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*The official* "It's a Clown World, after all." thread.

It isn't weird, it's wrong, completely wrong. People were questioning the legality of the way she was selected, and the transfer of campaign funds, for about a week, then no more questions?

Weird as in, Trump was supposed to die. If he had died and things had gone to ((plan)) the potato in chief would have remained right where he was while the country descended into chaos.

Their actions indicate that the assassination was part of the ((plan)) and when it failed, they had to scramble to put up a frontrunner that would be believable beating Trump when they kick in the cheat votes.

I guess it's not that hard to believe. If you're willing to steal an election in what should be a free country....you'd be willing to kill the biggest threat to your entrenched power structure. Thomas Crooks was a victim of MKUltra.
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Something has to be up, installing her and then picking Walz can't be a winning combo but their doing it anyhow. Either their throwing this election out or they have a plan that doesn't include democracy....
democracy and Democracy are entirely different things
But then how will I express my individuality by looking like every other person expressing their individuality?!?!?! Nooooooooooo!
The facial piercings are what should be illegal. That mouth looks like a bear trap.
Elaine*. But, yes.
What in the actual fuck is that trash? I did not need to be reminded that break dancing is in the Olympics. Now that I've seen how terrible it is, it makes even less sense. :shaking:
She did not get any points judges thought it was trash also :lmao:. Break dancing is just a temporary sport will not be in the next Olympics in 2028
Something has to be up, installing her and then picking Walz can't be a winning combo but their doing it anyhow. Either their throwing this election out or they have a plan that doesn't include democracy....
They are going to tank her. They have conceded after the failed attempt Trump will win if he lasts that long. Is Biden even still alive? The Trauma event in Vegas then straight to the air and Walter Reed instead at shaking the plane speed then suddenly slows down…

I think knee pads will be sworn in the last month or 2 before the end of Bidens term she will write all the pardons. Dems get to check first woman president and then they get to impeach Trump for the next 4 years hoping to get a conviction against him before ge gets one against them.

Or plan B. Same as above but instead of conceding the election big Mike steps up as a trans candidate last minute…
They're desperately trying to use whoever they can to save face. All this polling showing the race closer and all these events they keep showing are faked or doctored to make her seem remotely popular when she isn't and the whole facade will fall apart the first time she has to debate Trump.

All the polls being quoted in MSM showing a close race are a joke. If you check the polling methodology it's typically 500-1500 people and usually a majority democrats being polled. Often times being registered to vote doesn't even factor in.

They're also using paid actors, AI, photo editing, etc for these crowds at her events. She's been outed by several rappers she's tried to pay to be at events. Her Phoenix rally got caught using paid actors recruited off Craigslist to make attendance not be noticeably horrible. They also doctored photos from it. There's one of her standing in front of a plane with what looks like an enormous crowd but you can see the actual crowd in reflections off the plane and it's not even 1/3 of the people shown in the photos.

But, even that might be enough to work. They don't need to win in a fair election. They couldn't rig enough counties to win with Biden, the gap was far too large between him and Trump and it would have just been blatantly obvious. But if they can plausibly close the race to within a point of each other suddenly it's a much smaller amount of fraud needed to show a win.
But, even that might be enough to work. They don't need to win in a fair election. They couldn't rig enough counties to win with Biden, the gap was far too large between him and Trump and it would have just been blatantly obvious. But if they can plausibly close the race to within a point of each other suddenly it's a much smaller amount of fraud needed to show a win.
Exactly this.

Biden v. Trump part II was going to be a landslide. '24 things are alot different than they were in '20. But if they can get Camal falsely pumped up to get some extra votes in key areas... get alot of "stay home" voters to actually come out and vote, they can lose just close enough to cheat a win again.

And if it happens (again), the big R will say "hey- this doesn't look right", then go on with their lives like nothing happened. (again)
Exactly this.

Biden v. Trump part II was going to be a landslide. '24 things are alot different than they were in '20. But if they can get Camal falsely pumped up to get some extra votes in key areas... get alot of "stay home" voters to actually come out and vote, they can lose just close enough to cheat a win again.

And if it happens (again), the big R will say "hey- this doesn't look right", then go on with their lives like nothing happened. (again)
It also gives them an opportunity to cry election interference when the lawsuits start when she's not eligible to be on the ballot in some states. If that doesn't go their way and they lose the general election it gives them something to point to so the loss isn't their fault.

I don't think the the fake hype is going to last either. It generally didn't work with black men and has been polarizing in general now that she's suddenly claiming to be black after decades of trying to come off as only Indian. 3 months is a long time to try to keep this fake hype up, nevermind that she'll have to debate Trump at some point. She can't speak for 30 seconds without coming off as completely retarded and that's with a friendly reporter base pitching her softballs. I can't imagine how much she'll fall apart if she's got Trump there to get her worked up.
All the polls being quoted in MSM showing a close race are a joke. If you check the polling methodology it's typically 500-1500 people and usually a majority democrats being polled. Often times being registered to vote doesn't even factor in.

They're also using paid actors, AI, photo editing, etc for these crowds at her events. She's been outed by several rappers she's tried to pay to be at events. Her Phoenix rally got caught using paid actors recruited off Craigslist to make attendance not be noticeably horrible. They also doctored photos from it. There's one of her standing in front of a plane with what looks like an enormous crowd but you can see the actual crowd in reflections off the plane and it's not even 1/3 of the people shown in the photos.
It generally didn't work with black men and has been polarizing in general now that she's suddenly claiming to be black after decades of trying to come off as only Indian. 3 months is a long time to try to keep this fake hype up, nevermind that she'll have to debate Trump at some point. She can't speak for 30 seconds without coming off as completely retarded and that's with a friendly reporter base pitching her softballs. I can't imagine how much she'll fall apart if she's got Trump there to get her worked up.

But none of this is being or will be reported in the MSM or by the left dominated media sources so the boomers and the lefties won't hear about it.

Unless she does worse than Biden half the country won't even hear about her debate fuck ups. They'll just see the highlight reel they're "meant" to see.

It took four years for enough shit to come out for those parts of population to wise up to the fact that Biden was too senile. 3 months is nothing by comparison.
But none of this is being reported in the MSM or by the left dominated media sources so the boomers and the lefties won't hear about it.
Doesn't really matter, the viewership in the MSM is at all time lows and even those numbers are inflated because 24 hour news is the type of shit that's just always turned on in waiting rooms, airports, lobbies, etc. The even further left stuff is only being read/watched by people who were going to vote that way anyway.

The swing vote is what matters and imo very little of that group wants another 4 years of Bidenomics. There's a lot of people out there who are just going to vote Trump and never talk about it.
Doesn't really matter, the viewership in the MSM is at all time lows and even those numbers are inflated because 24 hour news is the type of shit that's just always turned on in waiting rooms, airports, lobbies, etc. The even further left stuff is only being read/watched by people who were going to vote that way anyway.

The swing vote is what matters and imo very little of that group wants another 4 years of Bidenomics. There's a lot of people out there who are just going to vote Trump and never talk about it.
Swing voters are a red herring. Base turnout in contested areas matters IMO.
Swing voters are a red herring. Base turnout in contested areas matters IMO.
Yeah, but I don't think anything has changed in that regard which is why they're pushing all this fake shit like poll numbers and event attendance so hard. If she was actually firing up their core voter base they wouldn't need to do all this shit to cover for her.

I start seeing Harris campaign merch all over the place I might start changing my mind. I live in a very blue part of the state and I haven't seen shit for Biden in either election compared to plenty of it for Hillary in 2016 and I'm talking I can literally count on one, maybe two hands the amount of shit I've seen between the two elections. There's a ton of yard signs, stickers, etc all over the place here now but it's all Congressional and local as was the case in 2016. That said, it's a bit early to use that as an offhand metric, she hasn't been actually announced as the nominee yet, she's still presumptive.

The propaganda of pushing polls and popularity is a double edged sword as well. It's just as likely to rally the opponents base as it is their own. People who may have figured no need to vote in a landslide might just as easily be encouraged to vote if the election looks closer.
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