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** Meme **

Pictures like that one, and the fishing hooks gone bad ones. You kinda feel them, and it hurts. Poor fellow.
The nail I saw removed from an elbow came out surprisingly easy, like it was in jello and not a person.
The nail I saw removed from an elbow came out surprisingly easy, like it was in jello and not a person.

My cousin stumbled on scaffolding while carrying a framing gun with the trigger pulled. He nailed his big toe to the scaffolding plank through the joint where it meets the foot. It did not come out like it was in jello.
My uncle jumped off a boat dock with his big toe under the cleat. Tore it right off. :laughing:
Well, yeah, but what if you’re not a pussy?:flipoff2:

I probably should have phrased that as “how would the er doctor go about extracting that?”

Probably a surgeon not a doctor...put you out, open up what needs to be opened, slide it out, clean things up, stitch it all back together.
Well, yeah, but what if you’re not a pussy?:flipoff2:

I probably should have phrased that as “how would the er doctor go about extracting that?”

Doctors do shit all sorts of dumb ways because they're used to working on people and that informs their techniques.

Someone who pulls a lot of nails is gonna be just as qualified to pull a nail out of something it's not usually installed in as someone who pulls a lot of things out of people is to pull shit that isn't usually in a person out of a person.
I kicked a decking stapler and shot a 2" staple into the ball of my foot. it was truly a bitch to pull out. I hooked on to it with vice grips, and had a buddy hold down my foot. third time was a charm. as stated above, it started really hurting after that. I think a set of vice grips and a twisting motion that comes right out.
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