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** Meme **

It's 76 today. We ain't cold no more. All that shit was so last week. :flipoff2:

I see that photo and think of this
:laughing: this reminds how people bring up our forefathers to talk about how brilliant and amazing awesome people they were and then totally ignore the fact they were cool with owning other human beings and forcing them to be slaves and work for free :homer::lmao:

Not every Founding Father was cool with slavery, but they had bigger fish to fry. Like founding a country.
:laughing: this reminds how people bring up our forefathers to talk about how brilliant and amazing awesome people they were and then totally ignore the fact they were cool with owning other human beings and forcing them to be slaves and work for free :homer::lmao:

Careful you don't rip that thin skin...

Oh yeah, read a book
:laughing: this reminds how people bring up our forefathers to talk about how brilliant and amazing awesome people they were and then totally ignore the fact they were cool with owning other human beings and forcing them to be slaves and work for free :homer::lmao:

A few White people in charge of a horde of blacks and you can win Superbowls and stuff.
:laughing: this reminds how people bring up our forefathers to talk about how brilliant and amazing awesome people they were and then totally ignore the fact they were cool with owning other human beings and forcing them to be slaves and work for free :homer::lmao:

You think room and board is free?

:laughing: this reminds how people bring up our forefathers to talk about how brilliant and amazing awesome people they were and then totally ignore the fact they were cool with owning other human beings and forcing them to be slaves and work for free :homer::lmao:

Is that what it reminds you of, really? Our founding fathers is what I think you mean. You cannot use what we consider moral or "right" now and place it in that time in history. They had a completely different mindset then than we do now about the ownership of other people. Its stupid to even use that argument since at the time slavery was commonplace in most nations. They actually set the stage for the end of slavery in North America and then the world with the words "all men are created equal".
Is that what it reminds you of, really? Our founding fathers is what I think you mean. You cannot use what we consider moral or "right" now and place it in that time in history. They had a completely different mindset then than we do now about the ownership of other people. Its stupid to even use that argument since at the time slavery was commonplace in most nations. They actually set the stage for the end of slavery in North America and then the world with the words "all men are created equal".

Those idiots- can you believe they wasted time writing letters instead of DMing?
Is that what it reminds you of, really? Our founding fathers is what I think you mean. You cannot use what we consider moral or "right" now and place it in that time in history. They had a completely different mindset then than we do now about the ownership of other people. Its stupid to even use that argument since at the time slavery was commonplace in most nations. They actually set the stage for the end of slavery in North America and then the world with the words "all men are created equal".
Exactly, many of them wanted to end slavery, but could did not when they were founding this country because the slave holding colonies would not have gone along with it and they did not think it would be possible to win their independence without them.

Aaron Z
:laughing: this reminds how people bring up our forefathers to talk about how brilliant and amazing awesome people they were and then totally ignore the fact they were cool with owning other human beings and forcing them to be slaves and work for free :homer::lmao:

You don't own anything made in China do you?

Those things are terrifying. I was whistling to work down the power line trail on my minibike last summer and came up on one of those operations about 500 feet ahead at a bend with no prior warning. Those operators have balls of titanium, there were 35mph gusts that day.
Those things are terrifying. I was whistling to work down the power line trail on my minibike last summer and came up on one of those operations about 500 feet ahead at a bend with no prior warning. Those operators have balls of titanium, there were 35mph gusts that day.

my best friend growing up flys those things out of north Carolina. hes got some stories, theres even a couple youtubes of him triming around treestands and other tricky spots. you have to know when enough is enough he's taken 6month + off at least three times now after flying incidents. time to clear his mind and get his head back in the game. and its very common for the pilots to do.

the last time he 'took vacation' was when a blade got stuck put him closest to crashing hes ever got. he doesn't know how he saved it, then by them time the blade was unstuck hes low on fuel and about to hit a wall. location had not clearing to land, they take a ton of space to set the blade end down and land the helo. he ended up cutting a landing space setting it down and waiting for support to come in... i can only imagine what goes thru your mind in that situation.

the whole operation is interesting, alot of logistics, ground support stationing and such. he mostly manages the shop, ground support, flying bigger support helos and such. they had some big storm and flooding a year or two ago and he pickup his crew up at their homes by helo, pretty cool stuff
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