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Ohhh boy free case bud light....

Around here, that's called a suitcase- :beer:
I can’t say I’ve seen any 36 pack of beer ever. Case is 24 and then there’s the 30 packs around here. Here is also home of AB.
I can’t say I’ve seen any 36 pack of beer ever. Case is 24 and then there’s the 30 packs around here. Here is also home of AB.
Keystone, Busch, Natty, shit like that is available in 30s or 36s around here depending on what the store chooses to buy. The cans are 12oz but slightly taller and skinnier.
If it stacks too high in the warehouse, it could fall over and crush somebody.
You’d think at some point after No or very low orders they’d stop making or slow down production lines :flipoff2:
Cases or flats before the cube concept came along was 24, four 6 packs to a case. but they were loose 6 packs in a cardboard flat.

usually sold with a free bag of ice that fit nicely over the top of it.

Hell, I remember flats of beer, and I'm only 31 :flipoff2:
How long will they let it sit in a store, unsold before they realize noone will buy it. Then they gotta go get it and do what with it?
That shit can last a long time before it tastes any different. I've had regular Budweiser warm off a truck truck that came from Peru to Bolivia and it tasted just as bad as any buttweiser I've had before.

For some reason the embassy Marines down there had a damn hard on for it. The local beers were actually pretty good, fresh and cheap. They had to pay out the ass for Budweiser though. Fucking crayon eaters. :flipoff2:
That shit can last a long time before it tastes any different. I've had regular Budweiser warm off a truck truck that came from Peru to Bolivia and it tasted just as bad as any buttweiser I've had before.

For some reason the embassy Marines down there had a damn hard on for it. The local beers were actually pretty good, fresh and cheap. They had to pay out the ass for Budweiser though. Fucking crayon eaters. :flipoff2:
Doesn't matter really though. Legally if it reaches shelf life we have to take it back. Usually for that's about 6 months
Doesn't matter really though. Legally if it reaches shelf life we have to take it back. Usually for that's about 6 months
I'm guessing this was a less scrupulous company that put a couple containers on a ship from LA to Lima instead of destroying it. They really should just run it through a still. :homer:
They will donate it to military for write off.
Feel good story how they support the troops.
I don't know if CAN shoot that fast. But it would be worth a SHOT.

In other news, an owner of a green Subaru complained that someone dumped a can of Bud Lite in their sunroof...What a shitty thing to do.
Keystone, Busch, Natty, shit like that is available in 30s or 36s around here depending on what the store chooses to buy. The cans are 12oz but slightly taller and skinnier.

You know, one would think someone at AB would simply say, "Hey, we fucked up. We didn't mean to piss off our loyal customers. We are withdrawing all our support to the rainbow groups. We have learned our lesson. We have fired everyone in the marketing group that identifies as woke. We certain hope our loyal customers accept our deepest apologizes and rest assured, this will never happen again. From now on, AB will simply brew beer and stay out of social issues."

They are going to lose customers. Now it can be 20 to 30 percent of their customer base or the 1.5 percent cock suckers....its their choice.
Think they would be better of not even trying to salvage the situation. Just shut up and fly under the radar best they can. Wont be very long until the country finds something else to be outraged about and most will forget why they stopped drinking bud to begin with.
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