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** Meme **

Pliers, pipe cleaners, peroxide, superglue. Bunch of goddamn ninnies around here...

Mine from a few years ago. This happened on our second drift of the morning. I was attempting to put a fresh live blue runner on a king fish rig to see what we could get to eat it. Blue runner was too lively and gave me one of the treble hooks. I gave the captain a pair of dikes and pliers. He pulled on them but they wouldn’t come out. So we tried to push them through. Too deep into the knuckles so I wrapped them up and fished the rest of the day. Landed 4 keeper cobia and a pile of other fish. I went to the ER after we got back to the dock. Check out the tools they used on me. :smokin:



Mine from a few years ago. This happened on our second drift of the morning. I was attempting to put a fresh live blue runner on a king fish rig to see what we could get to eat it. Blue runner was too lively and gave me one of the treble hooks. I gave the captain a pair of dikes and pliers. He pulled on them but they wouldn’t come out. So we tried to push them through. Too deep into the knuckles so I wrapped them up and fished the rest of the day. Landed 4 keeper cobia and a pile of other fish. I went to the ER after we got back to the dock. Check out the tools they used on me. :smokin:

You got a lot of random photos in this post.:flipoff2: Even a driver's license and a medical examination. :lmao: But looks like you got hooked good.
We just bought a gallon jug at Costco. Wife comes home with it, I'm unpacking groceries "what the fuck?!"
"You were complaining that they took aunt Jemima off the jug, so I bought you a big one.":laughing:

They should have used the same picture but changed the colour to a white lady.
They should have used the same picture but changed the colour to a white lady.

I thought "There's NO WAY someone hasn't done this! Off to Google!"

Fuck Google. Zero hits.

Duckduckgo, first link titled "white Aunt Jemima". Still needs to go on a bottle.
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