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Protesters bring guns and mobs to Colorado Springs.

And the very pertinent fact, which at least you or maybe others here have observed before, that population density creates more dependence on government (and institutions in general). Not intentionally at first. Country people are used to un-plowed roads. A cityfolk is used to the plowing going on all night and they depend on it. Country people (hopefully) keep their trash in larger containers, or cart it away (I hope to god no one here is burning trash at this point), while city people have a tiny little receptacle and one week of no pickup is a crisis.

Country people are used to unpaved roads. City people are always surrounded by roads which require govt intervention. Country people are used to well water with a breaker in their house, a septic tank which requires maintenance and repair, and they have to intervene at some point, while Cityfolk's concern with water ends at the flusher and tap, or at most, their basement wall.


I really can't believe I am agreeing with you. This personality is ok.
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