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Stuck trespassing semi vs pissed off homeowner with a backhoe!

I work for the DOT...
I'd be going after the DOT for not providing a turn-around for the "legal size vehicle" for that route.
Just saying, he could get the state to pay for his improved parking lot. But that would also be a little extra work, and less fun than destroying property.
We have a similar problem at our shop. Next door is a disaster of a parking lot. Not level, gravel, and full of ruts from trucks. On the weekend the truckers use our concrete parking lot to turn around and then back into that yard. Our parking lot isn't tiny but small for 18 wheelers. They tend to run off the edge of our parking lot and have taken out the sprinkler system 3 times in a year. We put up a chain gate over the weekend to stop it. They ran it over too. Fuck truckers tearing up shit and then driving off, I'm thinking I'll start coming up on weekends and running the forklift from time to time.:stirthepot:
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Not how I would have handled it but he has every right to be mad.
We have a similar problem at our shop. Next door is a disaster of a parking lot. Not level, gravel, and full of ruts from trucks. On the weekend the truckers use our concrete parking lot to turn around and then back into that yard. Our parking lot isn't tiny but small for 18 wheelers. They tend to run off the edge of our parking lot and have taken out the sprinkler system 3 times in a year. We put up a chain gate over the weekend to stop it. They ran it over too. Fuck truckers tearing up shit and then driving off, I'm thinking I'll start coming up on weekends and running the forklift from time to time.:stirthepot:

Go sink some 3' long 3/4" rebar into the ground, but leave 4-6" sticking up, strictly to mark where the sprinklers are for maintenance purposes of course.
We have a similar problem at our shop. Next door is a disaster of a parking lot. Not level, gravel, and full of ruts from trucks. On the weekend the truckers use our concrete parking lot to turn around and then back into that yard. Our parking lot isn't tiny but small for 18 wheelers. They tend to run off the edge of our parking lot and have taken out the sprinkler system 3 times in a year. We put up a chain gate over the weekend to stop it. They ran it over too. Fuck truckers tearing up shit and then driving off, I'm thinking I'll start coming up on weekends and running the forklift from time to time.:stirthepot:

I saw the video on facebook a week ago or so and honestly didn't watch the entire thing. Just fast forwarded to where he speared the guys radiator and thought he was being a complete dick... BUT, if he really is having to deal with multiple truckers fucking up his property, then I can see his point of view too. There are a lot of truckers that shouldn't be behind the wheel. We have a gravel pit on our property and I have had to replace so many god-damn fence corners on that opening into the pit. It's not like it's a narrow entrance either! Pull your god-damn head out of your ass you worthless truckers! :mad3:
Everybody has a breaking point, and I’d like to think most people don’t want others fucking up their property. I can’t blame him
Go sink some 3' long 3/4" rebar into the ground, but leave 4-6" sticking up, strictly to mark where the sprinklers are for maintenance purposes of course.

From my experience they don’t need to stick up at all. Flush with the ground Will do the trick. They’ll sink in enough to puncture a sidewall.

It sucks popping a $650 float delivering a $250 load of gravel btdt.
I agree, all those ruts caused by dipshits that cant read is fucked up.

Due to people being meanie heads to him, he will not understand the sarcasm.

I do find it hilarious that he’s calling the farmer a dick for damaging the property of others, meanwhile, his property is clearly being damaged. But he’ll justify his hypocrisy someway or another.

He’s the guy that mocks people for saying they’re gonna do something yet “won’t get off the porch”, but when they do “get off the porch” calls them a dick:rolleyes:
Go sink some 3' long 3/4" rebar into the ground, but leave 4-6" sticking up, strictly to mark where the sprinklers are for maintenance purposes of course.

Doubtful that would work around here. The poles that held the chain were 3’ into the ground. They bent right over. The mud here is bottomless. No hard pack to be found. Plus, we own the lawn mowing equipment, we’d be fixing it with rebar in the yard🤣. Employees being employees and all.
Doubtful that would work around here. The poles that held the chain were 3’ into the ground. They bent right over. The mud here is bottomless. No hard pack to be found.
concrete bunker blocks
30 tons of heavy on either end of that chain will hold
[486 said:
concrete bunker blocks
30 tons of heavy on either end of that chain will hold

chains snap. Use wire rope if your serious.
I work for the DOT...
I'd be going after the DOT for not providing a turn-around for the "legal size vehicle" for that route.
Just saying, he could get the state to pay for his improved parking lot. But that would also be a little extra work, and less fun than destroying property.

Is it required if you have 4 signs saying that the road is closed ahead starting at the turnoff from the main road?

Aaron Z
Is it required if you have 4 signs saying that the road is closed ahead starting at the turnoff from the main road?

Aaron Z

No. If it's truly a closed road, there would be barricades and signs saying it was closed, no trucks, local traffic only, etc. It doesn't matter. The steering wheel holders will just blow right by and do stupid shit when they hit the dead end. I saw a lot of stupid shit when I did highway work.
No. If it's truly a closed road, there would be barricades and signs saying it was closed, no trucks, local traffic only, etc. It doesn't matter. The steering wheel holders will just blow right by and do stupid shit when they hit the dead end. I saw a lot of stupid shit when I did highway work.

If you go to the Facebook link in the first post, there is a video driving down the road that the truck went down to get there.
To get there they drove past sets of 4 signs, each with a pair of offset signs taking up half the road saying road closed x miles ahead, local traffic only so the drivers cant say they weren't warned.

Edit, lets see if it will embed: Link: https://www.facebook.com/evan.jackso...4701781822921/

Aaron Z
Last edited:
If you go to the Facebook link in the first post, there is a video driving down the road that the truck went down to get there.
To get there they drove past sets of 4 signs, each with a pair of offset signs taking up half the road saying road closed x miles ahead, local traffic only so the drivers cant say they weren't warned.

Edit, lets see if it will embed: Link: https://www.facebook.com/evan.jackso...4701781822921/

Aaron Z

Yeah. That's even more than I would have expected. Flashing lights and everything. It doesn't matter nothing will keep the truly dedicated idiots from following whatever their GPS tells them.
Yeah. That's even more than I would have expected. Flashing lights and everything. It doesn't matter nothing will keep the truly dedicated idiots from following whatever their GPS tells them.
Pretty much. IMO the best bang for the buck would be to go on Google Maps, Waze, Bing Maps, Apple Maps, etc and mark the road as closed for construction.

Aaron Z
Is it required if you have 4 signs saying that the road is closed ahead starting at the turnoff from the main road?

Aaron Z

No, its not "typically" required, however sometimes in an area like that where they place the last set of barricades , they often pay the land owner to establish some form of turn around spot. I've seen it done on several bridge replacement projects here in Virginia, but we also go a little overboard here with some stuff like that.

From my experience in the industry, it is mostly the wheel holders following a GPS and "hoping" the road isn't actually closed. Also, often there aren't any prior "enticing" turn around spots so the natural instinct is "I'll use the next one... The next one... I bet the next one is better"...

Its still 10000% the truck driverr's fault that this situation is a thing. The DOT / MOT / Contractor need to keep up with the barricades because in the one video it looked like they had been run over and destroyed. Those are pay items in most all projects and are responsibility of the contractor to keep up to spec and are usually a routine inspection item by the DOT QA inspection team.
The fact the driver didn't leave the truck to verify how he was being moved and even further didn't get out when I'm sure his dash lit up like a christmas tree when the forks went through the intecooler, rad, fan, belt drive and possibly even the crank case. Driver is another ignorant ill trained fucking dune coon that doesn't belong behind the wheel of an 80,000lb truck. Neighbors lawn is fucked from the vary same situation and the old fuck doesn't have many years left so I won't be surprised if he finally shoots the next fuck tard that takes his big rig down a road with the signage of "Dead end" "Local Traffic Only" "Private laneway"
If you go to the Facebook link in the first post, there is a video driving down the road that the truck went down to get there.
To get there they drove past sets of 4 signs, each with a pair of offset signs taking up half the road saying road closed x miles ahead, local traffic only so the drivers cant say they weren't warned.

Edit, lets see if it will embed: Link: https://www.facebook.com/evan.jackso...4701781822921/

Aaron Z

Apparently the fuckers around here read my original post about as well as the driver read the signs. The YouTube video is almost media-cringeworthy; intentionally leaving out the information that led to that.

Also noted in the comments is the driver got ticketed and got towed away.
Fuck those truck drivers. I would have done the same thing after about the 4th time this happened. Did you notice how when the driver finally got out he turned down the road to keep going to the closed end? After he got stuck again? Seriously, fuck him. The guy with the business there is supposed to spend his money to prevent damage to his property? Maybe he should have just shot the guy when he trespassed instead? WTF is wrong with you people. Eye for an eye.
After watching the video of all the signs and showing the damage to the yard I don't blame the dude. What he did was a dick move but I understand acting out of anger after having that happen a half dozen times.

If the situation was flipped and this was a GCC thread along the lines of "drivers keep driving through my yard and or getting stuck in it, what should I do?" the GCC keyboard warriors would suggest rock walls, spike strips, trenches, claymores, caltrops, guns, blah blah blah :flipoff2:
I see it like this, when hooking up a tow strap, I hook up my end to my truck, You are responsible for hooking up your end to your rig, I have to assume what you hooked to can handle the stress that will soon be applied to it.

well its jus like a strap only he's pushing, The driver never got out of his seat to have a talk with the land owner. he gave the ok to give a push. This place really is going soft.
[486 said:

suppose it is cheaper, too
esp if you use some worthless rusty crane or elevator cable from the scrap bin

Use the winch cable they use on cranes , or the cable they use for class 8 wreckers it wont even flinch at 50 tons.
After watching the video of all the signs and showing the damage to the yard I don't blame the dude. What he did was a dick move but I understand acting out of anger after having that happen a half dozen times.

If the situation was flipped and this was a GCC thread along the lines of "drivers keep driving through my yard and or getting stuck in it, what should I do?" the GCC keyboard warriors would suggest rock walls, spike strips, trenches, claymores, caltrops, guns, blah blah blah :flipoff2:

After watching the sign video I have to change my opinion. I don’t know if that’s ok around here to change my opinion after more info. I probably would do the same thing, or stack a bunch of mafia blocks on each side of the driveway. There were plenty of signs and opportunities for the truck driver to turn off.
After driving a grain semi around "professional drivers" i have come to the conclusion that they are the dumbest batch of spilled monkey jazz that backward somersaulted into a a speculum separated cervix. The only other place I have seen such a blatant display of stupidity outside of a large congregation of truck drivers was a summer camp for retarded children.

no wonder they limit their dumbasses to 65.
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