement that this is a mutually beneficial arrangement, when the relationship has run its course and it's time to move on, she turns into some some jealous girlfriend, puts a gun to your head, burns your clothes, and force you into a marriage you were never on board with.

The civil war proved that there was no right to secede. Nowhere in COTUS does it say a state has a right to secede. Your analogy is false.
Only property owners should be as allowed to vote. Very unpopular opinion among those that vote for a living.

I'm not sure that only property owners should be able to vote; however, if you own multiple properties in multiple jurisdictions, you should be able to vote local issues everywhere you own said property. I'm not saying if you own three houses, that you get three votes for POTUS, but if you own properties in three states, maybe you should be able to vote in three separate localities. What was that about taxation without representation?
9th & 10th

Except Texas. They can secede, according to Texans, lol . Biden is going to win and picks Al Sharpton as VP, or someone as "Black".. Civil War 2.0 Starts in February.
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