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Protesters bring guns and mobs to Colorado Springs.

You mean anti-BLM, right? Those fucktards are no friends of mine.

I have zero problem with that guy on his roof with a gun. All you gun owners crying like little kunts over this are pathetic. The Noob and Thumping are making great points and you tards should be backing them up on this...... Mention bumpstock ban and you fuckwits loose your minds and post 1000 word essays on why that fucked with your rights, but see nothing wrong with this story. :shaking:


They are looking past the message without even reading it and judge the content by ther personality of the blowhard that posted it.
He really ain't wrong saying they act like a big group of gossipy women.
You mean anti-BLM, right? Those fucktards are no friends of mine.

I have zero problem with that guy on his roof with a gun. All you gun owners crying like little kunts over this are pathetic. The Noob and Thumping are making great points and you tards should be backing them up on this...... Mention bumpstock ban and you fuckwits loose your minds and post 1000 word essays on why that fucked with your rights, but see nothing wrong with this story. :shaking:


yup :beer:
Has anyone been called a **** yet? Is there any proof he ever pointed it at anyone? Maybe he was looking at birds in the trees above the protestors? It sounds like no one knows so until there is proof of an actual crime the guy is doing nothing wrong. He shouldn't have to prove his innocence.

He does seem like an idiot but that is not against the law and should not be used as a reason to further push "potential" illegalities. Guy is innocent, prove me wrong.
You mean anti-BLM, right? Those fucktards are no friends of mine.

I have zero problem with that guy on his roof with a gun. All you gun owners crying like little kunts over this are pathetic. The Noob and Thumping are making great points and you tards should be backing them up on this...... Mention bumpstock ban and you fuckwits loose your minds and post 1000 word essays on why that fucked with your rights, but see nothing wrong with this story. :shaking:


^^Well said^^

The guy on his truck is doing absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, he's not taking part in getting in the faces of the BLM fuckwits, and thus, the chance of things escalating is reduced by one person.

I'm glad to see that the folks who showed up were thinking correctly and placed him in that position. Hopefully he wasn't the only one.

I think what many here are missing, is that when you show up at something like this (BLM, Antifa, whatever) you better have more of a plan than "I'm gonna display my 2A rights cause Merica"..........................because that's just stupid. You can recite the rules of proper gun handling all you want, but you and your clustered together group of fools with no backup or exit plan are going to die.......quickly.

My point is. If you're going to show up armed. You need to do it right.
^^Well said^^

The guy on his truck is doing absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, he's not taking part in getting in the faces of the BLM fuckwits, and thus, the chance of things escalating is reduced by one person.

I'm glad to see that the folks who showed up were thinking correctly and placed him in that position. Hopefully he wasn't the only one.

I think what many here are missing, is that when you show up at something like this (BLM, Antifa, whatever) you better have more of a plan than "I'm gonna display my 2A rights cause Merica"..........................because that's just stupid. You can recite the rules of proper gun handling all you want, but you and your clustered together group of fools with no backup or exit plan are going to die.......quickly.

My point is. If you're going to show up armed. You need to do it right.

If this dude was pretending to be a sniper he sure picked one shitty spot to set up.
You mean anti-BLM, right? Those fucktards are no friends of mine.

I have zero problem with that guy on his roof with a gun. All you gun owners crying like little kunts over this are pathetic. The Noob and Thumping are making great points and you tards should be backing them up on this...... Mention bumpstock ban and you fuckwits loose your minds and post 1000 word essays on why that fucked with your rights, but see nothing wrong with this story. :shaking:


yes sorry anti blm. #liked!

need more people on roofs with guns. :grinpimp:



The left will defend anyone on their side. They have been rioting for over 2 months for a drug addicted, criminal trash, deadbeat father George Floyd. That scumbag's face is painted on the side of buildings INTERNATIONALLY!

People on the right will push people out at the first sign of danger thinking this will help their cause...it doesn't. The right is waiting on a prophet to save them, but they will probably throw their savior in the trash before any ground is retaken in the name of their disappearing image. :rolleyes:
If this dude was pretending to be a sniper he sure picked one shitty spot to set up.

How long would it have taken for the cops to be called on him if he ran through a storefront and went to the roof? I'm not trying to say he's Carlos Hathcock, I'm just saying it shows a little forethought by the folks who showed up.

If you show up at a antifa/BLM protest and you feel you need to be armed, then you're expecting a higher than zero% chance of something happening. So even a little bit of planing for things going hot is a smart move.

Plus if you look at his weapon, it's not the best choice for a CQB encounter.

Not everyone has ex team members as shooting buddies.
Sorry, but I am not going to help protect someone acting like an idiot and pointing a gun at a crowd of people. If we support that then at some point more people are going to do it and some idiot is going to pull the trigger. That's going to give the other side some significant firepower. It's an election year and that's why the Dems aren't stopping the protests/riots.. they dont even care about their own as long as they win the election. I think its an apples to oranges comparison anyway.
Sorry, but I am not going to help protect someone acting like an idiot and pointing a gun at a crowd of people. If we support that then at some point more people are going to do it and some idiot is going to pull the trigger. That's going to give the other side some significant firepower. It's an election year and that's why the Dems aren't stopping the protests/riots.. they dont even care about their own as long as they win the election. I think its an apples to oranges comparison anyway.

concern troll

In an argument (usually a political debate), a concern troll is someone who is on one side of the discussion, but pretends to be a supporter of the other side with "concerns". The idea behind this is that your opponents will take your arguments more seriously if they think you're an ally. Concern trolls who use fake identities are sometimes known as sockpuppets.

Your argument is not a concern. The Left is already excusing extreme violence against us. Your Boomer thinking has already cost us violence, because people don't feel they can defend themselves. After years of riots and assaults on conservatives, there is a MOUNTAIN of justification for bringing a sniper rifle to a demonstration.

Trump is just temporary. It will be better if he wins, but the Right needs to buckle down and start defending themselves. It doesn't matter what Moderates think because they are content to let people be beaten to death in the streets.

concern troll

In an argument (usually a political debate), a concern troll is someone who is on one side of the discussion, but pretends to be a supporter of the other side with "concerns". The idea behind this is that your opponents will take your arguments more seriously if they think you're an ally. Concern trolls who use fake identities are sometimes known as sockpuppets.

Your argument is not a concern. The Left is already excusing extreme violence against us. Your Boomer thinking has already cost us violence, because people don't feel they can defend themselves. After years of riots and assaults on conservatives, there is a MOUNTAIN of justification for bringing a sniper rifle to a demonstration.

Trump is just temporary. It will be better if he wins, but the Right needs to buckle down and start defending themselves. It doesn't matter what Moderates think because they are content to let people be beaten to death in the streets.[/URL]

Blah blah blah blah

I never said you.. we... US citizens shouldn't defend ourselves. I think we should more so now than ever for the reasons you are trying to convey. I am, however, not supporting a "sniper" glassing a crowd of people in public property looking for someone who is up to no good to shoot. The moment he/she points a gun at someone they are the aggressor. That's bat shit stupid.
What reality do you live in where pointing a loaded gun at a crowd is not supposed to get the attention of law enforcement?

If the crowd has guns, how is it not ok?
like wearing a mask, better safe than sorry at that point. It's a very clear message, and that is the point is it not?

If the crowd is peaceful (lol) the guy is an idiot.
If this dude was pretending to be a sniper he sure picked one shitty spot to set up.

So, marksmen don't prop themselves in the open, elevated above a crowed, with a flag right next to them? :laughing:

If/When NG starts showing up at these things, I'd like to see the outcome of some guy wielding a rifle "scanning the crowd" with his optics. :homer:
If the crowd has guns, how is it not ok?
like wearing a mask, better safe than sorry at that point. It's a very clear message, and that is the point is it not?

If the crowd is peaceful (lol) the guy is an idiot.

As a pro gunner that supports his right to do so I find it odd to place the rifle in shouldered position.

All the other people walking around aren't in "fire" position but holstered or carried cross body. If someone threw the gun up to their eye/shoulder and walked around aiming at "signs" do you not think that would cause a problem?
As a pro gunner that supports his right to do so I find it odd to place the rifle in shouldered position.

All the other people walking around aren't in "fire" position but holstered or carried cross body. If someone threw the gun up to their eye/shoulder and walked around aiming at "signs" do you not think that would cause a problem?

He's looking through the optics....how do you look through yours?
Sorry, but I am not going to help protect someone acting like an idiot and pointing a gun at a crowd of people. If we support that then at some point more people are going to do it and some idiot is going to pull the trigger. That's going to give the other side some significant firepower. It's an election year and that's why the Dems aren't stopping the protests/riots.. they dont even care about their own as long as they win the election. I think its an apples to oranges comparison anyway.

Can't win playing defense.
People on the right need to stick together and get out of the circular firing squad.

Playing defense is the GOP playbook. Do we need to go over the 2016 election again to explain how that doesn't work?

Leftists are getting off the porch. They will rally behind the worst people if they can get an inch. And you know what? It's working for them. Inch by inch. So quit whining about the dude aiming his gun at commies. Stand next to him and aim yours too.

He isn't taking your guns away, leftists are taking your guns away. They want to take them away (and are) no matter how much of a good boy you've been.
You're in the blue truck.

Do you piss your pants and pull a u-turn? Go home to the woods and raise your kids so they can grow up to live in a transgender communist shithole? Continue denouncing everyone that "makes us look bad"?

Or do you mash the gas? Pull the trigger first? Shoot back?

If I'm in the blue truck minding my business and that happens.... Those guys are getting run the fuck over. No doubt in my mind about that answer.

Hell, I'd probably want to run over the first guy just based on his faggot ass going out in public dressed like that. :laughing:
You're in the blue truck.

Do you piss your pants and pull a u-turn? Go home to the woods and raise your kids so they can grow up to live in a transgender communist shithole? Continue denouncing everyone that "makes us look bad"?

Or do you mash the gas? Pull the trigger first? Shoot back?

In that scenario it would look nothing like that because I would not have slowed down. I scattered a rougher crowd than that with a Camry in Washington Heights. :laughing:
You're in the blue truck.

Do you piss your pants and pull a u-turn? Go home to the woods and raise your kids so they can grow up to live in a transgender communist shithole? Continue denouncing everyone that "makes us look bad"?

Or do you mash the gas? Pull the trigger first? Shoot back?

That's a great post. :beer:

There are two standards of behavior, and white conservatives are literally getting held down and arrested for everyday things. Trump and Kuschner are making campaign bank on it but they're not doing their jobs.

Why isn't there a Federal lawsuit against the DA in St Louis? Why not for the Texas Sniper instance? To keep Trumptards scared and voting Trump.

I for one am sick of the double-standards that the majority of people around here keep wanting to be in denial about. Don't let them be in denial. Force it down their face.

Blacks and Lefties get to beat your with 2x4s, white conservatives get a Federal case and shot dead by the cops for merely existing.

IBB doesn't want to face that fact, but it's getting hard for the retards to ignore. Retards are retarded in their political development.
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