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Protesters bring guns and mobs to Colorado Springs.

You're in the blue truck.

Do you piss your pants and pull a u-turn? Go home to the woods and raise your kids so they can grow up to live in a transgender communist shithole? Continue denouncing everyone that "makes us look bad"?

Or do you mash the gas? Pull the trigger first? Shoot back?

The problem is loosing everything that you have in a lawsuit after you run over someone that is too stupid to get out of the way. There are situations where you would have no choice but to do so.
The problem is loosing everything that you have in a lawsuit after you run over someone that is too stupid to get out of the way. There are situations where you would have no choice but to do so.

If the person or persons trying to stop you are displaying arms in an aggressive manner....I'm not seeing any lawsuit holding water.
The problem is loosing everything that you have in a lawsuit after you run over someone that is too stupid to get out of the way. There are situations where you would have no choice but to do so.

Sure as fuck wouldn't be losing sleep knowing I did the right thing by holding the throttle wide open.

You're going to lose all that shit anyway when the commies get power. Private property is the first thing to get axed. Then the .gov takes legal custody of your kids. I hope you like living in a one bedroom apartment and riding the bus.
You're in the blue truck.

Do you piss your pants and pull a u-turn? Go home to the woods and raise your kids so they can grow up to live in a transgender communist shithole? Continue denouncing everyone that "makes us look bad"?

Or do you mash the gas? Pull the trigger first? Shoot back?

This mothfuckle would have tire tracks all over his fat body , I have no doubt in my mind that i would punch it and let the bodies hit the ground.:smokin:
I hope you like living in a one bedroom apartment and riding the bus.

I like living in a 1 bdr apartment and riding the bus. Everything is so cucked now, nobody has any 'rights' on the road anymore. You're a liar if you say otherwise. Better make sure you haven't drank beer in the last 72 hours!!!

And why would I mind renting an apt from someone rather than renting a piece of 'my' land from the government? Better hope that Clerk doesn't loose that paperwork, Slavey!
If the person or persons trying to stop you are displaying arms in an aggressive manner....I'm not seeing any lawsuit holding water.

Make sure you get a good video...Make sure you claim unintentional acceleration..
Make sure you get a good video...Make sure you claim unintentional acceleration..

You know how old people can panic and think they are pushing really hard on the brakes but are standing on the gas? Their guns scared me officer....:lmao:
I like living in a 1 bdr apartment and riding the bus. Everything is so cucked now, nobody has any 'rights' on the road anymore. You're a liar if you say otherwise. Better make sure you haven't drank beer in the last 72 hours!!!

And why would I mind renting an apt from someone rather than renting a piece of 'my' land from the government? Better hope that Clerk doesn't loose that paperwork, Slavey!

Your 1 bedroom apartment won't be anything like the one you have now.

It will be something in between these two:


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You're in the blue truck.

Do you piss your pants and pull a u-turn? Go home to the woods and raise your kids so they can grow up to live in a transgender communist shithole? Continue denouncing everyone that "makes us look bad"?

Or do you mash the gas? Pull the trigger first? Shoot back?

He has a gun pulled. He would not survive, very sorry.
I hope the "Marshall Law" prick get's what he deserves. The guy in the truck already got his.
It sounds soft but there was no reason for either one of them to show their peckers, I hope if given the chance you guys have a moment to think it through what the situation calls for because if there isn't a threat (deemed by your peers) that may be your last show of freedom.
I live a hair under 30 min east of Springs. Get to see Dragonman's display several times a week. The Springs protest had people out here locked and loaded and I'm not kidding. Most of our neighborhood is military or ex. Pretty much everyone out here is armed. Some folks are low-key patrolling the back roads for the BLM protesters. We lived in Alamosa for about four years and that shooting does not surprise me one bit. There's shootings in that valley almost daily. Bunch of them never make the news because of who they involve. I grew up around plenty of gun-toting crazies in Missouri, but folks in Colorado are taking the cake. Always been all for people owning or believing what the feel they need to, but shoving it in the faces of others doesn't do much good.
I hope the "Marshall Law" prick get's what he deserves. The guy in the truck already got his.
It sounds soft but there was no reason for either one of them to show their peckers, I hope if given the chance you guys have a moment to think it through what the situation calls for because if there isn't a threat (deemed by your peers) that may be your last show of freedom.

Well the thing to do would be to make it count if the time comes.
I live a 2 hr drive from Alamosa and never heard about that shooting. Smug look on that attorney scums face is infuriating.

He isn't even in the path of the truck but pulls the smoke wagon so flippantly it seems he had planned to do that all day.

I hope this trial gets some publicity so I can watch.
Its not "we" that keep electing shit leaders, its the Californians that have moved here and brought their shit politics with them. Combine that with the majority population living in the liberal front range cities, and you have a once great state thats now all fawked up.
Its not "we" that keep electing shit leaders, its the Californians that have moved here and brought their shit politics with them. Combine that with the majority population living in the liberal front range cities, and you have a once great state thats now all fawked up.

Y'all made it too nice of a place to live, all the blue state idiots with enough money to leave are moving there.

Should left it a dirty shithole with nothing going on except cattle ranching and mining. Now it's mountain biking, craft beer, and weed. Might and well call it Libtard Mecca.
Y'all made it too nice of a place to live, all the blue state idiots with enough money to leave are moving there.

Should left it a dirty shithole with nothing going on except cattle ranching and mining. Now it's mountain biking, craft beer, and weed. Might and well call it Libtard Mecca.

Or maybe it has more to do with population density. Everywhere that ends up with a densely packed population eventually turns blue, probably because when people are forced to live in close proximity to lots of other people, they favor nanny state laws to keep their neighbors from doing things that bother them. Colorado just finally got enough people packed into its cities.
Im curious about something. How come the Altright hasnt started doxing all of these antifa people like theyre doing to conservatives?
Or maybe it has more to do with population density. Everywhere that ends up with a densely packed population eventually turns blue, probably because when people are forced to live in close proximity to lots of other people, they favor nanny state laws to keep their neighbors from doing things that bother them. Colorado just finally got enough people packed into its cities.

And the very pertinent fact, which at least you or maybe others here have observed before, that population density creates more dependence on government (and institutions in general). Not intentionally at first. Country people are used to un-plowed roads. A cityfolk is used to the plowing going on all night and they depend on it. Country people (hopefully) keep their trash in larger containers, or cart it away (I hope to god no one here is burning trash at this point), while city people have a tiny little receptacle and one week of no pickup is a crisis.

Country people are used to unpaved roads. City people are always surrounded by roads which require govt intervention. Country people are used to well water with a breaker in their house, a septic tank which requires maintenance and repair, and they have to intervene at some point, while Cityfolk's concern with water ends at the flusher and tap, or at most, their basement wall.

Y'all made it too nice of a place to live, all the blue state idiots with enough money to leave are moving there.

Should left it a dirty shithole with nothing going on except cattle ranching and mining. Now it's mountain biking, craft beer, and weed. Might and well call it Libtard Mecca.

Cows and mines might be dirty, but it was once a beautiful shithole.

Still is if you know where to look.
Or maybe it has more to do with population density. Everywhere that ends up with a densely packed population eventually turns blue, probably because when people are forced to live in close proximity to lots of other people, they favor nanny state laws to keep their neighbors from doing things that bother them. Colorado just finally got enough people packed into its cities.

I can't believe I am agreeing with you...
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