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tangent covid thought about going out too soon

Let me help you help them - tell folks they shouldn't worry about what others say.

Also, please inform them that their feelers are not constitutionally protected.

Also, please re-read this:

Also, this:

I'm not begrudging anyone their right to accept the terror that has been skullfucked into their psyches by propaganda.

Please don't begrudge me the right to say, "That's just fucking stupid - go live your life, already!" - fair enough? :laughing:

that's the fucking problem.

"we shouldn't be callous to them" - no, fuck them. they are callous as all hell to me. not only are they only in fear because of the state and media (okay, maybe 2% aren't) they have the force of the state behind them! when this is "over" will we be able to pass a law that says "anybody who wears a face covering in public will be subject to a fine or who requires a face covering will have their business closed?"

I sure as hell hope NOT but that is EXACTLY what they are doing in only over half the country now, but significantly higher previously and now federally. it is highly likely that if they would give the same respect to others that they are demanding for themselves, it would remove a whole fuckton of stress from the situation and would instantly "depoliticize" the whole damn subject.

unless they decide they need another $3T for some more bullshit
Harry. You can at least normally articulate something I don’t agree with based on something other than emotion or propaganda. Me thinking you are wrong doesn’t invalidate your opinion. I don’t see where you are coming from at all on this thread and you disappoint me
I changed nothing about my life except avoiding places that mask hassle me. They don’t want my business. All of my friends and most of my family have been positive. 65ish people all told. Quit cowering in fear after you look at stats and decide what matters in life.
Not at all. I'm saying the scared people can't just stay home. They have to go out and interact with others if they want to have a job, so it's a good idea to be a little less cavalier with the "fuck em, they can stay home if they want" line.

There are people out there with health conditions, weak or compromised immune systems, etc, who still have to go to work every day. Playing the "Stay at home if you don't like it card" just invites them to actually stay at home and claim fear of covid to the feds and get a check to not work.

There has to be a little more thought that goes into the solution, and yeah, it's inconvenient, and difficult, and I don't think anyone has a good answer, but if it was easy to fix the problem, we would have done it a year ago. "The can stay home" works about as well as "Lock everything down"

I am and always be very cavalier with the fuck you stay at home attitude and let me tell you why...

If I was scared, no rephrase that, terrified that if I had a very good chance of dying a horrible death from contracting this covid shit you're damn right I would stay at home. Why wouldn't I? If I catch it I die and lose everything near and dear to me, if I stay at home and do everything possible to not catch it I will live, I might have to rebuild my life when it's over but at least I'm alive to do so. I don't know about anyone else but I prefer to be alive rather than dead myself.

For the record I am one of those people with a health condition I take meds that destroy my immune system. It would be very easy for me to cower in fear and shelter in place and take .gov money to do so, I have letters from the med manufacture and my Doc telling me I should in fact do this. I tore them up and sent them to the fire pit. I go to work every fucking day, I only wear a mask if I am forced to. I am not scared and you know why?

Right back when this all started we were all told about how bad it was and was going to be, it didn't take me very fucking long to notice that bodies were not piling up in the streets, small towns were not decimated and most importantly the numbers just were not there in fact it was way more likely a person would need to have a rotten tooth pulled vs. catching the covid and dying from it.

Now some people are really truly terrified of this shit and they are such a small minority I doubt you could measure them as a demographic. That being said there are also the larger segment who are hmmm fake scared I suppose you could call them. They comply with everything and demand more restrictions all the while not really doing anything other than masking up and acting out in fake horror at those of us who continue to live our lives as normal as we can. I see that as a much bigger problem than this not really deadly covid threat. I suppose you could say they are very cavalier in their attitudes.

It's really fucking easy to fix this problem especially now a year into it.

No more money, no more rent restrictions, no more of this we will coddle you none, nada, zilch. Over finished done gone out. If you stay home good for you figure it out without any hand outs. Lift every restriction and let it work itself out, there will be those who will succeed and some will fail, it was always like this though wasn't it.

The country was founded on personal choice and that's been forcibly taken from all of us by the .gov with the help of a very large group of fake scared gimmie the free money population. End the free money and let's get back to living instead of slowly dying from these stupid fucking restrictions.
I am and always be very cavalier with the fuck you stay at home attitude and let me tell you why...

If I was scared, no rephrase that, terrified that if I had a very good chance of dying a horrible death from contracting this covid shit you're damn right I would stay at home. Why wouldn't I? If I catch it I die and lose everything near and dear to me, if I stay at home and do everything possible to not catch it I will live, I might have to rebuild my life when it's over but at least I'm alive to do so. I don't know about anyone else but I prefer to be alive rather than dead myself.

For the record I am one of those people with a health condition I take meds that destroy my immune system. It would be very easy for me to cower in fear and shelter in place and take .gov money to do so, I have letters from the med manufacture and my Doc telling me I should in fact do this. I tore them up and sent them to the fire pit. I go to work every fucking day, I only wear a mask if I am forced to. I am not scared and you know why?

Right back when this all started we were all told about how bad it was and was going to be, it didn't take me very fucking long to notice that bodies were not piling up in the streets, small towns were not decimated and most importantly the numbers just were not there in fact it was way more likely a person would need to have a rotten tooth pulled vs. catching the covid and dying from it.

Now some people are really truly terrified of this shit and they are such a small minority I doubt you could measure them as a demographic. That being said there are also the larger segment who are hmmm fake scared I suppose you could call them. They comply with everything and demand more restrictions all the while not really doing anything other than masking up and acting out in fake horror at those of us who continue to live our lives as normal as we can. I see that as a much bigger problem than this not really deadly covid threat. I suppose you could say they are very cavalier in their attitudes.

It's really fucking easy to fix this problem especially now a year into it.

No more money, no more rent restrictions, no more of this we will coddle you none, nada, zilch. Over finished done gone out. If you stay home good for you figure it out without any hand outs. Lift every restriction and let it work itself out, there will be those who will succeed and some will fail, it was always like this though wasn't it.

The country was founded on personal choice and that's been forcibly taken from all of us by the .gov with the help of a very large group of fake scared gimmie the free money population. End the free money and let's get back to living instead of slowly dying from these stupid fucking restrictions.

Amazingly written.

You expressed my feelings way better than I could.

I agree with every word you wrote.
So Harry, since I've been forced to wear a mask(working in a psyche ward last 2 weeks) my lungs have been filling with fluid. I am highly susceptible to bacterial pneumonia. The mask is making me inhale all the moisture i exhale, and more. it is creating a heavy feeling in my lungs, and likely going to put me down for a week or two after all this is done. I have no choice, even though the residents(both in- patient and out) are allowed to make their own choice because they are crazy. They don't have to wear the mask, even though they are not social distancing or anything to slow the spread(not that it actually matters).
Why though, do you feel the need to force me to wear a mask in order to keep other's safe? Is my safety and health not a factor? There are plenty of others like me. I would bet about the same amount of people who are actually susceptible to covid on the extreme level. How are they more important than me or people like me? Are you trying to say that i should stay home so i don't have to wear a mask?
well I usually played in 2 billiards tournaments a week, at the minimum.. havent played in over a year now.. the halls are open, but i don't think its worth the risk yet
well I usually played in 2 billiards tournaments a week, at the minimum.. havent played in over a year now.. the halls are open, but i don't think its worth the risk yet

I hated you less when you just posted shakey creepy videos. Can you go back to only posting that shit?
So I've been thinking about this for a week.. and I havent seen any media coverage on this thought

didn't want to hijack some other covid thread

most of the people who got the two shots are elderly right???

Abbott says Texas is open now at 100% becuz so many people are immune now

but those elderly people ARE NOT THE ONES FILLING establishments..

the ones going to clubs and pool halls, etc with the exception of front line workers.. don't have their shot..

sounds super risky to me

Stay in your basement for the love of god. Do us this small favor.
Harry Johnson - should the .gov mandate that you wear a bear attack suit when you go mountain biking?

After all, there's a chance you could get a nasty infection if you crash - "better safe than sorry".

OR . . . do you wish to be personally responsible for your safety when you go grape smuggling?

BOOM, bitch! :flipoff2: (drops mic)

Show me where I said the government should mandate anything?

Back when it was flu season and there was no such thing as COVID, if someone showed up at work coughing and sneezing with out covering around your work area, did you just have to harden the fuck up and put on a mask? Or did you get to ask them GTFO of your area until they were not sick?
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So Harry, since I've been forced to wear a mask(working in a psyche ward last 2 weeks) my lungs have been filling with fluid. I am highly susceptible to bacterial pneumonia. The mask is making me inhale all the moisture i exhale, and more. it is creating a heavy feeling in my lungs, and likely going to put me down for a week or two after all this is done. I have no choice, even though the residents(both in- patient and out) are allowed to make their own choice because they are crazy. They don't have to wear the mask, even though they are not social distancing or anything to slow the spread(not that it actually matters).
Why though, do you feel the need to force me to wear a mask in order to keep other's safe? Is my safety and health not a factor? There are plenty of others like me. I would bet about the same amount of people who are actually susceptible to covid on the extreme level. How are they more important than me or people like me? Are you trying to say that i should stay home so i don't have to wear a mask?

I'm not advocating for forcing others to do anything, just to consider the problems others may be dealing with the same way I believe your job should consider what you're dealing with. If I were your employer and you came to me with those concerns, I'd work on finding an alternative to a mask for you. I don't attend the Church of Fauci. I mainly wear a mask at work because it's required, in the same boot licking way that I comply my the dress code in my office. :flipoff2:It doesn't bother me, so I do it. It seems to have a different impact on you, so I wouldn't expect you to wear one. In California at least, there's always that weird social stigma of not wearing a mask when it's mandated that would probably lead to a ton of explaining everywhere you go: "I have a lung problem and can't wear a mask", etc. One of my good friends dealt with the reverse of that pre-covid. She had cystic fibrosis and had to wear a N95 mask everywhere she went, avoid touching surfaces in public places, big crowds, etc. She got a ton of weird looks everywhere she wore a mask, and sometimes had to explain why she did that or was acting like such a germaphobe. It got pretty exhausting, so when my wife and I would hang out with here, we'd take up the torch of telling people giving her the stink eye what was going on.

My point? Sucks you have a lung issue. You shouldn't have to wear a mask, and in a perfect society, people wouldn't question you for not doing it. People should be a little more considerate of others, both in not wearing a mask, an in knowing some people are more worried about COVID due to physical ailments that you might not be able to see.
I went out to eat at a bar last week where no one was wearing a mask and there was even live music :eek:, I died from covid and am posting from hell.

Hey man, you know any Penleys out your way?

As far as the original post goes, 99.5%+ of us aren't at risk of dying from this. I don't worry for the masses at all. Out of my high school class I'm aware of one death from Covid. We have that many natural caused deaths every year anyway.
Hey man, you know any Penleys out your way?

As far as the original post goes, 99.5%+ of us aren't at risk of dying from this. I don't worry for the masses at all. Out of my high school class I'm aware of one death from Covid. We have that many natural caused deaths every year anyway.

No, I did just move here in December though.
I read where italy is shut again.
lots of non elderly have gotten the shot. I get my second shot monday... everyone I know has gotten the shot. by tax day, i'm gonna do everything I used to. I haven't limited that much to date, but I've followed the guidelines etc.

My old company bought shots for their entire employee group (40K people) and whoever wanted it, got it.

There will be hotspots.

Our region has moved to red and I think by the middle of next month it will be green. But, some places won't because, well, they won't.

depending on the shot you get or don't get has a lot to do with your likelihood of being infected at all.
I have been working 7 days a week, still no pile of bodies. to tell the truth I am really let down with all the hype. I was thinking the world was going to rid it self of the weak. again my dreams were crushed.
but I have been enlighten to all the weak minded idiots that do walk this earth. there is even more than I thought out there. may be the next "real" pandemic will clean up the earth.
My lifestyle didn't really change with Covid. Mostly stayed home or at work anyway, and never really hit the bars anymore. So, none of this has changed for me one iota. Zero fucks given.
I read where italy is shut again.
lots of non elderly have gotten the shot. I get my second shot monday... everyone I know has gotten the shot. by tax day, i'm gonna do everything I used to. I haven't limited that much to date, but I've followed the guidelines etc.

My old company bought shots for their entire employee group (40K people) and whoever wanted it, got it.

There will be hotspots.

Our region has moved to red and I think by the middle of next month it will be green. But, some places won't because, well, they won't.

depending on the shot you get or don't get has a lot to do with your likelihood of being infected at all.

Fauci says " but muh Covid variants!". Triple mask it and get back out there
So is Fauci just a a limelight hog or does he own stock or own a PPE company that is making billions with all the mask mandate shit?
So is Fauci just a a limelight hog or does he own stock or own a PPE company that is making billions with all the mask mandate shit?

Kary Mullis won the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR test. he died a couple years ago. he was not a Fauci fan.
I do not reflect upon 2020 as a good year. But the best parts of it were the gatherings I attended! I can think of 11 mass gatherings I enjoyed where not one person wore a mask. Traveled all over the country doing Potlucks drinking partying hugging laughing playing games. I’ve been to a gas station at least 300 times since this all started.

The only fear I have from this is Karen’s like
ArTi54N and Harry Johnson being in charge of making decisions. Sorry not sorry, I‘m tired of hearing you two whine about those who don’t mirror your unfounded fears. The Karen’s have exhausted my sympathy for weak people.
Show me where I said the government should mandate anything?

Back when it was flu season and there was no such thing as COVID, if someone showed up at work coughing and sneezing with out covering around your work area, did you just have to harden the fuck up and put on a mask? Or did you get to ask them GTFO of your area until they were not sick?

I'm not coughing or sneezing or have a fever...WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO WEAR A MASK? ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING?

If you have symptoms or are scared do you, otherwise everyone should be business as normal.

Edit: you and the other cowards can eat a bowl of hairy dicks concerning your covid stances go back to posting in the Appalachian thread, your stories there were great.
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The Karen’s have exhausted my sympathy for weak people.

Excellent point - I had some bit of unwarranted sympathy until the average American lost their fucking mind & bought into this cult of vicitmhood being sold to them.

If we hadn't had mandated bullshit costumes, mandatory fucking over of people's lives and small businesses, and 24/7 propaganda aimed at making us all a bunch of useless, spineless, helpless pussies cowering in fear waiting on the .gov to "save us", I may have a bit of spare sympathy left. However, they've tried so hard to normalize being "good little sheep" that I crossed the threshold of "no, fuck you" about 2 weeks after "2 weeks to flatten the curve". From there on out, I went back to logic, critical thinking, and basic adult reasoning. I'm staying there, and fuck Harry's opinion of my opinion :flipoff2:

EDIT: I never bought into a "new normal" and neither should anyone else, IMHO.
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