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** Meme **


I can't believe that he did that. The wife could have easily taken the kids. Even though he turned right back around they will keep beating this drum. Besides the MSM need something to distract everyone from the cuomo death march in NYC. Just waiting on biden to comment on their gold standard of governors!
Why the fuck wouldnt he go? Its the governors and mayors problems, not the senators.

And because meme.

He had every right to go in a sane and normal world but he had to know that this would be blasted 24/7 over all the news outlets. I would have been ok if he said exactly what you said but are the cold people in texas going to see it that way next election cycle? Whoever runs against him will pound him with this. He needs to own it instead of letting the left own the narrative
He had every right to go in a sane and normal world but he had to know that this would be blasted 24/7 over all the news outlets. I would have been ok if he said exactly what you said but are the cold people in texas going to see it that way next election cycle? Whoever runs against him will pound him with this. He needs to own it instead of letting the left own the narrative

It's 76 today. We ain't cold no more. All that shit was so last week. :flipoff2:

He had every right to go in a sane and normal world but he had to know that this would be blasted 24/7 over all the news outlets. I would have been ok if he said exactly what you said but are the cold people in texas going to see it that way next election cycle? Whoever runs against him will pound him with this. He needs to own it instead of letting the left own the narrative

I really don't think it'll matter. I've yet to hear a soul down here say anything worse than "it kinda looks bad".. We're still a good ways from his next election cycle, people aren't going to give a rat's ass by then, considering how little they care about it now... We've got other demons to exorcise involved in this beyond a senator that had zero to do with it, had nothing that he could have done to help, and whose only crime was that he took advantage of his sizeable checkbook to get his family the hell out of it..

:laughing: this reminds how people bring up our forefathers to talk about how brilliant and amazing awesome people they were and then totally ignore the fact they were cool with owning other human beings and forcing them to be slaves and work for free :homer::lmao:
:laughing: this reminds how people bring up our forefathers to talk about how brilliant and amazing awesome people they were and then totally ignore the fact they were cool with owning other human beings and forcing them to be slaves and work for free :homer::lmao:

Slavery gets shit done. The only bad thing about it was that we didn't send them all home when they quit working. :flipoff2:
:laughing: this reminds how people bring up our forefathers to talk about how brilliant and amazing awesome people they were and then totally ignore the fact they were cool with owning other human beings and forcing them to be slaves and work for free :homer::lmao:

yea slavery was bad and it should have never been brought here. That said I would bet more people on this planet have lead a free life because of what the founding fathers did than any other group of people on the planet.
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