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** Meme **

Well he is a bad ass mofo.

He first saw combat landing in the 2nd Wave in a Recce Party at Juno Beach on D-Day. The 13th Field Regiment was interspersed with the Regina Rifle Regiment landing at "Nan" Sector of Juno Beach. After shooting two snipers, Doohan led his men to higher ground through a field of anti-tank mines, where they took defensive positions for the night. Crossing between command posts at 23:30 that night, Doohan was hit by six rounds fired from a Bren gun by a nervous Canadian sentry:[2] four in his leg, one in the chest, and one through his right middle finger. The bullet to his chest was stopped by a silver cigarette case given to him by his brother.[7] His right middle finger had to be amputated, something he would conceal on-screen
Since most of the times you open your mouth I become 90% sure your a **** anyway I'm not surprised. Some people have no taste.:flipoff2:

Haven't seen that one yet. But castle was great and firefly was too.
then don't ruin it for yourself.
and don't take that as a dig on fillion, his acting is fine. I could not get by the guns are bad cops are great politics of the writers.
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