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** Meme **

My buddy put a nail through his thumb, I was mad he pulled it out before I could snap a pic and share it with you guys.
He said it didn't hurt much and he just instantly panicked and pulled it out without thinking. Was using a nailgun that caught a knot on a board he was holding.
He was lucky it missed the bone. Could have been worse.

We were siding a buddy's house. One of the guys punched a nail through his finger. The guy who owns the house was talking about it, asking how the hell you do that, "I would never be so complacent..." etc.

So a few weeks later we're doing trim at another guy's house. Guess who shoots himself in the finger with a nail gun?:laughing: better believe we rode him about complacency.

My worst one was having a 1/4 crown staple catch the grain in cedar siding, come out of the board, through my finger, and into the sheathing. Best part was that my hand was above my head, last row before we were going to move the outriggers on the scaffold up.:homer:
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