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Ozempic, wegovy, mounjaro

The first step to a healthy weight level is learning how and what to eat. Everybody I’ve seen that tried a weight loss product or surgery ended up putting all the weight back on because they didn’t change their eating habits.

If you lose the weight the hard way by changing your bad habits that got you there you’ll have a much higher success rate to keeping the weight off.
I believe sugar and carbs are the main cause of the obesity epidemic we have going on in the Country.
I stop at the gas station and look at what people are buying in the store, all junk food and their body shows it.
I told my kids to watch what the fat kids in school eat and they’ll see why they are fat. It worked and my kids learned early on to eat healthy.
Fatties always wanna take the easy way out. Several fat guys at work openly talk about using ozempic for weight loss. Idk how they respect themselves or expect anyone else to

Blaming sugar and carbs is just as fucking stupid as blaming guns for school shootings.

Obesity is a problem of self control. Or bad parenting if it's in a child.
Not necessarily.

Try this recipe out:

cut some fish filets (cod, swai, or even pike) into fingers
coat with flour
dip in egg
cover with unsweetened coconut

Pan fry in 1/4" canola oil over low heat, turn when golden brown. Don't overcrowd the pan to prevent the temp from falling too far.

Make a dip with some sweet chili sauce and your choice of orange marmalade or peach preserves.

Tastes great and healthy, all at once.
You'll never want to eat fish another way again.:grinpimp:

Seed oils, vegetable oils, so much garbage. Change out that inedible canola oil to beef tallow or ghee and I'm with you. Minus flour to, if you can't make it in your kitchen, probably shouldn't make its way to your mouth. Ultra processed foods, just garbage. Whole foods ftw, all you need. Listen some to Dr. Shawn Baker and Max Lugavere on Rogan or elsewhere and be ready to open your mind. Fawk, go look how canola is made.

Rape seeds -inedible. Crushed, squeezed, hit with hexane and other solvents, throw some lye on there, bleach and deodorize because it's rancid and now you have something better suited for machine lubricant than something entering your body. That's canola for you, fuck all that.

Edit: Forgot to mention that's all gmo, round up ready and soaked in it. You get that gut flora destroying shit in you to.
Obesity is a problem of self control. Or bad parenting if it's in a child.
I worked at Busch Gardens for a few years and it was amazing how families would vary but be consistent within themselves. You would almost ALWAYS see the characteristics of the parents translated to the appearance of the kids. The average parents had average kids, the athletic parents had the healthier looking kids and the fat ass slobs would have the fat ass slob kids.

People watching was one of the things I would do when going to work as well as when on break. It was mind numbing entertainment.
Seed oils, vegetable oils, so much garbage. Change out that inedible canola oil to beef tallow or ghee and I'm with you. Minus flour to, if you can't make it in your kitchen, probably shouldn't make its way to your mouth. Ultra processed foods, just garbage. Whole foods ftw, all you need. Listen some to Dr. Shawn Baker and Max Lugavere on Rogan or elsewhere and be ready to open your mind. Fawk, go look how canola is made.

Rape seeds -inedible. Crushed, squeezed, hit with hexane and other solvents, throw some lye on there, bleach and deodorize because it's rancid and now you have something better suited for machine lubricant than something entering your body. That's canola for you, fuck all that.

Edit: Forgot to mention that's all gmo, round up ready and soaked in it. You get that gut flora destroying shit in you to.

Preach it (great post!)

I was gonna say ghee n tallow plus even BUTTER are good to cook with, so far as entering your biome.

All veggie n seed oils are garbage. Even avocado oil has its drawbacks.
No it's not.

Eat pizza, bagels n cream cheese, corndogs, french fries and donuts every week. Then drink Mtn Dew and cherry Coke every day.

Get back to us in 2 months when you've gained 15lbs.

Caloric surplus will cause weight gain no matter if you're ingesting carbs, fats, or protein. You can lose weight eating twinkies everyday if you maintain a caloric deficit.
Caloric surplus will cause weight gain no matter if you're ingesting carbs, fats, or protein. You can lose weight eating twinkies everyday if you maintain a caloric deficit.

True, to a point.

Try the "pizza, bagels n cream cheese, corndogs, french fries and donuts" challenge.

I don't miss eating crap. Apple fritters get me to think twice but, i don't miss pepperoni sausage mushroom pizza one iota.
I went from 356lbs to 215lbs over the past two years by tracking calories and not lying to myself. Still eat pizza, donuts and whatever else I feel like. Nothing got banned from my diet. Just eat human sized portions and not 3/4 of a pizza in one sitting and somehow things worked out.

I did eventually make some changes to meet that caloric budget. For example I’ll take a protein shake and use the ice cream maker and turn it into a giant bowl of ice cream. It ends up as less calories than a 2/3 cup serving of store bought ice cream because it’s still just a protein shake. Now the store ice cream isn’t even an afterthought when I used to be a serious addict. Other things in my diet have similarly evolved where I don’t even think about what I’m “missing” even though it’s still on the table as an option.

Is it the most healthy option out there? Probably not, but much better than what I was doing. Not trying to convince anyone else to do it, just found what worked for me so far. It still involves all the things I enjoy in one form or another.
There are lots of things we could do without and be better off. Hell, if I quit wheeling I would have more money. If I studied harder in school instead of partying I could have been a doctor. Lots of ifs for all of us.
Some peoples vice is food. If some of these drugs work for you then great. If they dont then you need to find another solution.
I tried wegovy for about 4 months. Felt miserable 4-5 days a week, not for me. Wife takes ozempic and her insurance just changed her to mounjaro to keep her A1C in check. Works great for her. Even lost some weight. If she ate healthy im sure she would lose more weight and be in better shape. That probably aint happening so she will stay with the shot once a week.
Might not be the best choice but so far its a choice that works.
No it's not.

Eat pizza, bagels n cream cheese, corndogs, french fries and donuts every week. Then drink Mtn Dew and cherry Coke every day.

Get back to us in 2 months when you've gained 15lbs.
Yes, it is

If you're in a caloric deficit you're gonna lose weight. It's that simple. Doesn't matter what you're eating if that is the ONLY metric we're using, weight loss or weight gain. You'd still be very unhealthy eating all that shit regularly.

If I ate one bagel and a 1 serving of cream cheese for breakfast 2 pieces of pizza for lunch, and 6 oz of fries and a coke for dinner and nothing more, I'd probably maintain weight or maybe even lose weight in 2 months depending on my activity level. It's all about moderation.

Figure out the amount of calories your body needs to maintain weight at rest, and stay under that. And you're golden. At least strictly speaking not gaining weight. Even if you don't gain anything that shit still ain't good for you
I worked at Busch Gardens for a few years and it was amazing how families would vary but be consistent within themselves. You would almost ALWAYS see the characteristics of the parents translated to the appearance of the kids. The average parents had average kids, the athletic parents had the healthier looking kids and the fat ass slobs would have the fat ass slob kids.

People watching was one of the things I would do when going to work as well as when on break. It was mind numbing entertainment.
Yup. always feel a lot of sympathy for the fat kids because their entire lives are getting fucked up from an early age, through no fault of their own
If you're in a caloric deficit you're gonna lose weight. It's that simple. Doesn't matter what you're eating if that is the ONLY metric we're using, weight loss or weight gain. You'd still be very unhealthy eating all that shit regularly.
That's the way I explain it to people. Calories in, calories out is law, not a suggestion. The Twinkie diet is totally possible.

You'd totally die of heart palps or the beetus with a year if you did it long term but all it's supposed to be is proof of concept.
That's the way I explain it to people. Calories in, calories out is law, not a suggestion. The Twinkie diet is totally possible.

You'd totally die of heart palps or the beetus with a year if you did it long term but all it's supposed to be is proof of concept.

Yes, and it's why i suggested someone eating that crap regularly that is life-changing unhealthy.
Fatties always wanna take the easy way out. Several fat guys at work openly talk about using ozempic for weight loss. Idk how they respect themselves or expect anyone else to

Blaming sugar and carbs is just as fucking stupid as blaming guns for school shootings.

Obesity is a problem of self control. Or bad parenting if it's in a child.
It's not as much about blaming it as it is recognizing the primary culprit. The sugar industry poisoned the well for decades funding research to blame fat for all the issues they were primarily causing. There's still a lot of that stigma out there, that fat is the primary thing to avoid in our diets. It's not. It's processed sugars and simple carbs.
I mean, for decades the government pushed a food pyramid that had bread, rice, and pasta as the foundation of our diet. Pure simple carbs. Your body can't tell the difference between that bread, rice, and past vs. a slice of cake. It's all processed basically the same way in your body. Pure sugar to the blood stream.

It's not as much about blaming it as it is recognizing the primary culprit. The sugar industry poisoned the well for decades funding research to blame fat for all the issues they were primarily causing. There's still a lot of that stigma out there, that fat is the primary thing to avoid in our diets. It's not. It's processed sugars and simple carbs.
Yea that's true!

Just another lie told to all of us. While I stand by what I said in the above posts, it is MUCH easier and better for you to lose weight while not eating a bunch of junk

I can't imagine eating pizza and donuts for a whole month, eating healthy would be much more enjoyable
I don't know how anyone keeps up with what food is "healthy" or not. If you avoided everything that at one point was a claimed link to health issues you'd likely starve to death.
If it has more than one ingredient (the food it is) it's unhealthy. Highly processed "foods", and seed oils are by far the worst.
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