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Trump 2024?

the conservative atheist

Jun 3, 2020
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I believe the election was rigged and it doesn't even have to be with fraudulent ballots or machines. Fake suppression polls, MSM covering for Biden while running 4 years of negative Trump coverage, hyping the flu hoax and fake race war, big tech censoring conservatives, it goes on and on.

So how is Trump, or any republican for that matter, going to win against the corrupt rigged system in 2024 and beyond?

That's why it's going to be disappointing if Trump continues to huff and puff about fraud without anything actually being overturned or anyone prosecuted. He will go out with a whimper, and any 2024 bid will be a joke because to campaign at all is to imply elections are free and fair.

Last sentence of body of post is telling.
If we can't fix it, this place is finished.
They are counting on conservatives saying "what's the point?" and withdrawing from the system.
I don't have the answer and hope to hear some good ideas.
Trump is a fawking moron. If the Republican party had stood up just about any other candidate then they would have won the election in a landslide.

The Democratic party is getting fractured by extreme socialists. Moderates and rational Democrats are ripe for the picking. The Republican party simply needs to jettison losing issues such as abortion and immigration and the Democratic party is DONE. Nikki Haley would be a great candidate in 2024.
Republican party won't be dead, they will just run another candidate like Jeb! who is two standard deviations to the right of the left like they always do. I have a feeling a large chunk of establishment republicans will be happy to see trump go so they can get back to doing thier uniparty BS.
I believe the election was rigged and it doesn't even have to be with fraudulent ballots or machines. Fake suppression polls, MSM covering for Biden while running 4 years of negative Trump coverage, hyping the flu hoax and fake race war, big tech censoring conservatives, it goes on and on.

So how is Trump, or any republican for that matter, going to win against the corrupt rigged system in 2024 and beyond?

That's why it's going to be disappointing if Trump continues to huff and puff about fraud without anything actually being overturned or anyone prosecuted. He will go out with a whimper, and any 2024 bid will be a joke because to campaign at all is to imply elections are free and fair.


If the BEST the Republican Party can do is put Trump against Biden they're going to seal Biden/Harris 2024.
The Republican party simply needs to jettison losing issues such as abortion and immigration and the Democratic party is DONE. Nikki Haley would be a great candidate in 2024.

They need to come up with a way to support legal marijuana by allowing banks to hold the money. Abortion....never going to happen. You have a better chance of Kamala Harris being "pro gun" than you do a Republican being okay with abortions. Immigration you may have a point on. Something like "all those who registered with DACA get citizenship, and we're ending the program to new enrollment."
They need to abandon the whole approach to overhaul the affordable care act.
Trump is a fawking moron. If the Republican party had stood up just about any other candidate then they would have won the election in a landslide.

The Democratic party is getting fractured by extreme socialists. Moderates and rational Democrats are ripe for the picking. The Republican party simply needs to jettison losing issues such as abortion and immigration and the Democratic party is DONE. Nikki Haley would be a great candidate in 2024.

Exactly. He was a shit candidate that managed to be barely more popular than one of the worst democrat candidates in history. Let Joe fracture the dems further, run a candidate that appeals to more than just the reality TV crowd and victory would be easy.
Trump is a fawking moron. If the Republican party had stood up just about any other candidate then they would have won the election in a landslide.

The Democratic party is getting fractured by extreme socialists. Moderates and rational Democrats are ripe for the picking. The Republican party simply needs to jettison losing issues such as abortion and immigration and the Democratic party is DONE. Nikki Haley would be a great candidate in 2024.

You don't know shit.
Trump is a fawking moron. If the Republican party had stood up just about any other candidate then they would have won the election in a landslide.

The Democratic party is getting fractured by extreme socialists. Moderates and rational Democrats are ripe for the picking. The Republican party simply needs to jettison losing issues such as abortion and immigration and the Democratic party is DONE. Nikki Haley would be a great candidate in 2024.

I think you're wrong.... Many people voted for him because he wasn't a life-long politician....

immigration should never be a losing issue. You can't have a country w/o a border.
I believe the election was rigged and it doesn't even have to be with fraudulent ballots or machines. Fake suppression polls, MSM covering for Biden while running 4 years of negative Trump coverage, hyping the flu hoax and fake race war, big tech censoring conservatives, it goes on and on.

So how is Trump, or any republican for that matter, going to win against the corrupt rigged system in 2024 and beyond?

That's why it's going to be disappointing if Trump continues to huff and puff about fraud without anything actually being overturned or anyone prosecuted. He will go out with a whimper, and any 2024 bid will be a joke because to campaign at all is to imply elections are free and fair.


As of today, with the amount of suspicion hovering over the election, I see zero reason to vote in the future...
True, but making claims like "mexico is totes going to pay for the wall!" and shit was idiotic. But it played well to the idiocracy crowd so trump ran with it.

*sigh*... you didn't bother to follow-up on any of the statements he made, eh? Economically, the money that was no longer being sent to mexico due to bad trade agreements *is* mexico paying for a wall.

but your buy Biden wants to erase all student debt... can't imaging him running with that if it poles well.
The best candidates the right has are unelectable in today's day and age because they make too much sense and don't pander to people. (think Ted Cruz - like him or not, he's a true constitutionalist).

They'll have to play identity politics like the left does and run a woman and/or a minority to win. I sincerely hope Trump cuts his losses and rides off into the sunset, and we don't need his kids either because the media will butcher them as well.
*sigh*... you didn't bother to follow-up on any of the statements he made, eh? Economically, the money that was no longer being sent to mexico due to bad trade agreements *is* mexico paying for a wall.

but your buy Biden wants to erase all student debt... can't imaging him running with that if it poles well.

Oh well in that case I guess china is paying for it too with those tariffs. Oh wait, that's us, the consumers paying it but still CHINA IS PAYING FOR THE WALL (and any other politically convenient thing).

The nafta replacement makes it even more appealing to ship jobs to mexico, so I'm still not quite sure how we came out on top there. It's about as bad a deal as the feds adding student debt to the national debt.

And I still didn't vote for biden.
Just because you liked what he was selling doesn't mean that everyone did.

I was amused by the "make them pay for it" bit but never thought it was realistic. But I appreciated the effort to have a border with some rules, unlike the stupid alternative we're going to have now, open borders. But idiots like you will keep saying he was stupid to say it so fuck him . And I will keep saying Fuck you! to you.:flipoff2:
I was amused by the "make them pay for it" bit but never thought it was realistic. But I appreciated the effort to have a border with some rules, unlike the stupid alternative we're going to have now, open borders. But idiots like you will keep saying he was stupid to say it so fuck him . And I will keep saying Fuck you! to you.:flipoff2:

The thing is, he didn't change the rules. He just spent a shitload of our money on a wall that has already been climbed over. It's a feel good measure that doesn't do anything but sound good at rallies. Fixing the legislative and legal side of it might have actually done something good but he went for the easy rally route.
Many feel the same and for good reason. But that in itself ensures there will never be another republican president.

Agreed. But will there ever be another GOP POTUS if the election is fraudulent? And if indeed it is fraudulent, what happens next.... senate? Congress? Governors?
By the time Biden / Harris / Pelosi (insert far left person here) is done after 2-4 years any swinging dick could run on the republican ticket and win..... assuming we're not all living in shanty towns broke as fuck by then.
By the time Biden / Harris / Pelosi (insert far left person here) is done after 2-4 years any swinging dick could run on the republican ticket and win..... assuming we're not all living in shanty towns broke as fuck by then.

So far biden is playing the centrist card. If he keeps that up the temper tantrums from super lefties like aoc are going to crack up their party better than any republican could dream of. Part of trump's problem was that he was really good at being something for them to unite against.
They'll have to play identity politics like the left does and run a woman and/or a minority to win. I sincerely hope Trump cuts his losses and rides off into the sunset, and we don't need his kids either because the media will butcher them as well.
I dunno, D only does it because it's what the media pushes
historically female and black people running for R tend to do poorly

there was that one black guy in the obama years, iirc didn't get past the primaries despite being a better choice from what I remember
then there's palin and comey which shows that they'll quickly jump on the boat of calling women religious extremists only if they've got an R next to their name
[486 said:
I dunno, D only does it because it's what the media pushes
historically female and black people running for R tend to do poorly

there was that one black guy in the obama years, iirc didn't get past the primaries despite being a better choice from what I remember
then there's palin and comey which shows that they'll quickly jump on the boat of calling women religious extremists only if they've got an R next to their name

that was Herman Cain....he wasn't the strongest candidate, and you're right...he was quickly labeled an Uncle Tom, just like Ben Carson was.
Trump will be officially blacklisted from the internet once he is out of office as will any of his supporters and family.
So far biden is playing the centrist card. If he keeps that up the temper tantrums from super lefties like aoc are going to crack up their party better than any republican could dream of. Part of trump's problem was that he was really good at being something for them to unite against.

Biden can pretend to be a centrist, but he will sign every liberal wishlist bill that they can put on his desk along with a shitload of EO's that push the agenda.
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