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** Meme **

the hottest woman on the show.

I thought I would find it in my message or email history with her, but so far no luck.

It's been about 6 or 7 years now, but I'm about 80% sure this is what I sent her.

Jewels is a pretty decent seamstress, I almost had her convinced to make Kaylee's dress for a Halloween party, until she tallied up what fabric was going to cost. :eek::laughing:
Thanks! My wife is going to make me one. She's sitting here knitting a baby blanket right now.
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I really didn't like rookie. Every episode pushed the "we're doing what's best for you" and "we really have your best interests at heart" type agenda. It got old. Most of it was a bit too over the top. I didn't make it out of season 1 though, maybe it got better.
It did not.
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