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Stuck trespassing semi vs pissed off homeowner with a backhoe!

It’s obvious there are many different opinions , to each his own . As I said I have been a tight spot myself a few times . I guess the difference is , I approached the owner and paid for the damages I did . I did not just sit there and look stupid . I have also been on the receiving end of the mistake also , I live on a US highway . A semi driver I guess fell asleep and dropped off the edge of the edge of the road . He broke the “ plastic “ oil pan dumping gallons of oil in my yard . I approached him , he was just a working man that got in a tight spot . We traded info , I got him recovered and towed away . His insurance company paid for damages , restored it as good if not better than before . I did not light the truck a blaze as pay back . I just don’t think it was necessary to damage the truck . I constantly have people hunting on my property without permission . Do I shoot them or damage their truck ? No , I approach them and notify them , your done and next stop is jail . Most are unaware they are on private property , those that are dicks understand next stop is not good legally . But I guess everyone has a breaking point and the property owner reached that point , he relieved the pressure as he saw fit . These things can escalate out of control fast . Just my two cents , that doesn’t mean shit .
As a truck owner and driver, 100% fuck that steering wheel holding, non english speaking, doesn't know his asshole from his elbow, driver.

You turn your shitbox no ground clearance having crapcadia around on my land and get stuck, you're fucked.
.......I approached the owner and paid for the damages I did . I did not just sit there and look stupid

Bingo. My guess is even without asking if those dipshits leaving tracks had actually put some effort in turning around and just used the drive he wouldn’t have said shit. They are just being lazy and using his place for a u turn.

Just yesterday a friend and I were talking about traveling through property. Idaho has some pretty strict posting requirements but if I know or it looks like private property I stay off without permission. I have been stopped on private property I didn’t realize was private. The last time an old rancher stopped me as I was shutting up a gate coming off his land. He asked if I closed the other gate and I told him it was open and I assumed it should be closed and shut it, At that point he became way nicer and even said it was okay to travel through anytime. A lot of the grazing allotments are fenced in sections, on the fringes it’s hard to tell if it’s private or not.

It’s the jackass people that don’t care that screw it up for everyone else. Looking at this guys yard there were a lot of them. I don’t care about the damaged truck, the driver could have done a lot of things to prevent that. Sometimes stupid hurts.

I get really sick of idiots taking junk to the desert and OHV areas and shooting it up, blowing it up, and then leaving the mess. So many times I’ve wanted to do something so they had to call for help to leave so they could show off the mess they didn’t clean up.
Also, they use Bluetooth instead of the old time honored c.b. radio-

CB radio ? you want to hear how stupid this profession is , just spend 15 minutes on channel 19/romper room , fucking morons is an understatement for sure.:lmao:
At least he was polite about it. And technically, the driver agreed. So if I'm on the jury I'll give him a pass. But not my cup of tea, personally. I'd rather make money than spend time in court defending my money.
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