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Maine Bound!

Drive Day 4 recap.

After yesterday’s long day and because we only had to go 360 miles today, we decided to sleep in a bit. Packed up and hit the road from the Chechotah KOA around 8:55 AM local time. Cruised on down the road and Into Arkansas. Stopped off about 20 miles into AR at a Cracker Barrel for a leisurely breakfast. Best part of Cracker Barrel is they all have RV parking so it’s very easy to get my rig in and out of there. It was already in the mid 80s so I kicked on the generator before we went in so I could run the AC for the cats. It was so hot today in fact I had those running all day long. Between that running, a good headwind for half the day, and my aggressive driving today, I really guzzled down the fuel.

After breakfast we got back on the road and hit some serious construction stop and go. this was about the time the clams I made for dinner last night (that had apparently been in the freezer far too long) decided I should go to the bathroom. I was driving, but we were at a dead stop on the freeway, so the wife and I hot swapped real quick while stopped so I could use the facilities. Problem was she didn’t have the chance to slide the seat up (I’m taller and my legs are longer by a good bit) so she was in no real safe position to drive that way for long. Naturally by the time I finished my business it was no longer stop and go, just real slow speed. So we got swapped again while the RV was Idling along. I held the wheel straight while she slid out and i dropped back in and kept going. Bout another 40 miles or so down the road my low fuel light kicked on so we shot off to fill the tank.

Hot construction delays 2 more times thru AR. Wind shifted from a headwind to a cross wind about an hour away from our destination for the night. When we were about 20 miles from the KOA in Marion I was down to a 1/4 tank again, so I decided to just hop off and fuel up. Figured it was better now than having to deal with it in the morning.

Back on the road and when we got about 2 miles from the exit to I-55 traffic ground to a complete halt. Took us no shit 30 minutes to go 1 freaking mile. Glad I gassed up when I did. Once we got to the ramp for 55N we got to the Memphis KOA in about another 8 minutes. This is definitely Italy the busiest KOA we have been at so far. Since we pulled in I’ve watched at least another 20 rigs pull thru. Tents, TTs, RVs, etc.

bonus here is they have BBQ food and pizza made to order and delivered to the site. So the wife took the kids to the pool, I’m sitting in the RV with the AC cranked waiting for our food order to arrive, drinking a nice cold beer and watching City Slickers. Kind of dreading I-55 across the Mississippi in the morning. Plan is to have breakfast here about 7:15 and get on the road around 8. Hopefully Saturday morning won’t be as bad.
Drive Day number 5! We have crossed the halfway point in both days and distance!

Got up at 6:30 AM local time in Marion AR. Dumped the tanks and got the RV ready to roll for the day. We had planned to have breakfast at the cafe at the KOA, so met up there at 7:15 am. Quickly realized it would take ages. Unlike the Las Vegas KOA, this wasn’t buffet style. They had one person taking the orders AND cooking the food AND delivering it to the table. Scrapped that plan and decided to just hit the road instead. I55 was a breeze. Shot right across the bridge and into Memphis no problem. Followed 240 down and around south of Memphis and rejoined I40 past it.

Nice smooth, gorgeous drive thru Tennesse. Somewhere between Memphis and Nashville we pulled off at a Loves that had an Arby’s attached to it. Fueled up and grabbed some grub from Arby’s and resumed. Blew thru Nashville nice and easy. Didn’t really hit much of any traffic at all until Knoxville. Even that didn’t last too long.

At long last we bid farewell to I-40 and hit I-81 North. About a half hour later we pulled in and arrived at the very nice Baileyton KOA in Greenville TN around 4:30PM local time. Since we got in nice and early we got to let the kids loose to run around and enjoy the facilities a bit. Hit the playground, the gem sluice, the jump pad, etc. also found a local pizza place that delivered to the campground so ordered pizza for dinner.
Cool adventure for the kids. Last time I saw you was at TDS over a decade ago. You had some mini kegs of beer. You did the mag write up on Devils that Steve and I first ran. Best of luck.
Drive Day 6

today was a shortish drive day but it took us thru 4 states.

Started off leaving the KOA in TN around 7:50 AM. There was a TA truck stop right at that exit so we swung thru there on our way out to gas up in the morning and take care of the passenger side rear tail light of the Carson that my Moms husband broke last evening. He clipped a fence when backing in by their cabin for the night. The housing had broken, the lens cracked, and the bulb broke. He had gone inside and just grabbed a new bulb but it still wasn’t working. I told him to stop thinking proper repair and start thinking trail fix to get us back on the road. I went inside and grabbed a 3” round LeD stop/tail/turn assembly, a pigtai, and a pack of big zip ties. A five minute rewire job in the parking lot and I secured the fixture inside the cracked original housing with the zip ties and we were back on the road by 8:15 AM.

After driving for a bit we crossed into Virginia. Someone at the VA DOT had a sense of humor. Overall pretty easy drive day. Didn’t really hit too much traffic or construction thru Va. stopped after another 220 miles or so fuel up again and kept on our way. Crossed into West Virginia panhandle around 2 pm. Crossed the border into Maryland around 2:25 pm and arrived at the very well hidden and very nice Haggerstown
Are we there yet? I gotta go potty. He touched me. Are we there yet? She's on my side.:lmao:
You're getting close. So far you haven't had any problems. Hope it stays that way.
Are we there yet? I gotta go potty. He touched me. Are we there yet? She's on my side.:lmao:
You're getting close. So far you haven't had any problems. Hope it stays that way.

the kids have actually been pretty dang good so far. Benefit of traveling in the RV. Lots of room for everyone to spread out. And we have an on board potty so I don’t have to stop for that unless I have to go. I’ve been squeezing in a piss at fuel stops when needed. Think we are all kind of burned out on the road though. I think the day at Hershey Park tomorrow is perfectly timed. Only an hour and a half drive to the park in the morning and only an hour from there to tomorrow nights KOA. Hershey opens at 11 so we are going to sleep in a bit and pull out of here around 9. Should put us there shortly before it opens. Spend the day at Hershey park letting the kids burn some energy and giving us all a break from the road, maybe leave at like 5 and hit the koa by 6:30 for the night.
Looks like you're doing well.
81 from Harrisburg to Wilkes-Barre is a long climb.
We're in NW CT if you get this way and need anything.
Day 7.

departed from Haggerstown Maryland KOA around 8:50 AM. Got back on 81 for about 20 miles and made a fuel stop then continued on to Hershey Park. Somewhere before Hershey park we shifted to 78 east. Wife thought the google maps directions I had printed were too complicated so she pulled it up on her phone. The phone wound up directing us to the employee parking lot so we wound up going all the way the fuck around the park and thru downtown Hershey in traffic up the ass to finally get back to where we started and actually enter the damn lot. RVs and busses parked way the hell away from the entrance of course so we had a bit of a hike to the gate.

The park was packed and it quickly climbed to 91*. Needless to say we didn’t last as long as we had planned. But we got some good rides in, had some fun strolling the park, had some food, etc. by about 3 pm we had all had it so we made our way back to the RV for the hourish drive to the Allentown KOA in New Tripoli PA.

The cap of this day was on 78 East about 15 minutes from the KOA. Rolling thru a construction zone I saw a sign saying all trucks, busses, and vehicles with trailers should be in the left lane thru the construction zone. So I checked my mirror, kicked on my signal, and slowly merged into the left lane. Don’t know where the fuck she came from, but I wound up clipping the side of a small SUV when I made the lane change. Trailer fender hit her front passenger door. I barely even felt the hit in the RV and wasn’t even sure I had actually hit her until Mac came on the CB and informed me I had. Fuck. And in the middle of a construction zone with no shoulders, I couldn’t pull over. Lady flew up next to me honking thinking I was trying to run off so I made a hand gesture like where the fuck do you suggest I stop right now? Finally an exit is a mile up so we pull off on the shoulder of the off ramp near the top. Basically zero damage to my trailer. Slightly bent fender and a scuff, that was it. Her passenger side door had a good crease in it though. Exchanged Info and got back underway.

Arrived at the Allentown KOA around 4:30. Almost to the finish line. Two more days of driving to go.
I have seen that type of accident involving 18 wheelers a couple of times, driver signals has room and then so dumb ass decides he is going to get in front because he doesn't want to be behind you :mad3:
I hope the rest of the trip is uneventful.
I guess now the wife knows why printed directions were so complicated :laughing:
Hoping nothing else bad happens.
Right? I mean we’ve done about 2,700 miles in 7 days. Something was bound to happen sooner or later I suppose.

I have seen that type of accident involving 18 wheelers a couple of times, driver signals has room and then so dumb ass decides he is going to get in front because he doesn't want to be behind you :mad3:
I hope the rest of the trip is uneventful.
I guess now the wife knows why printed directions were so complicated :laughing:
yeah I kind of feel like that was what happened. She saw me about to move over and decided she didn’t want to be behind me. Oh man, and I seriously told her to just turn off her damn phone after that. I was super irritated. Especially when I realized if we had just gone straight instead of sitting at the shortest left turn signal light I have ever seen in my life for 20 minutes we would have been in the parking lot over a half an hour sooner.

WTF did she expect? She tried to pass the General Lee. She's lucky she didn't end up in the creek.
More like the wall with where it happened.
More like the wall with where it happened.

I just drove through there with a trailer both east & westbound, twice in the last two weeks. Lucky you didn't catch it last weekend, they had the eastbound side shut down to one lane on Sunday and backed it up for miles. Idiot alert was definitely on high the whole time through that stretch.

Did you guys do the chocolate tour?
I just drove through there with a trailer both east & westbound, twice in the last two weeks. Lucky you didn't catch it last weekend, they had the eastbound side shut down to one lane on Sunday and backed it up for miles. Idiot alert was definitely on high the whole time through that stretch.

Did you guys do the chocolate tour?
Yeah it was pretty gnarly thru there. I had never seen the request for the large vehicles to take the left lane before. Kinda wishing I had ignored it now, but all well.

didn’t get to the chocolate tour. It was in our plans, but it was just so damn hot today that we didn’t last as long as we wanted to. Got in a fair few good rides though. Daughter was only tall enough for one of the roller coasters though so we only did one of them.
Yeah it was pretty gnarly thru there. I had never seen the request for the large vehicles to take the left lane before. Kinda wishing I had ignored it now, but all well.

Probably weren't paying much attention by that point but the right side doesn't meet clearance for 102" width through there, way less room than the left side even. You woulda been that guy taking up 6" of the left lane and keeping anyone else from getting by. The right side is on the edge of the bridges and barriers, I'm surprised they actually are able to keep it open like that.
Probably weren't paying much attention by that point but the right side doesn't meet clearance for 102" width through there, way less room than the left side even. You woulda been that guy taking up 6" of the left lane and keeping anyone else from getting by. The right side is on the edge of the bridges and barriers, I'm surprised they actually are able to keep it open like that.
That makes sense. I thought it was weird. Usually they want the big guys in the right lane.

My favorite today was the lady taking money at the parking lot entrance. I could clearly see they had the far left lane marked for busses, but there was absolutely no way in hell I was going to be able to move four lanes over there with how packed the lanes were pulling in so I stayed where I was. clearance between the booths was a bit close, but still easily doable. After she took my money she was all like “ya know if you had come thru that far left lane the distance between the booths is wider and you wouldn’t have had to come thru so carefully.” I said yeah, but then I would have had to somehow move this giant thing across four absolutely packed lanes of traffic which would have been ten times as difficult as making sure I was lined up to come thru here.
Should have just kept driving. She had no proof. Getting beat to shit by all manner of things is normal wear for a trailer.

The older I get the more I realize being honest is for suckers.
It was 98 when I left Budd lake after work. Tomorrow should be another hot one
I have seen that type of accident involving 18 wheelers a couple of times, driver signals has room and then so dumb ass decides he is going to get in front because he doesn't want to be behind you :mad3:
I hope the rest of the trip is uneventful.
I guess now the wife knows why printed directions were so complicated :laughing:
I had something like that happen on 101 in Ukiah CA March of 2020. I was towing my 18' trailer with my 01 Dodge and went to move to the left lane because there was a solid wall of cars merging onto the highway. Put my blinker on for 20 seconds and double checked my mirrors and over I went. All of a sudden I see a big dust cloud on my left with the front of a car sticking out of it, he got up to the front of my trailer and then he slowed way down, got back on the pavement and wouldn't pass me after that. My son and his girlfriend following me in a 92 Mazda B2200 a ways back said the guy gunned it when he saw my signal come on to try to get around me. He lost.
Probably weren't paying much attention by that point but the right side doesn't meet clearance for 102" width through there, way less room than the left side even. You woulda been that guy taking up 6" of the left lane and keeping anyone else from getting by. The right side is on the edge of the bridges and barriers, I'm surprised they actually are able to keep it open like that.
This. They do that when the lanes are narrowed. You're more likely to stay further away from the barrier if you're in the right lane vs. being able to see it on your left.
Was towing my 40 footer down 5 a month ago or so.

Everyone could see what was happening up ahead so I put on my blinker to move to the left. The guy next to me thought it was a joke until he was in the median.

I get the whole right of way bit.

But if you're to dumb too not be looking ahead 4 to 5 car lengths...Then you get no sympathy from me.

I am not slowing to 35 MPH for your ignorant ass on an Interstate.
Drive Day 8 recap.

shortish drive day of 333 miles but thru PA, NJ, NY, CT, RI, and finally MA. Pulled out of Allentown KOA around 8:30 AM and hopped back on 78. Rode that into Jersey where we got off in Clinton for another Cracker Barrell breakfast and a fuel fill. New Jersey is the only other state besides Oregon where it is illegal to pump your own gas. And of course the jackass at the pump didn’t actually fill the RV tank. He stopped when the pump cut my card off at $95. Luckily it was closeish to being full. Back on the 78 until we hit the split off for 287. Ran into a serious construction traffic jam. Went from 3 lanes down to 1 and come to find out, it was just started today. Got clear of that and proceeded on Into NY and across the Tappanzee Bridge.

when we hit Connecticut we shifted onto 95N thru probably the worst section of freeway we have seen this entire trip. It was so rough one of the cabinets and the fridge popped open and stuff went flying out. Luckily nothing broke. Hell even the dish drying rack wound up in the sink. Somewhere about a half hour before the Rhode Island border we pulled off at a CT Service area for another fuel stop and some snacks. I forgot how nice these are and wish the rest of the country would do stuff like this. Way more convenient. Back on 95 and we came to another traffic jam before the RI border. This time a pretty bad accident with two mangled cars spun out in the ditch off the left lane. Got thru that and entered Rhode Island.

This was kind of a trip for me since I spent 4 years In Providence at college. Did t think I’d ever set foot in this state again. As we were coming up I to Providence we hit more traffic. It was so bad that two cars ahead of me I watched a box truck try to change lanes and smashed right into the back of another car. Luckily they were able to pull off to the side and didn’t look like anyone was hurt. The paper plates on the back of the car however told me it was brand new. Ouch. Rolled thru Providence pointing out my old campus, stomping grounds, my old dorm, etc. I don’t remember traffic thru there ever being that bad when I was in school though. I also found it odd as it’s now summer and half the cities population shouldn’t be there anyway (Providence is home to like 6 colleges). Definitely hit more traffic today than we have on any other day of this trip so far.

After we got thru Providence and my Mom and Mac caught up to us (we got split up in the traffic thru Providence) we exited 95 in Mass and got on 495 towards the Boston/Cape Cod KOA. Arrived around 4:30. Went and checked in and they gave me a site way the fuck back in the boonies away from everything. About the time I got to the site I got a call from my mom to inform me the cabin didn’t have AC and they were going to find a hotel. Ok. I get it. It’s like 95*. So then I pull into our site and go to hook up. WTF? The sewer connection is where it’s supposed to be, but the power and water pedestal are on the passenger side of the rig? Yeah, I can’t hook up here. My power and sewer yes, but no way my water will reach. I called the office and they sent someone up to “help”. Dude literally sits there with a straight face and tells me this is a normal set up. Seriously? Every RV site I have ever seen has EVERYTHING on the drivers side because every RV manufacturer I have ever seen puts EVERYTHING on the drivers side of the rig. I ask for a different site. After a few minutes they reluctantly move me. This site is way better. Right up front by the office, pool, playground, jump pad, ALL of their amenities. Cool. Go to hook up here. Everything is on the right side for my rig, but the sewer line is like 25’ back behind the power pedestal? So I just backed the rig up a few feet and have JUST enough sewer hose to reach.

Wife found some restaurants that deliver via door dash as there apparently isn’t a regular one that delivers here. Ordered food. Chilling. Final drive day tomorrow! We are shooting for an 8 AM departure so we will hopefully make it to the new house by about 3 pm or so.
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