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random food pics

well the month of eating whatever i wanted with a complete disregard for the consequences is over. was a good ride but man im not sure how i ate like that all the time before.

An In n Out 4x4 sounds good right now!
Duck tenderloins. Threw them in with some scrambled eggs, cilantro, and salsa Verde. Of course did not get picture of the meal : (

Pulled the rest of the duck meat out of the brine this morning. All the thighs and a few breast going into slow cooker for some pulled duck. Gonna make tacos tonight or tomorrow
Wife made beef Wellington tonight. I’m not allowed post the inside pic since I guess it looked like “a crime scene” after I “drizzled” the red wine reduction over it…
1. Allowed? Really?
2. There is nothing wrong with blood seeping out of a piece of well cooked beef.
3. You have "red wine reduction" as cover.
1. Allowed? Really?
2. There is nothing wrong with blood seeping out of a piece of well cooked beef.
3. You have "red wine reduction" as cover.
The filet was cooked a perfect rare, but my picture was terrible because I dumped the reduction all over it, rather than a nice drizzle.
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