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** Meme **

Did you have a roof and four walls? Was it reasonably warm? Did your family have a car or access to public transportation? Did you have at least one decent meal a day? Yes? Then you were fucking comfortable. Get over your spoiled selves.
When was it normal for a person with a high school diplomma to support a family of five comfortably?
This probably deserves its own thread, but I know countless families of 5, mine growing up included that lived comfortably on a single income from someone with only a high school diploma. Fuck, most didn’t even have that.

Most that can’t just really suck at life and make terrible financial and life decisions.
This probably deserves its own thread, but I know countless families of 5, mine growing up included that lives comfortably on a single income from someone with only a high school diploma. Fuck, most didn’t even have that.
I’ve got a useless AA, I’m the only income, family of 5 (edit, 6, 4 kids, 2 adults, guess I’m not used to counting the 18mo old yet:homer: )
Our house is a little small and we don’t have cars we can’t pay cash for… but the deed to the house and 8 acres is in the safe and everyone’s belly’s are full… so I guess I’m doing the 21st century version?
I’ve got a useless AA, I’m the only income, family of 5.
Our house is a little small and we don’t have cars we can’t pay cash for… but the deed to the house and 8 acres is in the safe and everyone’s belly’s are full… so I guess I’m doing the 21st century version?
I’ll also bet you don’t pitty yourself and look around and bitch about how hard life is either, you just make good decisions and make shit happen like the rest of us.

I know countless guys today that could and do easily live comfortably supporting a family of five with less than a diploma.
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