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Ohhh boy free case bud light....

Also for those who are curious what happens when this shit goes out of code I'll try to explain as best I can. There are a few things that will happen. I have experienced this fairly recently thanks to how COVID out of coded a lot of our beer when we took a huge hit over bars being closed.

Option 1: least likely is Budweiser will say to distributors that hey we fucked up guys just send it back and we will refund or partial refund your cost and handle the destruction and recycling. This almost never happens.
Option 2: everybody forgets about this shit shortly and everything sells just fine. No real harm and scare over.
Option 3: Everything goes out of date. Distributors become required to pick it up and or swap with fresh product for the account. What happens after that is everything out of date will be inventoried. Then forms will be submitted to state alcohol boards notifying them of intent to destroy. Then the kegs will be emptied out on video for evidence for the state and the empty hulls will be returned for the deposit back. The cases will be counted. Loaded on a truck. Pictures will be taken on the truck. Then it will be dumped in a manner like pictured below again on camera for the dicks at the state alchohol board. Budweiser tells distributor eat a whole bag of dicks on getting any money back. Huge losses and attempts at tax write off ensues.
Yup, decades ago my brother delivered beer and had a 28' trailer loaded with wine and expired beer bound for the landfill. He said there was someone from the ATF and the state liquor control board there watching every single container get driven over by a d9 cat after they tipped him up.
Yup, decades ago my brother delivered beer and had a 28' trailer loaded with wine and expired beer bound for the landfill. He said there was someone from the ATF and the state liquor control board there watching every single container get driven over by a d9 cat after they tipped him up.
That's a fact, serious shit you know, oh and you can bet someone from the insurance company was there too.
Also for those who are curious what happens when this shit goes out of code I'll try to explain as best I can. There are a few things that will happen. I have experienced this fairly recently thanks to how COVID out of coded a lot of our beer when we took a huge hit over bars being closed.

Option 1: least likely is Budweiser will say to distributors that hey we fucked up guys just send it back and we will refund or partial refund your cost and handle the destruction and recycling. This almost never happens.
Option 2: everybody forgets about this shit shortly and everything sells just fine. No real harm and scare over.
Option 3: Everything goes out of date. Distributors become required to pick it up and or swap with fresh product for the account. What happens after that is everything out of date will be inventoried. Then forms will be submitted to state alcohol boards notifying them of intent to destroy. Then the kegs will be emptied out on video for evidence for the state and the empty hulls will be returned for the deposit back. The cases will be counted. Loaded on a truck. Pictures will be taken on the truck. Then it will be dumped in a manner like pictured below again on camera for the dicks at the state alchohol board. Budweiser tells distributor eat a whole bag of dicks on getting any money back. Huge losses and attempts at tax write off ensues.

Yup, decades ago my brother delivered beer and had a 28' trailer loaded with wine and expired beer bound for the landfill. He said there was someone from the ATF and the state liquor control board there watching every single container get driven over by a d9 cat after they tipped him up.

There was an incident at a semi-local landfill here where a liquor store (they're state-run here) was severely damaged in a storm and all of the inventory was deemed unsellable and was loaded in to dump trucks and sent to the landfill. Someone from the public saw it getting dumped and asked if they could take some. They were told no, as it's actually illegal to scavenge from a public landfill in NC, but as they left, they stopped up on the hill and watched several of the county employees pick up bottles and stash them in their trucks and equipment....and go pics/video of them doing it, of course. Those pics made the local paper and all kinds of people got fired. :laughing:
There was an incident at a semi-local landfill here where a liquor store (they're state-run here) was severely damaged in a storm and all of the inventory was deemed unsellable and was loaded in to dump trucks and sent to the landfill. Someone from the public saw it getting dumped and asked if they could take some. They were told no, as it's actually illegal to scavenge from a public landfill in NC, but as they left, they stopped up on the hill and watched several of the county employees pick up bottles and stash them in their trucks and equipment....and go pics/video of them doing it, of course. Those pics made the local paper and all kinds of people got fired. :laughing:
Yeah that is a big no no for lots of reasons that probably got them touched in sensitive places by the state liquor board. They do not fuck around. That is why our company lets us take as much ooc/damage stuff home first for free as we want. Every little bit is less bullshit to film and file with the state. I have taken home literal crown Vic trunks full at a time. And I don't even drink the shit. But I trade or give it away as Christmas presents.
3 if you count the swiss / german, brand brewed.
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