Lets talk about forums and groups ....


Blame Canada
May 1, 2020
Member Number
St.Louis, MO
I should have started this a day or so ago, but here we go…

Seeing a lot of requests for this form or that forum. None of you are being ignored, just trying figure out what we really need.

One thing that seems to be nearly unanimously agreed on is that we wanted less channels than the old PBB. Scrolling was out of control and it made the forum seem less active which is less attractive to new members.

On the other hand groups like Friends of the Rubicon used the Rubicon forum for their trail news and activities. It’s important to me that we accommodate all those groups.

Which brings me to ‘Social Groups’ as VB uses them..

PBB was rocking long before Social Groups were a thing. When they were turned on there, I think we can agree they flopped miserably. Fast forward to today, and I bet there isn’t a FB user here that hasn’t joined some sort of Group/Page on there. If you’re not on FB, trust me they are a F ton of them, and they are handy … like Piratebook for PBB members.

They are the same thing here. With groups, members create and manage their own groups, have subscribers that share ideas, and so forth. They are great for open discussions about a particular subject like cooking, the Rubicon or ‘Soccer Moms for Overlanding’ if that’s your thing.

Being self-managed groups is the key thing here.

Social Groups are just like FB Groups … they’ve just had a bad rap on PBB.

Now .. if we want to stay old skool here we can keep using forums for all these groups, some will just have to share. It would be really nice to not have a homepage that as long as a CVS receipt.

If we start piling on the forums, we’re going to have to break them down the way the Jeep forum is. If you haven’t looked in there check it out, you click ‘Jeep’ and inside there are more available forums on top of a general Jeep forum. The only reason Jeep is that way now is because I was experimenting with that when VS put the nail in PBB so I left it and opened the doors here. You can get a glimpse of subforum activity from the main forum but I hid it in Jeep’s case because the 2 letter model numbers made it look … odd. I’ve enabled them temporarily while we discuss how we want to proceed.

So ….. Thoughts on Groups vs Forums?
I am leaning towards "forums"

On a side note, the "stolen riig/parts" forum. Does anyone actually even look at that? I dont think I ever did on PBB... it not like I ever said to myself, huh....wonder whose rig got stolen?
Meh just leave it brand specific. Have a Jeep forum and the newbie jeep forum and the XJ forum and a TJ forum, etc was retarded. Especially given the lack of content being posted in any of them.
Still think a landuse forum is important. Yeah....landuse has been dead for a while becuase there is no huge threat right now...but the landuse threads were critical on Pirate back in the day. Shot was saved becuase of Pirate
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We need a TP


I guess I'm old school, I don't really care for groups. I'd rather have a forum.

I too would cut back all the subforums, at least until traffic would justify adding them back. I'm not sure your there yet. Some other things like the misc forum could just go away. Classifieds could also be condensed.

Just my opinion.

IMO the Jeep sub forums should be like the old Pbb. Hardcore and non hardcore. You build a CJ, TJ, YJ or JL on tons & 40s, Hardcore. You put a lightbar on your JL, non hardcore.

Anybody building a tube chassis Jeep, back half, ect should post in General 4x4 IMO.
IMO the Jeep sub forums should be like the old Pbb. Hardcore and non hardcore. You build a CJ, TJ, YJ or JL on tons & 40s, Hardcore. You put a lightbar on your JL, non hardcore.

Anybody building a tube chassis Jeep, back half, ect should post in General 4x4 IMO.

I'd go with that
I already know that....................

Why are you ASSuming I don't???????:confused:

Are you fucking high on glue?

If you know there's a TP,
and you know it's takes a paid membership,
and you know there's a fix coming for your snag to getting a paid membership,

. . . why are you shitposting in this thread? :confused:
Still think a landuse forum is important. Yeah....landuse has been dead for a while becuase there is no huge threat right now...but the landuse threads were critical on Pirate back in the day. Shot was saved becuase of Pirate


And one more for forums but less subs. Kurt's done great work.:smokin:
Are you fucking high on glue?

If you know there's a TP,
and you know it's takes a paid membership,
and you know there's a fix coming for your snag to getting a paid membership,

. . . why are you shitposting in this thread? :confused:

Hey fuck you!
You're fucking it up with your ASSumptions. :shaking: :laughing:

I didn't know there was a TP.

And if I want to continue to bitch about payment options so I can throw money at the website, I will.

Are we married???? Fuckin'-A...............
Not on Facebook for a reason. I don't give a damn about groups. I like visiting forums and making snarky and sometimes insightful comments :flipoff2:

Insightful is a hard stretch. I'd say... incessant? Flipoff2
i'm a big fan of fewer forums, there is one toyota forum, but 16 jeep forums and subforums :confused: jeep people can't think outside their bubble than an LS swap into a JK just might be similar to an LS swap into an LJ ?
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Groups are just another manifestation of the Echo Chamber, and the ruination of the internet. PBB is awesome because everyone has to play together.

There's good evidence that the 'Grouping' of the internet is what has caused our bi-polar society and political world. People don't have to play together, so they just veer off farther and farther into la-la land.

PBB persisted b/c it was an oldie but a goodie, true democracy.

If it's not a forum format, there is literally no reason to be here. It's just a small useless Facebook at that point.
This is a tough one

Something specific for land use issues is definitely important, even if it sits vacant most of the time

Also something specific for the Rubicon would probly get a decent amount of traffic

But you don't want to clutter up the home page with a million subs and get lost

And you can't just have the Rubicon as your only trail sub

You could do a trial run of one sub for trails and land use :confused:

See how much traffic it really seems maybe sticky land use up top along with the Rubicon and let the rest just clutter below
This is a tough one

Something specific for land use issues is definitely important, even if it sits vacant most of the time

Also something specific for the Rubicon would probly get a decent amount of traffic

But you don't want to clutter up the home page with a million subs and get lost

And you can't just have the Rubicon as your only trail sub

You could do a trial run of one sub for trails and land use :confused:

See how much traffic it really seems maybe sticky land use up top along with the Rubicon and let the rest just clutter below

Land use, valid for sure.

"Trails" - with as little as the rubicon/4dice and other specific and regional forums get, just have 1 for trail/trip reports etc. Hell, start an "official rubicon update" thread similar to how the "what's the flow rate?" thread to keep things up to date and in one place. more people might actually see what is going around the country that way
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fukkin want to yammer about yer gubermet???
help the sport out
bring in the next gen!
my .02
Land use, valid for sure.

"Trails" - with as little as the rubicon/4dice and other specific and regional forums get, just have 1 for trail/trip reports etc. Hell, start an "official rubicon update" thread similar to how the "what's the flow rate?" thread to keep things up to date and in one place. more people might actually see what is going around the country that way

I meant combine the two into one sub and then ya like you said

Maybe make land use a sticky
Keep the forum a forum. Is it possible to subscribe to an individual section of the forum? That way you could subscribe to land use for example and get notified of any new posts without having to subscribe to every single topic in the section and also get notified of any new threads. That way the section becomes a "group" without losing the forum aspect.
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