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I just read something about the shipping industry being a heavy contributor to climate change :lmao:
You know it's one thing to have the idiots in Washington but it's just plain sad to know there are actual humans who support them. :flipoff:
I just read something about the shipping industry being a heavy contributor to climate change :lmao:
You know it's one thing to have the idiots in Washington but it's just plain sad to know there are actual humans who support them. :flipoff:

DescriptionSAILCARGO INC. is an emission free shipping company currently building the world's largest wooden cargo sailing ship. Follow along as we build towards a future of emission free shipping. Be a change maker by investing in a once in a lifetime adventure. Email [email protected] to learn more.
Oh lord baby jesus :homer:
:laughing: perfect solution
I love watching their build progress, the thing is huge, almost no power equipment everything is moved by human power. I just get tired of the sustainable message.
What was interesting was in the beginning they were teaching the local fishermen to build their own wodden boats to replace the fiberglass ones they couldn't afford to have fixed. Kind of the right tech in the right spot sort of thing
I love watching their build progress, the thing is huge, almost no power equipment everything is moved by human power. I just get tired of the sustainable message.
What was interesting was in the beginning they were teaching the local fishermen to build their own wodden boats to replace the fiberglass ones they couldn't afford to have fixed. Kind of the right tech in the right spot sort of thing

just wait until they get shit on by the environmentalists who are chained to those trees, and then the ones saving the owls and the newts :rasta:

there is a reason dino-power steel machines dominate the oceans. kudos to them if they can do it, but good luck. people are giving tours and such as the only sustainable way to keep wind powered boats afloat.
Here is a video of robot cranes putting 30 ton containers onto robot trucks, later to be put on piles by robots and finally placed on human-operated trucks for final delivery. Netherlands.

Here is a video of robot cranes putting 30 ton containers onto robot trucks, later to be put on piles by robots and finally placed on human-operated trucks for final delivery. Netherlands.

Those cranes are the shit.
Tell us more about the smart cranes.
They weren't as smart as those by any means, not worthy of comparison, but even those were way above my head getting beyond anything im capable of knowing.I was only lucky enough to be on a couple of them working on mechanical stuff. I only got to briefly wonder at the controls. They are a sight to behold.
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Here is a video of robot cranes putting 30 ton containers onto robot trucks, later to be put on piles by robots and finally placed on human-operated trucks for final delivery. Netherlands.

Long beach has something similar.
Long Beach is a semi automated terminal. As someone who works on Chinese sts (ship to shore) cranes daily the unions have nothing to worry about!! All the controls are typically someone else ABB is pretty common on the west coast. They’re using function block that are locked even from their techs unless they speak the motherships language. Chinese are way less tech savvy than people give them credit for. Most of their sts crane designs are stolen.

Ilwu contract has been expired for 9 months. My understanding is pma (shippers) isn’t negotiating in good faith and we can expect shipping delays again.
It is happening again....instead it is now due to union workers not getting what they want. Oh wait.

That's why all 50 states should be right to work states. Why should everyone be punished because work clubs are upset over their tampons not being soft enough
That's why all 50 states should be right to work states. Why should everyone be punished because work clubs are upset over their tampons not being soft enough
And I hear a lot of people that work 40 hours a week with weekends off and on prevailing wage jobs that say the same thing. Oh the irony!!
Long Beach is a semi automated terminal. As someone who works on Chinese sts (ship to shore) cranes daily the unions have nothing to worry about!! All the controls are typically someone else ABB is pretty common on the west coast. They’re using function block that are locked even from their techs unless they speak the motherships language. Chinese are way less tech savvy than people give them credit for. Most of their sts crane designs are stolen.

Ilwu contract has been expired for 9 months. My understanding is pma (shippers) isn’t negotiating in good faith and we can expect shipping delays again.
WTF does that even mean? Not bending to the union's wishes?
WTF does that even mean? Not bending to the union's wishes?
No I’ve heard the pma won’t even sit down with them. I heard most the wage and fringe stuff was hashed out. Just language stuff that seemed pretty resolved already from past practices.

Again I’m not involved.
I'm not prevailing wage or a work clubber. Clubs had their place once but they just protect the worthless now
I disagree. Nothing would get unloaded in a timely fashion without them. A nonunion work force that’s transient couldn’t move cargo as quickly. Imagine having to hire 100 people to unload containers fire them at the end of the day. Next day hire 70 unload 1200 autos and 50 to load grain ship. Then fire them at the end of the day and repeat. And have the workers be fast and safe at it.

I imagine you’re 40 hour weeks with weekends off. Enjoy it people spilled blood for you.

My last post about this.
I disagree. Nothing would get unloaded in a timely fashion without them. A nonunion work force that’s transient couldn’t move cargo as quickly. Imagine having to hire 100 people to unload containers fire them at the end of the day. Next day hire 70 unload 1200 autos and 50 to load grain ship. Then fire them at the end of the day and repeat. And have the workers be fast and safe at it.

I imagine you’re 40 hour weeks with weekends off. Enjoy it people spilled blood for you.

My last post about this.

Because only a union can have a steady work force? Did you slip and hit your head in the shower this morning?

He isn't saying to hire bums or go to a temp agency, he's saying to dump the worthless fucking union and let private industry do the work. :homer:
I disagree. Nothing would get unloaded in a timely fashion without them. A nonunion work force that’s transient couldn’t move cargo as quickly. Imagine having to hire 100 people to unload containers fire them at the end of the day. Next day hire 70 unload 1200 autos and 50 to load grain ship. Then fire them at the end of the day and repeat. And have the workers be fast and safe at it.

I imagine you’re 40 hour weeks with weekends off. Enjoy it people spilled blood for you.

My last post about this.
It would get done a lot faster without the club. If you can be fired, you work harder, you don't have to pay to work to get good people. Imagine 100 people upset over the wrong color of safe places then holding signs crying about it. That's work club life
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