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searched for that missing 13 year old again, basically the same spot as Tuesday, except this time we cleared log jams on the rouge river, for those that don’t know, the rouge river makes the Detroit river look like sterile water.
Anyway, walking along the bank and stepped over a log on to a nice rusty nail, which went through my drysuit, through my sock and through my base layer, right into my foot.
Pushed through the pain earlier and just threw another suit on but petty sore now and unable to bare weight on it, so sitting at the Doc in the box. Hopefully they don’t have to cut my foot off.

Probably overdue for a tetanus shot :frown:
searched for that missing 13 year old again, basically the same spot as Tuesday, except this time we cleared log jams on the rouge river, for those that don’t know, the rouge river makes the Detroit river look like sterile water.
Anyway, walking along the bank and stepped over a log on to a nice rusty nail, which went through my drysuit, through my sock and through my base layer, right into my foot.
Pushed through the pain earlier and just threw another suit on but petty sore now and unable to bare weight on it, so sitting at the Doc in the box. Hopefully they don’t have to cut my foot off.

Probably overdue for a tetanus shot :frown:
You should go for a shot and tell them you were in dirty swamp water
searched for that missing 13 year old again, basically the same spot as Tuesday, except this time we cleared log jams on the rouge river, for those that don’t know, the rouge river makes the Detroit river look like sterile water.
Anyway, walking along the bank and stepped over a log on to a nice rusty nail, which went through my drysuit, through my sock and through my base layer, right into my foot.
Pushed through the pain earlier and just threw another suit on but petty sore now and unable to bare weight on it, so sitting at the Doc in the box. Hopefully they don’t have to cut my foot off.

Probably overdue for a tetanus shot :frown:

How’s your foot?
Can’t put any weight on it, got some crutches from the station to use, but don’t really want to be seen using them for a dumb rusty nail to the foot, so kinda stepping and dragging my foot :frown:

The doc in the Box gave me an anti biotic and tetanus shot and said to come back Monday.

Did he resemble this guy?

My kind of Casino lol.
We just gave a couple of little kids our tickets.
My kids looked at the prizes and there wasn't anything that caught their eyes so I said let's make their day .



The look on their faces was worth it lol.
It was just shy of a couple thousand tickets .
I need to start giving a burner email for these trade shows, or just stop going.
I think I’ll start using [email protected]….
According to MGIA, it’s a scam, still unsure how they got my email.
Wouldn’t think it would have to be said, but Jet skiing in March without life jackets is probably not the smartest thing you could do.

And riding after dark...
They probably both fell off and with the water temps struggled to right side the skis.
We've had a few sales reps for something or other stopping by lately. Regularly. Despite being told politely that I'm not around or not interested.

Couple days ago the CFO was getting ready to leave when one of these guys stops by. She was standing by her desk...he walks in and sits down and proceeds to talk to her. She was not happy. And it was rude.

Anyways, apparently 2 of them have long hair.

So yesterday, I walked in the other office and the uniform guy was doing his thing, and there's a guy with long hair, gauges in both ears, and a Rollie Fingers mustache. I thought it was someone riding along with the uniform guy...he says I was hoping to see Mark.

I'm Mark...shake his hand.

He starts on his sales spiel (and me thinking this was dooche that annoyed the CFO) I interrupt and say I'm not interested. Some supplemental insurance or something.

He comes back with "well I can understand that since you just met me and haven't got to know me yet and..."

I'm not interested, thank you and I walk back out.

GM and office admin (really don't have a title for her) were both kinda laughing. Apparently after I left he said something along the lines of "I guess he's having a bad day". They're quite certain he'll never be back. Eggzactly what I was aiming for.
Off to the stealership…
Originally scheduled to go in on Monday for the A/c not working/ high pitch noise.
On Saturday it through a transmission shift solenoid code, and would jolt from 2nd to 8th.

It’s got 47,000 miles on it, so it’s getting to the end of its life at this point…:mad3:

Ford thinks I should just keep going to the dealership instead of buying it back.:flipoff2:
Off to the stealership…
Originally scheduled to go in on Monday for the A/c not working/ high pitch noise.
On Saturday it through a transmission shift solenoid code, and would jolt from 2nd to 8th.

It’s got 47,000 miles on it, so it’s getting to the end of its life at this point…:mad3:

Ford thinks I should just keep going to the dealership instead of buying it back.:flipoff2:

It took almost 260K miles for my chebbie transmission to act up.
Have you thought about switching brands?


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Off to the stealership…
Originally scheduled to go in on Monday for the A/c not working/ high pitch noise.
On Saturday it through a transmission shift solenoid code, and would jolt from 2nd to 8th.

It’s got 47,000 miles on it, so it’s getting to the end of its life at this point…:mad3:

Ford thinks I should just keep going to the dealership instead of buying it back.:flipoff2:

Sorry to hear about that...

I've owed a couple " special trucks " over the Years.
My 07 Ford was a warranty whore and should have been a lemon , no it wasn't a diesel...

At least Ford put it together with bubble gum and pipe cleaners...
Dodge on the other hand let me buy a trans at 37k...
They're dead to me.

This is an awful time to have a truck go down, hopefully you can get something worked out. Hope you're season is going well!
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Off to the stealership…
Originally scheduled to go in on Monday for the A/c not working/ high pitch noise.
On Saturday it through a transmission shift solenoid code, and would jolt from 2nd to 8th.

It’s got 47,000 miles on it, so it’s getting to the end of its life at this point…:mad3:

Ford thinks I should just keep going to the dealership instead of buying it back.:flipoff2:

Run it into the ground and then when it won't run?
Finally set my dog proof leg catch coon traps.

3 out of 6 sets.

Guess I should have moved the 2 from yesterday, I washed the blood off but guessing they sense something and stay away?

One of them kept getting into Bella's slug bait. Knocking the top off the can and making a mess. Not sure if that was one of the one's I got yesterday?
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