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Russia / Ukraine thread

Ohh their conversation skills are the least of the reasons i think they are ****s. Its their tendancy to show up late, sometimes days late, and then demand to jump in front of everybody right away to unload and the truck is just absolutely damaged to shit. Or how the will ignore being told to stay in the cab to come in and demand paperwork so they can leave. Or if there is damage on the paperwork they will try and weasel me into writing on there it isn't their fault and when i tell them no they will scream or argue and refuse to get out of my face.

To be fair the arabs also do this and i hate them too. Mexicans and sikhs that show up may no habla ingles but i they are usually polite and i dont have to threaten to call the cops to get them to leave.
Yup. All sounds right in line for normal russian behavior. I am the most important thing right now, you need to stop and address my needs now, I will get there when I feel like it. Remember, it wasnt that long ago that these people were under the USSR communism crap. They had no real pressure to do anything right or on time. They havent progressed much from that. The whole country is that way. Well there may be some better behavior out in the hinterlands (there is a bunch of that in russia) but the city people all pretty much act as described. Everyone.

Still better than China where all the adults act like badly behaved pre-schoolers just pushing to the front of the line hollering at each other and the person they need to fix something, no lines, no organization, just pandemonium. Whoever yells loudest in aggressive self promotion. Crazy town.
Still better than China where all the adults act like badly behaved pre-schoolers just pushing to the front of the line hollering at each other and the person they need to fix something, no lines, no organization, just pandemonium. Whoever yells loudest in aggressive self promotion. Crazy town.
Seeing that this week with Chinese tourists, sitting on a bus and instead of getting off front to back, they were pushing past the rows in front of them...

Aaron Z
They went to Afghanistan to support the communist Afghanistan government, not to steam roll the country
well, it was a key in the collapse of the soviet union... and their efforts failed miserably.... I think they thought they would kick mujahadeen booty but got some first class 'find out' instead.
well, it was a key in the collapse of the soviet union... and their efforts failed miserably.... I think they thought they would kick mujahadeen booty but got some first class 'find out' instead.
And again, that would not have happened without us funding and providing support to the mujas.
well, it was a key in the collapse of the soviet union... and their efforts failed miserably.... I think they thought they would kick mujahadeen booty but got some first class 'find out' instead.
Well that was money well spent as those same guys did 9/11. It's going to be fun to see what Ukraine does to us after we hang them out to try and they turn on us, like almost every other country we backed as an ally in a proxy war.
well, it was a key in the collapse of the soviet union... and their efforts failed miserably.... I think they thought they would kick mujahadeen booty but got some first class 'find out' instead.
innumerable keys to the collapse of the soviet union.

Chiefly, communism can only destroy :flipoff2:
Well that was money well spent as those same guys did 9/11. It's going to be fun to see what Ukraine does to us after we hang them out to try and they turn on us, like almost every other country we backed as an ally in a proxy war.

They didn't do 9/11. The Saudis did. We just could go against our "allies" so we pinned it on Afghanistan.
if the afghani's had listened to the good advice from most everybody and just let us go snooping around, they could have avoided their 20 year hiatus of power :flipoff2:

Why? The same folks are in power with a lot of sweet gear and now we're funding them. They made out like bandits and a bunch of poor people suffered.
Why? The same folks are in power with a lot of sweet gear and now we're funding them. They made out like bandits and a bunch of poor people suffered.
they would've had the sweet gear and funding and continued the mujahedeen "hero" mantra if they'd've said "sure, go tear up some mountains"

but no, they wanted to be all principled or some shit :shaking: for 20 years all anybody had to do was say "yeah, that guy over there is taliban" and free rockets would solve whatever that guy wanted to get done
Why? The same folks are in power with a lot of sweet gear and now we're funding them. They made out like bandits and a bunch of poor people suffered.
Do you not understand how bad 20yr of war was for them?

All the guys who spent the 90s fighting to consolidate power only for us to show up in 01 are dead for the most part. It's their sons and nephews running the show now.

If they had just let us run the bananna republic playbook wherein we help them consolidate power so long as they use those tools to quash the bad guys (commies or terrorists, your pick) all that could have been avoided.
Do you not understand how bad 20yr of war was for them?

All the guys who spent the 90s fighting to consolidate power only for us to show up in 01 are dead for the most part. It's their sons and nephews running the show now.

If they had just let us run the bananna republic playbook wherein we help them consolidate power so long as they use those tools to quash the bad guys (commies or terrorists, your pick) all that could have been avoided.

Here's a wild idea... maybe we could just stop repeating the same mistakes we've been making since the end of WWII. Dumping shit tons of money into shit holes around the world in dumbass wars that we ultimately seem to have no desire to actually win before pulling out and leaving the place the same as before or worse having accomplished a whole lot of nothing other than enriching defense contractors and leaving a lot of young American servicemen physically and/or mentally damaged.
Here's a wild idea... maybe we could just stop repeating the same mistakes we've been making since the end of WWII. Dumping shit tons of money into shit holes around the world in dumbass wars that we ultimately seem to have no desire to actually win before pulling out and leaving the place the same as before or worse having accomplished a whole lot of nothing other than enriching defense contractors and leaving a lot of young American servicemen physically and/or mentally damaged.
It didn't have to be a war you dumb boomer.

They could have just been a vassal state like every other tin pot dictator we prop up.
It didn't have to be a war you dumb boomer.

They could have just been a vassal state like every other tin pot dictator we prop up.

I'm probably younger than you. :laughing:

Yeah, everyone should just bow down and kiss the ring. That's been our approach to foreign policy. Crazy how it just keeps leading to more war and then we wonder why so much of the world seems to hate us.
Yeah, everyone should just bow down and kiss the ring. That's been our approach to foreign policy. Crazy how it just keeps leading to more war and then we wonder why so much of the world seems to hate us.
none of that shit matters, all "we" gotta do is kill off anyone trying to start up Dangerous to Democracy™ concepts like fixed currency systems and "we" will continue being able to enslave the world

get people talking about all that other globohomo shit, but that's what underpins everything
none of that shit matters, all "we" gotta do is kill off anyone trying to start up Dangerous to Democracy™ concepts like fixed currency systems and "we" will continue being able to enslave the world



Oh, and a few others, well one that gave the West the fucking finger and WON.

I'll leave it to your imagination.
Here's a wild idea... maybe we could just stop repeating the same mistakes we've been making since the end of WWII. Dumping shit tons of money into shit holes around the world in dumbass wars that we ultimately seem to have no desire to actually win before pulling out and leaving the place the same as before or worse having accomplished a whole lot of nothing other than enriching defense contractors and leaving a lot of young American servicemen physically and/or mentally damaged.
It's called limited warfare and it was created to end empires and "conclude" ww2
innumerable keys to the collapse of the soviet union.

Chiefly, communism can only destroy :flipoff2:
hey, I'm old fashioned. I don't trust them. I don't like them (would like to smash some russian gymnasts and skaters back in the day) and don't want to be friends with russians. I respect their ability to take punishment and I know that those that tolerate punishment will mete it out given the opportunity.
hey, I'm old fashioned. I don't trust them. I don't like them (would like to smash some russian gymnasts and skaters back in the day) and don't want to be friends with russians. I respect their ability to take punishment and I know that those that tolerate punishment will mete it out given the opportunity.
I'm pretty sure when humans really take to traveling the stars that the two most successful groups will be rednecks and Russians. They seems to be the best at improvising with limited resources and the most self-sufficient.

Since I'm a nationalistic 'merica flag waver who feels threatened by the Russians due to cold war programming growing up, I'm rooting for the rednecks.
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I'm pretty sure when humans really take to traveling the stars that the two most successful groups will be rednecks and Russians. They seems to be the best at improvising with limited resources and the most self-sufficient.

Since I'm a nationalistic 'merica flag waver who feels threatened by the Russians due to cold war programming growing up, I'm rooting for the rednecks.
were apollo 13's improvisations with limited resources redneck or russian or? Lots of well educated people figured that one out while shit tons of russians died on space missions in the air and on the ground... We lost the challenger folks because dipshits ignored the OEM requirements and tolerances, so, not sure the 'rednecks win' idea works there either.
just listened to about half of the schumer press conference before I had to turn it off.

told the story about how his family got gunned down by nazi's in ukraine.

compared the russians to nazis.

WTF is even going on these days other than "We must support the MIC by sending more arms to ukraine"

rambled on about how the ukrainians wouldn't have lost any ground had we sent them more atacms and more patriot missiles.
an atacms is 1.7 million dollars a pop according to 2021 budget data.
how many should we send?
all of them of course.
Couldn't find to a total amount to date number.

They say $75 billion to Ukraine in the past two years (1/22-1/24). So 100 million a day for those two years. I think the 2024 Ukraine bill they passed will be another $100+ billion to tack onto that.
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