Pit bull makes great tires
Every every gun law is an infringement
Greg is cool
Trump is a fucking narcissistic buffoon that couldn't figure out which end of a hammer to hit a nail with.
Still better than killery.
The government does not have your best interest in mind.
Covid-19 is a joke and certainly not worth destroying our economy over.
All of Greg's posts are better than all of the little faggots who follow him around desperately hanging from his sack just so they can post STFUG.
as far as the OP..
I agree, big time, we shouldn't let every other dumbass vote, just cuz they were born here.. bring back laws like they had in the past or something.. require that everyone who votes has to have a high school diploma or GED to begin with..
Scott, it's supposed to be an unpopular opinion.
Epstien committed suicide