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Prepare for the "second wave" hoax. Fauci advocating federal mask mandate.

It’s hard to really know what works and what doesn’t based on the modeling, since the testing is so flawed and the death counts are inflated/inaccurate. Maybe not eating bananas is the key? Who knows but that theory is just as plausible as any other theories put out there based on the parameters....

Above someone said what politician would it
take to sell an idea? Well reflect back to the Obama administration basically ignoring H1N1 and Bush jr ignoring the SARS2(?). ALOT of people died from H1N1 but the certificates said whatever ailment they had not the virus. Different playbook because the media and government weren’t out to get the sitting president at all costs. Part of me can’t dismiss the idea that the Democratic Party was involved with China in this deal. After all biden is on their payroll...
It’s hard to really know what works and what doesn’t based on the modeling,.

a model can only show what the writers tell it to show. There is no such thing as an unbiased model.

And I can't think of any, off the top of my head, models that "experts" have used that have been accurate... across health, disease, global warming, global cooling, etc...
Reading Evernoob’s posts were down right WEIRD.

That was a trip.

Reminds me of my FIL. Completely delusional about his level of intelligence and self worth to the point that he sounds like a complete idiot even when he’s making a valid point. You would think someone so smart would be too busy making millions in business ventures to be arguing on a forum with us peasants.
That was a trip.

Reminds me of my FIL. Completely delusional about his level of intelligence and self worth to the point that he sounds like a complete idiot even when he’s making a valid point. You would think someone so smart would be too busy making millions in business ventures to be arguing on a forum with us peasants.

I feel like that’s what psychos sound like in their own minds.
So Noob has you talking about offing yourself ?? There is a thread SNLC ya know.

Haven't had bad depression for years. Sometimes you have to slap someone who has no idea what the hell they are talking about.

On the plus side it got him to leave the thread to the adults.
Haven't had bad depression for years. Sometimes you have to slap someone who has no idea what the hell they are talking about.

On the plus side it got him to leave the thread to the adults.

Glad you are OK. :flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2: Now let's get back to drinking bleach and fucking a blender :goofball:
the internet, it broke society

No. Society has always had stupid dumbasses that do and say stupid things. They were insulated from other stupid dumbasses by normal people. All I did was strip that insulation away so they can talk to each other and be mega dumbasses. You people need to handle this. As long as i deliver porn and games at acceptable speeds I'm good.
[No message]

Just wear a darn mask already lol. Why is it STILL so hard?
Instead of flapping like a pouty kindergarten kid about it...

Oh yea, masks don't work, I forgot. But the CDC said, but Fauci said...


what do you wager is the german mask compliance?

are you still going to make the claim that the only cases in germany are from those who return from holiday?

I did notice that just the other day Germany is finally on par with the USA for case fatality rate, so congrats on getting some sort of effective testing and treatment :beer:

Germany had a 1 week new case average of about 1,100 52 or so days ago, now it is up to 9,800, steady rise from then to now.

Nearly a 10 fold increase in average cases over a month? Care to explain how your masks are doing?

edit: looking at the numbers, CA, WI, IL, TX are the big drivers of this current increase. I'm curious if the virus is running through the same areas or if it is moving to other pockets in those states

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Just wear a darn mask already lol. Why is it STILL so hard?
Instead of flapping like a pouty kindergarten kid about it...

Oh yea, masks don't work, I forgot. But the CDC said, but Fauci said...


You just don’t get it. At all. It’s not just simply about a mask. It’s about us as true caring Americans wanting to make sure that what we are being told makes sense, and that we are not being slowly desensitized into full submission. You are ok with doing exactly what you are told and being a pawn of the state because your shitty country has programmed you to be that way. Most of us in this country are not. That’s what makes our country so great. We keep the government in check, not the other way around. You’ll never understand that, because you’ve been brainwashed into thinking it’s impossible.
You just don’t get it. At all. It’s not just simply about a mask. It’s about us as true caring Americans wanting to make sure that what we are being told makes sense, and that we are not being slowly desensitized into full submission. You are ok with doing exactly what you are told and being a pawn of the state because your shitty country has programmed you to be that way. Most of us in this country are not. That’s what makes our country so great. We keep the government in check, not the other way around. You’ll never understand that, because you’ve been brainwashed into thinking it’s impossible.

You are so woke. I am amazed at how free you are and so highly intelligent... as people die left and right...

You have been brainwashed into thinking life is Darwinism - only the strong have the right to survive. In that thinking, we should just off anyone with a "today" IQ lower than 100.
You have been brainwashed to spout off things like "Freedom, Liberty" without any understanding what it actually means or entails.
You are the master "woke" sheep puppet for fascism.
You would have done GREAT in Nazi Germany.

Join a big militia now. Do it today.
You are so woke. I am amazed at how free you are and so highly intelligent... as people die left and right...

You have been brainwashed into thinking life is Darwinism - only the strong have the right to survive. In that thinking, we should just off anyone with a "today" IQ lower than 100.
You have been brainwashed to spout off things like "Freedom, Liberty" without any understanding what it actually means or entails.
You are the master "woke" sheep puppet for fascism.
You would have done GREAT in Nazi Germany.

Join a big militia now. Do it today.

USA weekly average deaths has been under 800 for the past month and a half. of course, at the peak it was over 2k.

now we are getting much better early detection, much better treatment, never actually had any hospital overwhelm but most states have decided to rescind their "use old folks homes as covid quarantine centers" and are on track to have a vaccine available in history making record time.

the right to survive? the RIGHT? pathetic. it is well proven that more people are killed and pushed into the dire straights of near death from the lockdowns and the lack of commerce, globally. the isolation and isolationism.

I would greatly enjoy hearing how YOU define freedom and liberty, if us peasants don't understand what it actually means or entails.

you are literally hitler.
USA weekly average deaths has been under 800 for the past month and a half. of course, at the peak it was over 2k.

now we are getting much better early detection, much better treatment, never actually had any hospital overwhelm but most states have decided to rescind their "use old folks homes as covid quarantine centers" and are on track to have a vaccine available in history making record time.

the right to survive? the RIGHT? pathetic. it is well proven that more people are killed and pushed into the dire straights of near death from the lockdowns and the lack of commerce, globally. the isolation and isolationism.

I would greatly enjoy hearing how YOU define freedom and liberty, if us peasants don't understand what it actually means or entails.

you are literally hitler.

There's no arguing with his level of incompetency. I quit bothering.

The fact that he believes freedom loving, questioning Americans, would do well under Hitler says it all. He has blinders on to the fact that the people wearing masks, demonizing those who DON'T wear masks, and who will turn on their neighbors for not wearing masks, are the exact same people that killed all the Jews. :homer:
You are so woke. I am amazed at how free you are and so highly intelligent... as people die left and right...

You have been brainwashed into thinking life is Darwinism - only the strong have the right to survive. In that thinking, we should just off anyone with a "today" IQ lower than 100.
You have been brainwashed to spout off things like "Freedom, Liberty" without any understanding what it actually means or entails.
You are the master "woke" sheep puppet for fascism.
You would have done GREAT in Nazi Germany.

Join a big militia now. Do it today.

People are not dying "left and right" from covid in the US. Roughly 800/day. Do you have any concept on how large the USA is? 800/day is not that many if you spread it out over our entire country.

Now think about this.... approximately 1300/day die from tobacco related illness. Where's the outrage about that? Why haven't we completely banned tobacco products?

I know very well what Freedom and Liberty mean, what I also know now is that you do not know what Fascism means. There's a thread about that, you should check it out.

What is your issue with the weak and near death dying from covid? Why is them dying from covid any different than them dying from the flu, or pneumonia, or any other illness because their system is weak? People are going to die from sickness if they are compromised or near death already. I'll answer for you, the difference with covid is that it's been politicized and pushed in our faces by the media. And sheep like you fall in lockstep and gobble it all up like a big load from your boyfriend.
What is your issue with the weak and near death dying from covid? Why is them dying from covid any different than them dying from the flu, or pneumonia, or any other illness because their system is weak?

Precisely why COVID hype is a religion. Nobody can answer why they didn't bat an eye at 60,000 flu deaths in 2018.
Precisely why COVID hype is a religion. Nobody can answer why they didn't bat an eye at 60,000 flu deaths in 2018.

Their answer is because it's not 250,000.

Pneumonia kills more than influenza, anyways. Anyone that has had pneumonia, badly, knows it's nothing to mess with and is a horrible sickness.
Precisely why COVID hype is a religion. Nobody can answer why they didn't bat an eye at 60,000 flu deaths in 2018.

i will say, simply dismissing the deaths as "weak and near dead, no big deal" isn't a great line of thought. While i'm dead set against the shutdowns and the universal mask mandates and the stay at home orders, it is because those are all easily demonstrated to have little to no actual benefit and massive disadvantages.

I think great measures should be taken to help the weak and near dead, including the healthy minority who have died. I do not in the least disagree with offering incentives to ramp up ventilator production when it appeared that may be an issue, now we are a ventilator exporter, if not internationally, at least places like NY were able to send out their mass stockpiles to other states once they realized the proper application.

I also don't disagree with the "wash your hands" messaging nor the "try to keep a distance, don't cough on people" those are all highly effective and well demonstrated. Those sorts of things offer significant benefit to the weak and near dead.

nobody (who is globally connected) was or is ever going to have 0 cases once it arrived, that just isn't how it works. even New Zealand, for their harsh shut down, will have cases, vaccines or not.

there are reasonable and prudent measures that can and were and are done. denying public access to public lands, stay at home orders and face covering mandates are certainly among the least effective and most damaging of the measures we've seen.....of course, that is where the effort of the propaganda push must drive.
i will say, simply dismissing the deaths as "weak and near dead, no big deal" isn't a great line of thought. While i'm dead set against the shutdowns and the universal mask mandates and the stay at home orders, it is because those are all easily demonstrated to have little to no actual benefit and massive disadvantages.

I think great measures should be taken to help the weak and near dead, including the healthy minority who have died. I do not in the least disagree with offering incentives to ramp up ventilator production when it appeared that may be an issue, now we are a ventilator exporter, if not internationally, at least places like NY were able to send out their mass stockpiles to other states once they realized the proper application.

I also don't disagree with the "wash your hands" messaging nor the "try to keep a distance, don't cough on people" those are all highly effective and well demonstrated. Those sorts of things offer significant benefit to the weak and near dead.

nobody (who is globally connected) was or is ever going to have 0 cases once it arrived, that just isn't how it works. even New Zealand, for their harsh shut down, will have cases, vaccines or not.

there are reasonable and prudent measures that can and were and are done. denying public access to public lands, stay at home orders and face covering mandates are certainly among the least effective and most damaging of the measures we've seen.....of course, that is where the effort of the propaganda push must drive.

They're flattening the curve all right, and just like was stated in March, all it will do is drag out the spread and effects. I just looked at information from Sweden: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/sweden/

If only the United States would've followed Sweden more closely. Yes, we probably would've suffered a greater number of casualties very quickly, but I think we'll suffer the same amount no matter what. We're heading into flu/pneumonia/cold season, and immune systems have been kept safe at home, not being exposed to other people, viruses, etcetera. This will probably prove to be deadlier than COVID-19.
i will say, simply dismissing the deaths as "weak and near dead, no big deal" isn't a great line of thought. While i'm dead set against the shutdowns and the universal mask mandates and the stay at home orders, it is because those are all easily demonstrated to have little to no actual benefit and massive disadvantages.

I think great measures should be taken to help the weak and near dead, including the healthy minority who have died.


There's a difference between dismissing it and accepting it. I would hope that nobody is "ok" with the deaths, but I do believe we have to accept that those deaths are going to happen. There is no way to avoid it.

Here's what I don't understand about how things have progressed to date, why haven't we focused on ways to protect those that are at risk? I'm talking compartmentalize our overall strategy and focus on just them. Not mandating what everyone else who are not high risk can/can't do, focus on what we are going to do to help those at risk. One of the easiest ways to start would be instead of closing everything down and paying people to not work, use those funds to bump the pay of those that care for the older population and high risk individuals. Offer them a substantial pay increase to work shifts of two weeks on/two weeks off with them staying onsite at the facility for their entire two week shift. Make them wear masks in public so they are less likely to pick up the virus on their off shift. I know many CNA's very well, and have worked in a handful of nursing homes. CNA's don't get paid shit, and in small midwest communities I'd guess 50% or more of the CNA's are bottom of the barrel citizens. That's why there's such a high turn-over. Those people are not going to give up their social lives when not at work so that they don't bring the virus to your grandma. You're lucky if they show up to work not drunk or stoned. Let's use some of the funds floating around to get good people in those positions, and focus on protecting the high risk while the rest of the country goes back to work and businesses open back up.
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There's a difference between dismissing it and accepting it. I would hope that nobody is "ok" with the deaths, but I do believe we have to accept that those deaths are going to happen. There is no way to avoid it.

Here's what I don't understand about how things have progressed to date, why haven't we focused on ways to protect those that are at risk? I'm talking compartmentalize our overall strategy and focus on just them. Not mandating what everyone else who are not high risk can/can't do, focus on what we are going to do to help those at risk. One of the easiest ways to start would be instead of closing everything down and paying people to not work, use those funds to bump the pay of those that care for the older population and high risk individuals. Offer them a substantial pay increase to work shifts of two weeks on/two weeks off with them staying onsite at the facility for their entire two week shift. Make them wear masks in public so they are less likely to pick up the virus on their off shift. I know many CNA's very well, and have worked in a handful of nursing homes. CNA's don't get paid shit, and in small midwest communities I'd guess 50% or more of the CNA's are bottom of the barrel citizens. That's why there's such a high turn-over. Those people are not going to give up their social lives when not at work so that they don't bring the virus to your grandma. You're lucky if they show up to work not drunk or stoned. Let's use some of the funds floating around to get good people in those positions, and focus on protecting the high risk while the rest of the country goes back to work and businesses open back up.

there was an article last year or early this year, before covid blew up the media. it was a couple of journalists talking about how trump was all but guranteed reelection due to the economy. it ended with some wry "but nobody is stupid enough to crash the economy just to spite trump" line.

wish i could find it again :laughing: there is NO way to "defeat trump" if we took a reasoned approach to this and projected a unified front
i will say, simply dismissing the deaths as "weak and near dead, no big deal" isn't a great line of thought. While i'm dead set against the shutdowns and the universal mask mandates and the stay at home orders, it is because those are all easily demonstrated to have little to no actual benefit and massive disadvantages.

I think great measures should be taken to help the weak and near dead, including the healthy minority who have died. I do not in the least disagree with offering incentives to ramp up ventilator production when it appeared that may be an issue, now we are a ventilator exporter, if not internationally, at least places like NY were able to send out their mass stockpiles to other states once they realized the proper application.

I also don't disagree with the "wash your hands" messaging nor the "try to keep a distance, don't cough on people" those are all highly effective and well demonstrated. Those sorts of things offer significant benefit to the weak and near dead.

nobody (who is globally connected) was or is ever going to have 0 cases once it arrived, that just isn't how it works. even New Zealand, for their harsh shut down, will have cases, vaccines or not.

there are reasonable and prudent measures that can and were and are done. denying public access to public lands, stay at home orders and face covering mandates are certainly among the least effective and most damaging of the measures we've seen.....of course, that is where the effort of the propaganda push must drive.

If this country was as obsessed with living as it is with not dying, things would be much different....
Just wear a darn mask already lol. Why is it STILL so hard?
Instead of flapping like a pouty kindergarten kid about it...

Oh yea, masks don't work, I forgot. But the CDC said, but Fauci said...


Fauchi and the cdc along with countless others that specialize in disease control have contradicted what you’re currently saying. You might wanna do some fact checking:lmao:
There's a difference between dismissing it and accepting it. I would hope that nobody is "ok" with the deaths, but I do believe we have to accept that those deaths are going to happen. There is no way to avoid it.

Here's what I don't understand about how things have progressed to date, why haven't we focused on ways to protect those that are at risk? I'm talking compartmentalize our overall strategy and focus on just them. Not mandating what everyone else who are not high risk can/can't do, focus on what we are going to do to help those at risk. One of the easiest ways to start would be instead of closing everything down and paying people to not work, use those funds to bump the pay of those that care for the older population and high risk individuals. Offer them a substantial pay increase to work shifts of two weeks on/two weeks off with them staying onsite at the facility for their entire two week shift. Make them wear masks in public so they are less likely to pick up the virus on their off shift. I know many CNA's very well, and have worked in a handful of nursing homes. CNA's don't get paid shit, and in small midwest communities I'd guess 50% or more of the CNA's are bottom of the barrel citizens. That's why there's such a high turn-over. Those people are not going to give up their social lives when not at work so that they don't bring the virus to your grandma. You're lucky if they show up to work not drunk or stoned. Let's use some of the funds floating around to get good people in those positions, and focus on protecting the high risk while the rest of the country goes back to work and businesses open back up.

if the greatest population of at-risk are those over 70 and in ill health... then it's the same population that is at the greatest risk of pneumonia, the flu, etc, etc, etc...

Anyone who has worked in or visited a nursing home would know that a lot of family members are "kept alive" for the sake of others who are unwilling to let go. It's quite sad, really.

WRT protecting the weak, ask MN and NY leadership why they intentionally sent CO-19 to nursing homes....
There's a difference between dismissing it and accepting it. I would hope that nobody is "ok" with the deaths, but I do believe we have to accept that those deaths are going to happen. There is no way to avoid it.

Here's what I don't understand about how things have progressed to date, why haven't we focused on ways to protect those that are at risk? I'm talking compartmentalize our overall strategy and focus on just them. Not mandating what everyone else who are not high risk can/can't do, focus on what we are going to do to help those at risk. One of the easiest ways to start would be instead of closing everything down and paying people to not work, use those funds to bump the pay of those that care for the older population and high risk individuals. Offer them a substantial pay increase to work shifts of two weeks on/two weeks off with them staying onsite at the facility for their entire two week shift. Make them wear masks in public so they are less likely to pick up the virus on their off shift. I know many CNA's very well, and have worked in a handful of nursing homes. CNA's don't get paid shit, and in small midwest communities I'd guess 50% or more of the CNA's are bottom of the barrel citizens. That's why there's such a high turn-over. Those people are not going to give up their social lives when not at work so that they don't bring the virus to your grandma. You're lucky if they show up to work not drunk or stoned. Let's use some of the funds floating around to get good people in those positions, and focus on protecting the high risk while the rest of the country goes back to work and businesses open back up.

You still neglect to address the individuals' decisions to risk life, or death, to see their families. Current situations lead me to believe they'd rather risk death than be shut off and "protected."
You still neglect to address the individuals' decisions to risk life, or death, to see their families. Current situations lead me to believe they'd rather risk death than be shut off and "protected."

And they should have that choice.
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