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Trump 2024?

You may be right but to actually cross party lines and vote for creepy Joe instead is something else entirely.

Lots of people vote for who they feel is the best candidate, not just automatically select the box of a candidate based on political party, including myself. Otherwise there’s no reason for campaigning or debates.
I'm smart enough to shut up when I don't know what I'm talking about. You, apparently not so much. My statements are CORRECT.

it is all about degrees chico... the US produced 19% of the worlds oil last year, in 1950 we dominated... and, more important than that, we kept our oil here and manufactured with it, we used it for steel production and then we made stuff with the steel. The churn of a dollar in the US was what created the middle class. People of color were improving their lot because everyone was getting paid, our taxes were actually higher back then, BUT, because the average household made more nobody cared.

A trifle of that is happening with current production. We can't go back to that model because too many other parts have changed. That, and the McCarthy era (Roy Cohn) were pretty bad things...

So, YES, oil production improved in the US, but not to the degree that we had from the 20's to almost the 60's...
I'm smart enough to shut up when I don't know what I'm talking about. You, apparently not so much. My statements are CORRECT.

The United States is a net importer of crude oil. In November 2019, the latest monthly data, it imported 5.8 million b/d of crude oil and exported 3.0 million b/d of crude oil. The United States is a net exporter of petroleum products (such as distillate fuel, motor gasoline, and jet fuel).Feb 6, 2020
Lots of people vote for who they feel is the best candidate, not just automatically select the box of a candidate based on political party, including myself. Otherwise there’s no reason for campaigning or debates.

This. I vote for the person, NOT the party.
The United States is a net importer of crude oil. In November 2019, the latest monthly data, it imported 5.8 million b/d of crude oil and exported 3.0 million b/d of crude oil. The United States is a net exporter of petroleum products (such as distillate fuel, motor gasoline, and jet fuel).Feb 6, 2020
Right. And note carefully that I said net exporter of petroleum products. The crude comes here for refining because other countries the consume lots of petroleum products like to pretend that they don't.
This. I vote for the person, NOT the party.

I vote for the party many times and I can admit it. I know that most Democrats, deep down inside, would have me and my friends in some kind of reeducation camp if they were made emperor. Especially the women. There are Republicans that are the same way, but I can usually tell which ones they are.
I totally disagree. Most of the people I know who vote Republican don't give two shits about abortion. For the most part, the only people who care about abortion religious freaks. And just to be clear, I'm not saying abortion is a good thing. What I am saying is its a private family decision that is nobody else's fawking business. And for sure government should not be funding abortion.

People voting vs the party putting a candidate up there saying it are different things. It’s like Mitt Romney having socialized medicine in Massachusetts before the affordable care act. Just not going to happen.
I think he's just doing it for show, being centrist that is. Once he's in he'll go full blown fucktard progressive.

I do agree with last comment and the left uniting

Agree. Him and Kamala are going to reverse their stances and tell the public it was just the debate or an election year. Full blown far left ideology and they would STILL beat any republican out there.
True, but the irony in many consider the 50s to be the best time in America. And by many metrics it was. The problem with the younger crowd is cancerous cancel culture and placing feelings over reality.

The problem is the younger crowd WASNT ALIVE in the 50s. No one wants to go back to before the internet existed and before the civil rights movement that doesn’t live at home. Yeah best time in America if you were a white male. Gay female person of color? Not so much. Some of those young republicans might care more about their friends being treated like shit than buying a dishwasher.
I vote for the party many times and I can admit it. I know that most Democrats, deep down inside, would have me and my friends in some kind of reeducation camp if they were made emperor. Especially the women. There are Republicans that are the same way, but I can usually tell which ones they are.

That's the same exact bullshit the dems feed to their loyal followers. "vote for us or the evil other people will literally put you in a concentration camp!"

You're getting played.
That's the same exact bullshit the dems feed to their loyal followers. "vote for us or the evil other people will literally put you in a concentration camp!"

You're getting played.

Vote for Democrats? I'll keep spitting in the wind. Democrats = More Taxes or where not allowed fees, etc.etc. Bye bye guns, etc. Laqueefa needs healthcare? Please let me pay for it, it's the least I can do...etc.
Vote for Democrats? I'll keep spitting in the wind. Democrats = More Taxes or where not allowed fees, etc.etc. Bye bye guns, etc. Laqueefa needs healthcare? Please let me pay for it, it's the least I can do...etc.

Not quite sure how you got "vote for the other group of idiots using the same bullshit fear mongering line" out of that statement, but you do you.
Vote for Democrats? I'll keep spitting in the wind. Democrats = More Taxes or where not allowed fees, etc.etc. Bye bye guns, etc. Laqueefa needs healthcare? Please let me pay for it, it's the least I can do...etc.

you realize there are more than two nearly identical choices, right?
Not quite sure how you got "vote for the other group of idiots using the same bullshit fear mongering line" out of that statement, but you do you.

AOC and Bernie represent what most real Dems believe. There are wishy washy Dems that wouldn't like their version of "democracy", sure, but most of them would love to see their policy positions become law. It's the logical progression of their less-extreme policy positions today.
AOC and Bernie represent what most real Dems believe.

Sweeping generalizations based on talk radio and tv. That's no different than the dem types claiming that ol' DUI Gaetz is exactly what literally every single republican voter wants. Neither is true but it's the sort of crap people point at the other side to demonize them.
Sweeping generalizations based on talk radio and tv. That's no different than the dem types claiming that ol' DUI Gaetz is exactly what literally every single republican voter wants. Neither is true but it's the sort of crap people point at the other side to demonize them.

Yup. When you don't have anything positive to say about "your guy" you make up shit about the other side. Plays well to the stupid.
Sweeping generalizations based on talk radio and tv. That's no different than the dem types claiming that ol' DUI Gaetz is exactly what literally every single republican voter wants. Neither is true but it's the sort of crap people point at the other side to demonize them.

No, it's based on the people I grew up with, worked with, and am friends with. There are dumb union people who have always voted D that don't agree with almost anything AOC does. It's hard to account for them, that's true. There are other people who are 1-issue voters who can't comprehend much more than that. These are the same kind of people who only answer the last question asked in an email with 5, for example. Gaetz does represent damned near everything most R's want, though.



He grew up and just shot himself in the forehead this time.

Trump is a fawking moron. If the Republican party had stood up just about any other candidate then they would have won the election in a landslide.

The Democratic party is getting fractured by extreme socialists. Moderates and rational Democrats are ripe for the picking. The Republican party simply needs to jettison losing issues such as abortion and immigration and the Democratic party is DONE. Nikki Haley would be a great candidate in 2024.

I'm sorry, but this statement is stupid. Trump did win in a landslide. I agree with the others, if he doesn't expose it, the republic is done.

Once the republicans are gone, the Dems will use the cheating set up to screw each other. Eventually, we'll become a nation of gangsters like Russia.
I have to admit it would be entertaining to watch Trump and Pence run against each other in the primary.
Trump should just go enjoy his money and hot wife. There will NEVER be another R in the WH, I'd put any amount of $$ on it. Fortunately I'm not young so I dont have a lot of years to live under socialist democrat rule and the destruction of America.
Trump should just go enjoy his money and hot wife. There will NEVER be another R in the WH, I'd put any amount of $$ on it. Fortunately I'm not young so I dont have a lot of years to live under socialist democrat rule and the destruction of America.

Don’t get too excited. Using the past 40 years or so as an example Biden’s successor is likely to be a Republican. The pendulum always swings back and forth.
Don’t get too excited. Using the past 40 years or so as an example Biden’s successor is likely to be a Republican. The pendulum always swings back and forth.

True, but that was when elections and the press were relatively fair. Also, there was no such thing as Facebook and Twitter censorship. Trump needs to win this time to fix this stuff or it will never get fixed.

I dont know if Trump senior could run in 2024 because of age. I know he's got lots of energy, but for how long? If he can't stop election fraud while he's president, there's no way he can stop it as a civilian.
Trump and Pence both have ZERO chance of gaining traction in the 2024 primary. ZERO.

I agree. Trump because he acts like a whiny little 2 y/o and Pence because he's seen as a "christian ayatollah". IMO the best shot the R's have in 2024 is Nikki Haley
True, but that was when elections and the press were relatively fair. Also, there was no such thing as Facebook and Twitter censorship. Trump needs to win this time to fix this stuff or it will never get fixed.

I dont know if Trump senior could run in 2024 because of age. I know he's got lots of energy, but for how long? If he can't stop election fraud while he's president, there's no way he can stop it as a civilian.

If you think that in the past the press wasn't biased and that there wasn't some cheating in the election(s) you're incredibly stupid.
True, but that was when elections and the press were relatively fair. Also, there was no such thing as Facebook and Twitter censorship. Trump needs to win this time to fix this stuff or it will never get fixed.

I dont know if Trump senior could run in 2024 because of age. I know he's got lots of energy, but for how long? If he can't stop election fraud while he's president, there's no way he can stop it as a civilian.

How'd you feel about the hanging chads episode? Was that on the up and up, or brotherly favor?
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